Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Prostate Cancer

The prostate gland is a gland of the male reproductive system located at the base or neck of the bladder . These glands consist of the testes , scrotum , penis and other accessory sex organs .

The prostate gland is a small, sleek , size of a walnut and is located in the neck of the bladder and in front of the rectum ( anus ) and surrounds the urethra ( urinary tract ) .

The prostate produces a milky fluid that is cement , which will be added to the sperm during ejaculation . The seminal vesicles are located just above the prostate are two small glands that secrete about 60 % of the substances that make up semen . While on the nerves that control the prostate is located erectile function .

Prostate Gland Function

Scientists do not yet know all the functions of the prostate . But as part of the male reproductive system , one of its main roles are :

Pressing whitish fluid ( semen ) into the urethra ( urinary tract ) as the semen during sexual climax .
Prostatic fluid , which helps make semen , sperm of energy , is the largest part of the volume of ejaculate and make the vaginal canal becomes less acidic .

Prostate Cancer

What is a prostate cancer ? The prostate gland is an organ found only in men , which means that the only man who can get prostate cancer . Cancer occurs when normal cells begin to grow and flourish without their normal controls . After the cells undergo conversion , they proliferate and form a mass / lump called a tumor . Due to uncontrolled growth , the tumor can invade surrounding tissue and reach other organs through the bloodstream . This is called a malignant tumor ( cancer ) .

The process by which the cancer can invade and spread to other organs is called metastasis . Cancer tissue invade the tissues around them and take the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive . Nearly all prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas of the prostate , which means that they are derived from cells of the prostate gland secretion .

How does the incidence of prostate cancer ?

In the United States , prostate cancer is a malignancy in men and ranks second after lung cancer . Each year approximately 200,000 new cases are diagnosed and about 30,000 men die from prostate cancer . Prostate cancer is also the second leading cause of death from cancer in men after lung cancer .

Prostate cancer occurs in 1 out of 6 people . Cases increased rapidly in recent years and the mortality rate decreased , which may be due to increased screening and early detection . The risk of developing prostate cancer increases significantly with age , and 60 % of newly diagnosed cases occur in men over the age of 70 .

Causes and Factors of Prostate Cancer

Research shows that , like other cancers , prostate cancer is a multifactorial disease that is a combination of heredity , ethnicity , hormones , diet and environment . Can not be ascertained the cause , but there are some things that can be a factor of a person's risk of prostate cancer .

The risk factors are :

1 . Factor Age .
Increased risk of prostate cancer at age > 50 years .

2 . Ethnic Factor .
Risk African American men and 1.5 to 2 times more likely to get prostate cancer than whites .

3 . Heredity .
Men with a history of prostate cancer in their families , at risk 2-3 times greater .

4 . Factor Eating Habits .
High-fat diet has been associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer .

5 . Factor Chemistry .
Exposure to chemicals such as cadmium have been implicated in the progression of prostate cancer .

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Most men with prostate cancer have no symptoms and this is especially true in the early stages of the disease . This means that many prostate cancers are not detected until the cancer has spread beyond the prostate . Where are the signs and symptoms , their characteristics depending on the severity of cancer and cancer spread . If the cancer is detected in its early stages , most men will not experience any symptoms .

Symptoms usually appear when the tumor of cause obstruction ( blockage ) in the urinary bladder neck or urethra .

Signs and symptoms are:

CHAPTER often , especially at night .
Difficulty in starting and stopping the flow of urine .
Painful urination .
weak or interrupted flow of urine ( urinary retention ) .
lampias feeling when urinating . Usually the complaint is also found in benign prostate enlargement or prostate infection .
Signs and symptoms when it reaches an advanced stage , namely :

The presence of blood in the urine .
Pain during ejaculation .
Burning or painful urination .
Erectile Dysfunction .
If prostate cancer has spread to the lymph nodes located in the pelvis , can cause pain or stiffness in the lower back , hips or upper thighs and discomfort in the pelvic area .
Bladder function above will be broken .
Often experience recurrent urinary infections .
Advanced prostate cancer that has spread to the bone can cause bone pain , especially in the hip and spine , broken bones , weakening of bones and spinal compression .
Handling and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Medical treatment options for treating prostate cancer is not a "one size fits all " for prostate cancer . The selection of treatment depends on age , general medical condition , life expectancy , how fast it grows and how much the cancer has spread , and the benefits and possible side effects of treatment . A treatment plan must be individualized for each patient depending on the physician to determine treatment and possible side effects of therapy .

