Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Warts Information On Sex and Gender Men Women

Discusses about genital warts disease , people will certainly think about sexual intercourse multiple partners . Genital warts disease is one type of disease that is rather difficult to be cured .

A cure for this disease are not known there is really powerful because normally only a wart growth are removed but not with the disease virus .

Genital warts are flat or raised with a stalk ( pedunculated ) like cauliflower , usually grow on the genitals and rectal area . Another name for this disease is condyloma , condylomata acuminata , cock 's comb .

Warts found on the genitals of men and women is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) . There are more than 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of men and women around .

That attacks of genital HPV types can also infect other parts of the body such as the mouth and throat . Most people with HPV do not even know they have the virus in his body . Different HPV symptoms and consequently with the herpes virus or HIV that causes AIDS

Characteristics and Symptoms of Warts in Sex

Warts on the genitals usually looks like small lumps or bumps clustered around the genitals . The genital warts take many forms . There are small , large , protruding or flush with the skin . In severe cases he handled quickly and not be clustered and shaped like a cauliflower or a cock 's comb .

Specialist in skin and venereal diseases can diagnose genital warts just by examining the area around the genitals. Warts on the genitals can occur weeks or months after infection . However , genital warts also can appear even if your partner has no signs of warts on the genitals .

Genital warts are not treated then there are three possibilities that could happen . first he could disappear by itself , the second he will stay that way , and the last is most common kuti increasingly large in size .

Symptoms of genital warts

Genital warts appear about 2-4 weeks after infection , but often need a few months to look real . Warts are usually not painful , but can cause itching . Appearance of warts varies , from completely flat to rough cauliflower .

The warts can be so flat so it is not visible to the naked eye , but can cause pain and itching . They can appear singly or in groups .

In men , genital warts usually appear on the penis or under the foreskin . Genital warts can also appear inside the urethra , usually only in the urethral meatus ( opening of the urethra at the head of the penis ) .

In women , genital warts seen in the vagina , labia or urethra . Both men and women , warts can appear on the rectum and surrounding areas .

Warts in Men Sex

In those men who have sex with men other than genital warts , warts also commonly appear in the anal region . In homosexual men , the warts will be at risk of anal cancer . So it is important to conduct tests in order to know the symptoms of human papillomavirus in a high-risk sexually transmitted disease . In men who have a high risk of HPV infection HPV vaccination should be doing . Also required is a routine inspection when it comes to the health services .

Warts on Women Sex

Infection of genital warts in women if left untreated will occur and cancer of the cervix or the cervix in women . Cervical cancer is difficult to identify early because usually do not have severe symptoms . So it is very important for women to be screened annually for routine cervical cancer screening .

Screening tests may see early symptoms of genital warts so that it can be addressed early on before they turn into cancer cells .

In addition to laboratory screening tests , HPV testing can also be done with a pap smear test to determine the impact of condylomata acuminata in the female reproductive organs .

Currently on a lot of young women have been encouraged to make HPV vaccination before marriage .

How Warts Sex Disease Transmission

Genital warts are transmitted primarily through sexual intercourse . In rare cases , infection can occur indirectly after using contaminated towels . Babies can also be infected during the birth process .

Sex Warts Treatment

Patients who have been infected with genital warts are advised to immediately carry out the treatment as soon as possible before the HPV virus that causes genital warts more and more ( proliferating ) cells in the blood .

The longer it continues, it will aggravate the condition of vital organs due to genital warts will continue to grow so it looks like a chicken's comb , to newly infected patients is less than one month will usually addressed faster .

Ways that are often done to remove genital warts is to pembedahah or surgery , this method would require a lot of fund .

The preferred method of surgery that you can do , among others :

1 . Cryotherapy

This type of surgery performed to freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen . However , this can cause your skin area around the blister .

2 . Electrocautery

This procedure uses an electrical current to burn off warts .

3 . Surgical excision

This type of surgery is done to bypass existing warts on your sex organs . When you perform this surgery , you need local anesthesia .

4 . Therapy Laser

The doctor uses an intense beam of light and the type of treatment is usually done when the size of the wart you have very large and difficult to treat .