Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Pulmonary tuberculosis

TB disease is one type of disease that infects the respiratory tract caused by bacteria . Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that usually attacks the nature respiratory tract or lungs .

In developing countries , tuberculosis is one death threat second only to HIV / AIDS . In Indonesia alone , the rate of TB patients is estimated at 289 per 100 thousand inhabitants and an incidence of 189 per 100 thousand inhabitants .

Pulmonary tuberculosis often sometimes spelled lung spots . Because when seen from the photo or chest X-ray visible spots foggy white .

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

Common symptoms are common and visible are :

Coughing up phlegm can be 1 week to months .
Decreased appetite .
Body weight decreased .
The body looks thin .
Night sweats .
Fever .
Cough Blood .
Modes of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis

Modes of transmission of tuberculosis is through droplet or air dew point in batukkan TB patients . At the time of droplets coughed out with bacteria inhaled by the person or the person you are talking about . Bacterial germs get into the lungs and multiply resulting in infection .

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

To diagnose tuberculosis , the doctor will perform a physical examination , especially in the area of ​​the lung / chest , and may request additional examinations such as chest x-rays , laboratory tests for sputum and blood , as well tuberculin test ( Mantoux / PPD ) . TB treatment is long-term treatment , usually for 6-9 months with at least 3 kinds of drugs .

This condition takes perseverance and discipline of the patient to take medicine and see your doctor in order to make a full recovery . Moreover, usually 2-3 weeks after taking the medicine , the symptoms of TB will be lost so that the patient be lazy and take medicine to control physicians .

If TB treatment is not completed , then this can be dangerous because often the drugs commonly used to treat tuberculosis are not immune to the germs of tuberculosis ( resistant ) . As a result , should be treated with other drugs that are more expensive and " hard " . This should be avoided by treatment of tuberculosis through to completion .

Long-term treatment with many drugs for tuberculosis will certainly impact of side effects for the patient .

Side effects that usually occurs in the treatment of tuberculosis are :

Abdominal pain .
Impaired vision .
Hearing loss .
Piss water like coffee .
High fever .
Vomiting .
Itching .
Skin redness .
Foot / hand feels hot .
Limp .
Eye / yellow skin .
That is why it is important to always convey adverse effects attributable to the doctor every time control so that the doctor can adjust the dose , replace with another drug , or conduct laboratory tests if necessary .

Treatment for other diseases during tuberculosis treatment physicians should also have to be regulated to prevent adverse effects are more serious / dangerous .

Prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis

TB disease can be prevented by :

Reduce contact with active TB disease .
Maintain a good standard of living , with food nutritious , healthy environment , and exercise .
BCG vaccine ( to prevent more severe cases of tuberculosis ) . The vaccine is routinely given to all infants .
Keep in mind that those who have been exposed to tuberculosis and treated , can be re- exposed to the same disease if not prevent , and maintain a healthy body .