Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

The ureter

The ureter is a tubular structure that has a length of 25 to 30 cm and a diameter of 1.25 cm on man, woman. Wall consists of mucosa which is lined by transitional cells, smooth muscle and longitudinal sirkulair can perform peristaltic (contraction) to dispense urine into the bladder. Ureter extends the retroperitoneum position to enter the bladder in the pelvis (pelvic) in connection ureterovesikalis. Get out of urine which the ureters to the bladder is generally sterile.

Ureteral wall is formed of three layers of tissue. Inner layer is a mucous membrane layer continues until the bladder and renal pelvis. The middle layer consists of smooth muscle fibers that menstranpor urine through the ureter with peristalsis movement stimulated by distention of urine in the bladder. The outer layer of the ureter is a fibrous connective tissue menyongkong ureter.

For the sake of the interests of radiology and surgery, ureter divided by 2 bagianyaitu:

Pars abdominal ureter

That which is dar i ampai crossed renal pelvis iliac vasa. In the abdominal cavity behind the peritoneum the ureter is located next to the psoas major muscle anterior media and on the cover by the subserous fascia. Vasa internal spermatic and ovarian crosses the ureter is oblique. Ureter to reach the pelvic cavity and crosses the external iliac artery.
Right ureter lies in the descending duodenum pars. When coming down there on the bottom right and right and crossed by colonic vasa iliokolika iliac, and pelvic aperture near the bottom will be passed by the mesentery and the bottom of the mesentery and the end of the ileum. Left ureter crossed by the vasa koplika The right of the left superior pelvic aperture and walk behind the sigmoid colon and mesentery.

Pars pelvic ureter

Ie starting from the intersection with vasa iliac to get into the bladder. Pars pelvic ureter runs in part along the lateral wall of the tep kavumpelvis
i enterior of the greater sciatic notch and covered by peritoneum. Ureter can be found in the front part of the hypogastric arteries in the anterior facial nerve and artery obturatoris hemorrhoidal artery media. At the bottom of the notch askhiadika major urewter tilted slightly to the medial part of the lateral angle to reach the bladder.

In addition, radiological ureter divided into 3 parts:

Ureter third Proximal from the renal pelvis to the upper limit of the sacrum.
Ureter third from the boundary sacrum medial to the upper limit under the sacrum to get into the bladder.
Ureter layer;

Outer wall of connective tissue (fibrous tissue)
The middle layer (smooth muscle)
Inner layer (mucosal lining)
The blood vessels of the ureter:
Renal artery
The internal spermatic artery
Hypogastric artery
The inferior vesical artery
Innervation of the ureter

Is a branch of the inferior mesenerikus plexus, spermatic plexus, and pelvic plexus. Lower third of the ureter filled by nerve cells that are united by a chain and efferent vagus nerves. Aferens chain thoracic nerve XI and XII da, the first lumbar nerve and vagus afferent chain has to urethral