Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Understanding the Circulatory System In Humans

Understanding the human circulatory system is not easy . Because multi - organ involve systemically move a substance from one cell to another cell . Human circulatory system is also called the cardiovascular system . He also serves as the support is also temperature stable pH in the body, these points in more detail there is on the part of homeostasis . The blood circulation in humans is carried by blood cells through the blood vessels of course . Therefore sometimes also called a closed circulation . Blood circulation in humans is divided into two namely large or systemic blood circulation and blood circulation is small or known as pulmonary .

In large or systemic circulatory system , major blood begins its journey from the heart exactly in the aorta towards the body parts lainnyaa bagik the upper body and the lower part of the human body . By using veins or arteries , the blood oxygen -rich elements will run and spread towards every organ system . Therefore , the blood circulation is called the great blood circulation . The sequence of the journey as follows .

Meanwhile , a small circulatory or pulmonary circulatory system is a human blood containing dirty and transported by the pulmonary artery from the right side of the porch to the lungs . In the lungs will take an activity " cleaning " so in the end it is clear that the blood to be transported out of the lung using the pulmonary veins to the heart and exactly in the left ventricle . The route of the small circulatory system can be seen in the following figure .

Circulatory system in humans was done by several components in the human body itself, among others, blood , blood vessels and heart . These three components have their respective functions . The question now is , why blood must be circulated ? Another reason is because the blood does not contain food juices are also oxygen . Blood is also a stabilizer of the human body temperature . He was also instrumental in distributing the liquid . Water is needed by the body in the enzymatic reaction procedures in order to maintain the osmotic pressure of the human body . Another function of blood is as a means of transportation that circulate lymph . He also prevent the human body from infection because it forms antibodies that putuh blood cells are also cells to close the wound to prevent microbial contamination . Other functions are to mengatus blood acid-base balance or level of hemoglobin in the human body .

Circulatory system in humans can not be separated from the heart organ and blood vessels as well . Heart contained in the chest cavity pda section and just above the diaphragm . It comprises several parts among other ata wrapping heart , myocardium , limiting room for the heart and others . There are 4 rooms in the heart of the 2 porches and 2 cubicles . Play a role in heart pumps blood throughout the body . In the human circulatory system , the heart of the work is also not free of blood vessels both the arteries and veins or arteries or venna . Both vessels have different functions . Arteries , for example , it has a function to drain the blood out of the heart in order . Smenetara it venna vein or just the opposite , he blood flow into the heart region . Both of these vessels have different characteristics that can be observed in the following figure .