Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Maintain a Healthy Liver To stay

Maintaining health in the midst of the pile up is a priority you should be doing . Without conscious of your liver , and increasingly heavy work hard every day . Either due to lifestyle and diet can not fully meet the balanced nutritional intake . Liver is an important organ that helps you to detoxify , regulate metabolism of the body and form antibodies to the body's defense system . Keeping the liver to stay healthy from now on , because its function is very important and there is only 1 piece only in our body ( like the heart ) .

The cause inflammation of the liver or liver is :

Unhealthy lifestyle
High activity and excessive exercise being offset by rest and good sleep patterns .
Drinking excessive drug
Eating foods that are unhealthy and unhygienic
Excessive alcohol drinking
Irregular eating patterns and unbalanced
Recognizing the symptoms and keep the liver healthy:

Easily tired and lethargic
Pain in the right side of the abdomen
Loss of appetite
Nausea , vomiting , and diarrhea
Skin and eye color yellowish or even yellow
Sometimes joint pain
Dark -colored urine , such as tea water
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis virus . Type of hepatitis is often found that the hepatitis A , B , and C , hepatitis A is acute and rarely becomes chronic . While hepatitis B and C include chronic liver disease or chronic which can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer if not treated properly . Many people do not realize that because hepatitis is usually asymptomatic in awlanya . Patients can suffer more than one type of hepatitis at the same time . However , there are also yanhg hit a new type of hepatitis hepatitis followed another . Inflammation of the liver or liver caused by the Hepatitis viruses A, B , and C have high pravalensi in Indonesia , the results showed 20 million people in Indonesia infected by hepatitis A , another 20 million more people exposed to hepatitis B , 8 million more Indonesian population have hepatitis C .

Keeping the liver to stay healthy is by eating ginger . Wild Ginger ( Curcuma xanthorriza ) derived from the family Zingiberaceae , commonly found in the tropical forests , including in Indonesia . In terms of quality , including the Indonesian ginger is best , when compared with other countries . Ginger rhizome contains curcumin acts : Increasing the activity of the enzyme glutathione S - transferase ( GST ) and Glutathione keompok other enzymes ( Gs - x ) in the liver which have important pernana as detoksifkasi and antioxidants . Curcuma Curcuma or Xanthorrizha been known by Indonesian people as a beneficial herb that long ago .