Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

In disorders of urinary system

Urinal System or usually called the urogenital system is a system in which the blood screening process so that the blood is free from substances which are not used by the body and absorbed substances are still used by the body . Substances which are not used by the body is water soluble and secreted form of urine ( urine) .
The composition of the urinary system ( urinary system ) in the human body are the kidneys , ureters , urinary bladder , and urethra . In the urinary system , there could be disturbances . Detail , the disturbances are as follows .
I. urogenital tract INFECTION
Urogenital tract infections are generally caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli . Can be caused by Proteus , Klebsiella , and Staphylococcus especially when being catheterized . In the urogenital tract , the disease can occur , such as :
1 . Cystitis
Cystitis is an infection of the urinary tract , which is more common in women than men , because the mouth of the urethra and vagina of women close to the anal area . Risk factors cystitis is intercourse , pregnancy , bladder neurogenis , catheter placement , state - objec obstructive and diabetes mellitus . If it continues , will cause the germs up from the bladder to the renal pelvis , which is called pyelonephritis . Patients will feel complaints such as cystitis dysuria ( pain during micturition ) , frequent urination , urination continues to feel wanted , and pain over the suprapubic area .
2 . Pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis . The most common cause of this disease is a bacteria that comes from the bladder that extends up to the renal pelvis . There are acute pyelonephritis and there are chronic . There are two types of chronic pyelonephritis , which is caused by the reflux pyelonephritis vesikouretral which can lead to infection and peripheral papillae compounds in polar renal scarring . And pyelonephritis caused by urinary tract obstruction that causes high pressure behind the flow of urine , which causes infections of all papillae , renal scarring spreading and thinning of the renal cortex layer .

II . glomerular disease
1 . Glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis is a disease caused by infection in the nasopharynx by β - hemolytic Streptococcus . More often affects children , the symptoms are acute edema , oiguria , proteinuria , urine color , and commonly accompanied by hypertension . The disease is an autoimmune disease because merupaka antibodies that destroy the basement membrane gromerulus body itself . This disease can lead to kidney failure .
2 . Nephrotic syndrome ( nephrosis )
Nephrosis can lead to glomerulonephritis , the dominant symptom is albuminaria ( > 3.5 g / day ) . The loss of protein due to increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane . The result is hypoalbuminemia which causes generalized edema .

III . Urinary tract obstruction
Urinary tract obstruction caused by prostatic hypertrophy , kidney stones and kidney tumors . Obstructive disorders can lead to severe kidney dysfunction which include hemorrhage and renal failure , if not addressed .
1 . Prostate Hypertrophy
The cause is suspected imbalance male and female sex hormones , which occurrence with increasing age . Usually testosterone is the primary androgen in the blood and form two metabolites , namely : β - estradiol and dihydrotestosterone . Estradiol is a steroid that has estrogenic properties . He usually works in conjunction with androgens , but can work independently with the opposite effect with androgens . Testosterone and its metabolites are working together produce prostatic hyperplasia . In men over 60 years he , decreased plasma testosterone , but had prostatic hypertrophy may occur 10-20 years before there was a decrease in plasma levels .

Renal disease is a disease in which kidney function has decreased until finally no longer able to work at all in terms of filtering the disposal of the body electrolytes , maintain fluid balance and body chemicals such as sodium and potassium in the blood or urine production . Kidney disease can affect anyone who suffers a serious illness or injury where it impacts directly on the kidney itself . Kidney disease more often dialamai those aged adults , especially in the elderly .
1 . Acute Renal Failure
Acute renal failure is a clinical syndrome in which renal function declined rapidly within a few days or weeks so that the kidneys are no longer excrete waste products of metabolism , usually due to renal hypoperfusion . Glomerular filtration rate decreases rapidly lead to azotemia ( uremia ) , namely :
• Increased nitrogen waste products in the blood ( serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen / BUN ( Blood Urea Nitrogen )
• Oliguria
Symptoms and clinical signs , hypotension , oligria , electrolyte imbalance , anemia , azotemia ( elevated creatinine , phosphate , and urea in the blood due to the breakdown of muscle protein and the inability to excrete metabolites ) .
Some kidney problems happen quickly , for example, an accident that injures the kidneys . Blood loss can cause kidney failure suddenly . Some drugs and toxins can stop the work of the kidneys . Decreased renal function suddenly is called acute renal failure (acute renal failure / ARF ) . ARF may lead to permanent loss of kidney function . But when the kidneys are severely damaged , kidney failure may be recovered .
2 . Acute Tubular Necrosis
Causes of Acute Tubular Necrosis ( NTA ) is ischemia and nephrotoxins . Ischemia for 25 min or less resulted in minor damage and is reversible . 2 hours of ischemia caused heavy damage is irreversible . A nephrotoxic antibiotics ( aminoglycosides , penicillins , cephalosporins , tetracyclines , and sulfonamides ) , heavy metals ( cisplatin ) , radiocontrast agents , endogenous toxins ( myoglobin , hemoglobin ) .

3 . Chronic Renal Failure
Travelling with chronic renal failure or chronic stage begins covering with decreased renal reserve , occurring subsequent renal insufficiency, renal failure , and the last uremia ( the last stage of renal failure ) . A state characterized by the irreversible nephron function is reduced . Progressive kidney damage progresses . The journey to uremia gradually underway for quite a long time ( several years ) . If the kidneys can no longer maintain fluid and electrolyte balance is needed dialysis ( hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis ) .

Causes of chronic renal disease , namely :
1 ) disease is an immunological
• Glomerulonephritis
• systemic lupus erythematosus
• Polyarteritis nodosa
2 ) Infection
• pyelonephritis
• Tuberculosis
3 ) Obstruction of urine
• Prostate Hypertrophy
• Kidney stones
• Constriction of urine
• neoplasms

4 ) Metabolic Diseases
• Diabetes mellitus
• Uric acid
5 ) vascular disease
• Hypertension
• infarction
6 ) Diseases hereditar / default
• Polycystic kidney disease
7 ) nephrotoxins
• analgesics or pain
• Heavy metal poisoning