Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Liver Disease And Prevention

Liver , a large organ located in the lower right side of the rib cage has a variety of functions , namely as the formation of blood plasma and blood coagulant , as a place penyimapanan mineral substances , such as iron , potassium and copper , water storage reserves , and the burning of sugar and cholesterol formation . He also converts fat into fatty acids . Toxic substances that enter from outside the body and is formed in the body will be thrown into the hearts together bile into the intestines .

Liver disease can be caused by a virus , which is known as hepatitis A , hepatitis B , or hepatitis non- A and non-B In addition, liver disease can also be derived from the pattern of consumption of the wrong foods or substances contained in medicinal chemistry , such as antibiotics , paracetamol , arsenal , and drugs consumed by humans in the form of fast food dishes . Do not forget also that substances contamination of air pollution is able to attack the liver are slowly but surely . Lead ( Pb ) and cadmium ( Cd ) is the largest of all kntaminan metal dust in the air . Pb and Cd largest contribution comes from motor vehicle exhaust in addition to polluting the air , also can contaminate food and water . Pollutants will tersebuta akumulatiof stored in the liver and in the long term can lead to cirrhosis of the liver .

Alcoholic beverages that are part of most of the celebrity lifestyle can also lead to cirrhosis of the liver after in knsumsi in a long time . In addition to the liver , alcohol may also menyerangt heart muscles and brain .

Patients with liver disorders are encouraged to eat foods that are steamed or boiled and avoid fried foods , because fat daoat stimulates the liver to work hard in a state hospital . Also to be avoided are too many dishes containing vinegar , ginger , chili , onions , and spices , such as pepper , nutmeg , and materials - bahyan ketumbarm because they can stimulate the stomach , and liver reflexively become painful . Comparison of foods containing prosperity , protein , and karbohidary is 1:1:5