Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Fundamental Differences Between Sex And Herpes Herpes Zoster

Quite different types of skin diseases that interfere with a person's daily activities and one type of skin diseases that interfere with it is herpes .

Knowing some of the causes and symptoms of herpes as well as the differences , will assist you in finding the right treatment for herpes and avoid the things that cause herpes disease .

Basically , all the knowledge you can get through a magazine or a medical article about herpes . In the following article , the author tries to provide important information about some of the differences in genital herpes and shingles .

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse . This virus attacks the limbs in the genital or oral .

Herpes simplex virus has two kinds of types: HSV - 1 ( which usually affects the lips , mouth , or gums ) and HSV - 2 ( genital area that appears ) . In the HSV - 2 virus can also infect the mouth when performing oral sex .

Herpes zoster or shingles snake is a disease caused by the herpes varicella zoster virus ( the cause of chicken pox ) which re-emerged in a different form . Anyone who has had chicken pox then the virus will always be in the body .

The varicella-zoster virus becomes active again when the immune system decreases . Redness of the skin are usually located at the back of the shoulders and rotate to the front of the chest down to the stomach area or to the chest. Sometimes injuries also arise also in the area of ​​the face , eyes , mouth , or ears .

Shingles usually occurs in older people and people who have weakened immune systems because of stress , injury , certain medicines , or other reasons . Most people who get shingles will recover and will not recur again .

Gender differences with Shingles Herpes

herpes Sex

Genital herpes occurs in the skin and genital mucosa such as the mouth .
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus ( HSV ) .
Genital herpes is also a disease of recurrent herpes simplex who once suffered .
Transmission of genital herpes through direct contact such as kissing and sexual intercourse .
Genital herpes who attack pregnant women can make babies with disabilities.
herpes Zoster

Herpes Zoster or shingles snakes occur in dry skin such as the back , abdomen , neck , chest and others.
Causes Shingles is the chickenpox virus ( varicella zoster Herpes Virus ) .
Herpes zoster is a recurrent disease after a person has been exposed to chicken pox .
Mode of transmission fluid through the shingles can be like through sneezing , coughing and others.
Herpes zoster or herpes skin does not cause harm to the fetus when exposed to pregnant women .
Gender differences with Shingles Herpes Based cause

Gender differences with Herpes Shingles is caused by the herpes zoster occurs when the virus that causes chickenpox reactivates in your body . After you recover from chickenpox , the virus will be sleeping or inactive in your nerve roots .

In some people , the virus will not be active for good . But in other people , the virus can wake up ( active return ) when you are attacked by disease , stress , or aging weakens the immune system .

Some medications can trigger the virus to wake up and cause the shingles rash . It is unclear why this could happen . But after the virus becomes active again , it can only cause shingles , not chickenpox again .

You can not catch shingles from someone else who has shingles . But there is a small possibility that people with a shingles rash can spread the virus to other people who have never had chickenpox and have not received the chickenpox vaccine .

Differences with shingles genital herpes is genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by HSV - 2 virus that is transmitted through vaginal , oral , or anal . People who are infected with HSV- 1 ( the type of virus that causes sores or blisters around the mouth ) can transmit the virus through oral sex to their partner 's genitals .

Gender differences with Shingles Herpes Symptoms Based

Differences with genital herpes shingles symptoms of shingles that occur in gradually. At first you may have a headache and be sensitive to light . You also may feel like the flu, but do not have a fever . Then the itching , tingling , or pain in a particular area . Then came a rash on several parts of the body a few days later .

The rash then turns into blisters filled with fluid . It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the blisters to heal and it can leave a scar . In some people just get a mild rash , and some other people do not even get a rash at all .

There is a possibility that you could also feel weak and dizzy , or you could have long -term pain or a rash on your face , reduced vision , reduced speed of thought , or a rash that keeps spreading . If you have any of the symptoms of herpes zoster , immediately contact your doctor to find ways to treat shingles right .

Differences with genital herpes shingles are on the genital herpes , the symptoms will appear 2 to 20 days after infection with the virus . The first symptoms of genital herpes are itching or pain , followed by the appearance of the wound within a few hours to a few days later .

Red rash will appear on the vagina , penis , scrotum , buttocks , or anus and then later turn into fluid-filled blisters . The wound will cause pain during urination . The entire genital area may feel tender and painful , and the patient may have flu-like symptoms such as fever , headache , and swollen lymph nodes .