Kamis, 09 Januari 2014


Candidiasis is an opportunistic infection ( OI ) is very common in people with HIV infection . The infection is caused by a common fungus called candida . This fungus , a kind of yeast , is found in most people's bodies . A healthy immune system keeps it under control . Candida usually infects the mouth , throat and vagina . The IO may occur months or years before other, more serious IO . See Fact Sheet ( LI ) 500 for more information on IO .
In the mouth , the infection is called thrush . When the infection spreads deeper into the throat , it is called esophagitis . Small white patches like foam , or red spots . This disease can cause sore throat , difficulty swallowing , nausea , and loss of appetite .
Candidiasis is different from the sprue , although the cloud is often referred to it as thrush . See Fact Sheet 624 for information about the correct sprue .
Candidiasis of the vagina is called vaginitis . This disease is common . Symptoms include itching , burning, and a thick white liquid . Candida can also spread and cause infection in the brain , heart , joints , and eyes .
There is no way to prevent exposure to candida . Generally , the drug used to prevent candidiasis . There are several reasons :

These diseases are not so bad
There are effective drugs to treat the disease
This type of fungus can become immune ( resistant ) to medications
Strengthens the immune system with antiretroviral therapy ( ART ) is the best way to prevent the outbreak of candidiasis .
A healthy immune system can keep the candida is kept in balance . Bacteria normally found in the body also can help control it . Some antibiotics kill bacteria and can cause candidiasis . Treating candidiasis can not eradicate the fungus. Treatment will control mold so as not excessive .
Treatment can be local or systemic . Local treatment is given at the site of infection . Systemic treatments affect the entire body . Many doctors prefer to use local treatment first. Local drugs cause fewer side effects than systemic treatment . Also the risk of drug-resistant candida becomes lower . The drugs used to combat candida is an antifungal medication . Almost all the name ends in "- azole ' . They include clotrimazole , nystatin , fluconazole , and itraconazole .
Natural therapies
Some non - drug therapy seems to help . They have not been carefully studied to prove the results .
Reducing consumption of sugar .
Pau d' Arco tea drinking . It is made from the bark of a South American tree .
Wearing raw garlic or garlic supplements . Garlic is known to have antifungal and antibacterial effects . However , it can interfere with protease inhibitor drugs .
Gargle with tea tree oil ( tea tree oil ) dissolved in water .
Wearing capsule Lactobacillus (acidophilus ) , or eating yogurt with this bacterium . Make sure the product contains a culture that is alive and active . It may be worth taking it after taking antibiotics .
Take supplements of gamma - linolenic acid ( GLA ) and biotin . They both seem to help slow the spread of candida . GLA is found in some cold-pressed oil . Biotin is a vitamin B.