Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Various Viruses Cause Disease

Human beings are prone to live with the disease . The causes may vary , but the most common is a virus , the parasitic microbe with microscopic size and tend to work by infecting its host . In fact the virus is still a matter of debate among experts on its status as a living being . Why ? Because the fact that he can not perform activities of living beings if it is outside of its host . So far, the virus is closely related to a particular disease associations . What is it? Here we present a brief description of the various viral diseases are most common infecting humans .
Influenza Virus . Almost everyone has been exposed to the flu . Symptoms include head feels heavy , runny nose , itchy throat , sneezing and many others . The cause of this disease is a virus called influenza .
Bird Flu Virus . Another name is H5N1 or in English known as avian influenza . This virus is showing symptoms similar to influenza viruses , only the bird flu , the patient experienced a trend of more severe symptoms and often leads to death .
SARS virus . This virus causes the disease Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome which is an acute respiratory illness . This disease can lead to severe infections of the respiratory tract and often lead to death . The disease is closely related to the SARS virus infection that attacks the lungs and result in drastically reduced white blood cell .
Herpes simplex virus . Micro - organisms are the result of the herpes disease is quite disturbing . This disease affects the skin with symptoms such as skin inflammation and redness, stinging , itching and heat . The peak skin will blister . If left unchecked, this could have been a viral infection to the nervous system and cause more serious symptoms .
Papillomavirus . The virus this one is one of the causes of cervical cancer in women . How it works by generating warts or papillomas on the cervix .
Varicella zoster virus . This type of virus that can cause the disease we know as smallpox . Symptoms include elevated body temperature and peak appears watery spots and visible blisters .
HIV virus . The disease is caused by a malignant virus is AIDS . Until now , not yet discovered an antidote that can restore a normal state to AIDS patients infected with the HIV virus before . Generally , the spread of the virus through needle and the whole sexual relationship .
Still there are many kinds of viral diseases. We present only source of viral disease most commonly found in our daily lives . Looking at the list above , we are required to live a more sterile in order to avoid bad influences viruses are able to infect the body and cause several serious diseases .