Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Gonorrhoea (gonorrhea)

Venereal disease caused by gonococcal bacteria . is a disease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse and is very contagious . Infection does not always happen when sexual intercourse is safe .


 In men :
Viscous fluid / pus out of the opening of the urethra
Pain / burning sensation during urination .
In women :
There are no symptoms in 60 % of women
The discharge hole intercourse ( vaginal )
Pain / heat during urination
In newborns :
Thick yellow fluid from the eye


Genita infections and urinary tract by Neisseira gonococcal bacteria , is transmitted through sexual intercourse vaginal / oral / anal and direct contact . Newborns transmitted by contact with infectious fluids from the hole copulation / pussy .


The spread of infection to the testicles ( in men ) and fallopian tube ( in women ) , causing infertility .
The spread of infection to the joints causing arthritis
Blindness ( in infants )


See a doctor if suspect infection
Invite your partner to seek treatment , if not you will get infected again
Avoid intercourse until cleared by a doctor .


Check for gonorrhea genital fluids
Treating with antibiotics
Perform cure test 3-7 days after treatment is completed .


Intercourse only with your spouse , and always faithful
Use latex condoms every time you have sexual relations , except for wanting a child
Avoid sexual intercourse with a prostitute , a friend and partner alternated
Avoid contact with the body are ready to discharge her genitals , wounds on the genitals .