Medical options for treating prostate cancer are :

Radiation .
Hormone therapy .
Operation .
Transurethral resection of the prostate ( TURP ) is used in the early stages of the disease to dispose of the tissue block urination .
Chemotherapy .

Complications of prostate cancer may occur and are usually caused by the cancer itself or because of the treatment . Urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction are the most feared men who have prostate cancer . However, there are therapies to help alleviate or treat this condition .

Complications of prostate cancer :

1 . Cancer spread ( metastasis ) .

Prostate cancer can metastasize to nearby organs , bones , lungs or lymph nodes . Treatment for prostate cancer that has spread can be done with hormone therapy , radiation therapy and chemotherapy .

2 . Painful once .

cancer has reached the bone , terapikanker Treatment aims to relieve pain can often be significant .

3 . Urinary bedwetting ( incontinence ) .

both prostate cancer and its treatment can lead to incontinence . Treatment depends on the type of incontinence , including behavior modification treatments , exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles , drugs and catheter .

4 . Erectile dysfunction or impotence .

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by prostate cancer or its treatment , including surgical treatment , radiation or hormones . Some drugs with a vacuum device that will help overcome erectile dysfunction .

5 . Depression .

many people may feel depressed after being diagnosed with prostate cancer or after trying to cope with the side effects of treatment . Treatments such as counseling or antidepressants can make a significant difference .

Is prostate cancer be prevented ?

Of course not , but some steps can be taken to reduce the risk or inhibit the progression of the disease , namely :

1 . Nutrition is good .

Reduce consumption of fatty foods and increase the amount of fruits , vegetables and whole grains , can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer . Garlic , arugula , bok choy , broccoli , Brussels sprouts , cabbage and cauliflower can also help fight cancer . Diet foods that contain substances called antioxidants ( vitamins C and E and beta carotene ) may be protective ( tomatoes , oranges , watermelon ) . Several studies have shown that consuming vitamin E or antioxidants may reduce the risk of prostate cancer also other solid organ tumors .

2 . Sounds.

Exercise can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by boosting the immune system , improve circulation and accelerate the digestion process that may play a role in cancer prevention . Regular exercise also plays an important role in preventing benign prostate enlargement .

Early Detection of Prostate Cancer

What is the early detection ? The purpose of screening ( screening ) for cancer is to detect cancers at an early stage , before symptoms develop . Screening for prostate cancer can quickly and easily help detect prostate cancer early , making it easier to treat .

Early detection of prostate cancer are:

1 . Examination Prostate Specific Antigen Test ( PSA ) .
Prostate is a protein that circulates in the bloodstream in very small quantities . If there is a problem with the prostate ( enlargement , infection , inflammation , cancer ) , this protein is released in large amounts in the blood . How PSA test , draw a small amount of blood from the arm , and then if the measured PSA levels < 4 mg / ml PSA is generally considered normal , while the results of > 10 mg / mL is generally considered to be high .

2 . Ultrasound prostate .

3 . Digital rectal examination .
During the digital rectal , the doctor inserts a gloved finger , lubricated jelly into the rectum to check the prostate to detect irregularities in size , shape or texture . Digital rectal can be used by urologists to help distinguish between prostate cancer and non - cancerous conditions , such as benign prostatic hyperplasia . While it may be somewhat less convenient , an annual digital rectal examination can be a fast , simple manner , save lives .

If prostate cancer is detected early, when it is still confined to the prostate gland , you have a better chance to get the best treatment .