Minggu, 05 Januari 2014


understanding HIV
HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human body 's immune system - especially CD4 + T cells and macrophages , a vital component of the immune system system " host " - and destroy or impair their function . HIV infection causes a rapid reduction of the immune system , which causes immune deficiency . HIV is the basic cause of AIDS .
From the results of the study , all patients with HIV / AIDS who have entered into the phase seropositive , asymptomatic hypothyroidism .
The term has been used since 1986 HIV ( Coffin et al . , 1986) as the name for the retrovirus that was first proposed as the cause of AIDS by Luc Montagnier of France , which was originally named it LAV ( lymphadenopathy - associated virus ) ( Barre - Sinoussi et al . , 1983 ) and by Robert Gallo of the United States , which was originally named HTLV - III (human T lymphotropic virus type III ) ( Popovic et al . , 1984) . The phylogenetic tree of the SIV and HIV viruses .
HIV is a member of the lentivirus genus , part of the family Retroviridae are characterized by a long latency period and a cover of lipids from host cells surrounding a central initial protein / RNA . Two species of HIV infect humans : HIV - 1 and HIV - 2 . HIV - 1 is more " virulent " and more easily transmitted , and is the source of most HIV infections throughout the world ; HIV - 2 is still mostly confined to west Africa ( Reeves and Doms , 2002) . Both species originated in west and central Africa , jumping from primates to humans in a process known as zoonosis .
HIV - 1 has evolved from a simian immunodeficiency virus ( SIVcpz ) found in the chimpanzee subspecies , Pan troglodytes . HIV - 2 is a species of a different strain of SIV , sooty mangabeys are found in , Old World monkey of Guinea - Bissau ( Reeves and Doms , 2002) .
Three groups of HIV - 1 has been identified by the expression of the viral genome called env , namely : M , N and O. Group M env is the most common genome with 8 subtype differences influenced the geographical factors , among others : B ( in the United States and Europe ) , A and D ( in Africa ) , C ( in Africa and Asia ) . subsequent infection by a different subtype , raises circulating recombinant forms [ 2 ] (English : circulating recombinant forms, CRF ) .
Recombinant form of the first to be discovered was the recombinant AG of central and western Africa , then recombinant AGI of Greece and Cyprus , recombinant AE AB from Russia and southeast Asia . Nevertheless , CRF AE precursor form of type E still missing . 47 % of infections occur in all parts of the world is subtype C , 27 % in the form CRF02_AG , 12.3 % in subtype B , 4 % were subtype D , and 4 % is an AE CRF , the remaining 5.7 % composed of other subtypes and CRFs . The last 95 % of HIV research is focused on subtype B , sedangkn several laboratories using subtype C.
structure of HIV
HIV is different in structure to retroviruses described previously . The magnitude of about 120 nm in diameter ( trillionth 120 billion meters , approximately 60 times smaller than a red blood cell ) and roughly " spherical "
            Here are some important points in the case with HIV / AIDS :
a) The means Penularanya
Ø Alternate sexual partners , or sexual intercourse with a person infected with HIV virus
Ø Put used needles and HIV-infected individuals
Ø Receiving a blood transfusion with HIV -tainted blood
Ø Pregnant women infected with HIV will transmit to the baby in kandunganya

b ) How to Overcome / Pengobatanya
     Until now have not found a way of treatment of HIV / AIDS finished . Currently , there is only helping the patient to maintain his health .
c ) How to Safely Avoid
Ø Not changing partners , and avoiding sexual relations outside of marriage
Ø As far as possible avoid blood transfusion unclear origin
Ø Using tools of medical and nonmedical guaranteed sterile
d ) The characteristics of people infected with HIV / AIDS
Ø flu and diarrhea after a few weeks the patient is infected
Ø After 5-6 years infected patient will experience :
· Arise recurrent diarrhea
· Sudden weight loss
· Frequent canker sores in the mouth
· There was crusting in the lymph nodes