Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease

Entering the age of 45 years for men .
It's important for men to realize their vulnerability and take positive action to prevent any future heart disease .
For women , entering the age of 55 years or premature menopause ( due to surgery ) .
Women began to overtake men in terms of the risk of heart disease after menopause .
Family history of heart disease .
A history of heart attack in the family is often a result of abnormal cholesterol profile .
Diabetes .
Most people with diabetes die not because of increased blood sugar levels , but due to the condition of their heart complications .
Smoking .
The risk of heart disease from smoking is equivalent to 100 pounds overweight - so it is not possible to equate the two.
High blood pressure ( hypertension ) .
Overweight ( obese ) .
Central obesity ( potbelly ) is a form of obesity . Although all obese people tend to have an increased risk of heart disease , those with central obesity even more so .
Bad lifestyle .
Poor lifestyle is one of the root causes of heart disease - and replace it with a physical activity is one of the most radical steps that can be taken .
Stress .
Many studies have shown that , when the situation is tense , there can be life-threatening heart arithmias .

Heart Attack

A heart attack is a condition when the damage experienced by the part of the heart muscle (
myocardium ) due to a very sudden decrease in blood supply to the heart muscle . Reduced blood supply to the heart suddenly can occur when one of the coronary arteries being blockaded for a while , either due to spasm - tighten the coronary arteries - or as a result of a blood clot - thrombus . Part of the heart muscle that is usually supplied by the besieged pulse stops functioning properly immediately after splasme subsides by itself , the symptoms disappear and the overall functioning of the heart muscle actually normal again . It is often called crescendo angina or coronary insufficiency. Conversely , if the blood supply to the heart at a standstill , the cells in question are permanent changes in just a few hours and a section of heart muscle referred to severely degraded or permanently damaged . Dead muscle is called infarction .

Symptoms of Heart Attack
These symptoms are different for every common man . A heart attack may begin with pain is unclear , vague discomfort , or a feeling of tightness in the middle chest . Sometimes , a heart attack only causes mild discomfort at all so often misinterpreted as acid reflux , or even escape attention altogether .

Heart conditions can be divided into 4 categories :

First , a healthy weight and light can work
Second , it can work when it's heavy and exhausted does not need to stop doing the activity , but simply reduce the intensity / severity of the job and when it feels fit within one or two minutes of work intensity can be improved again , and so on
Third , it can not work hard, but can perform light work everyday.
Fourth , already severe , to walk a few meters already exhausted .
There are two conditions that cause blockage rather difficult early detection of heart disorders with symptoms Clinically observing conditions :

Blockage of Coronary , Coronary Blood Vessels (Large ) clogged temporary and usually cause severe pain , although perhaps only briefly .
Small Blood Vessel Blockage ( ischemia ) , caused by the Cholesterol and Diabetes in which this latter disease causes rigidity of blood vessels , so blood can not flow to the maximum , which disrupted the small blood vessels are numerous and occur throughout the body .
If it is severe , then the heart disturbances can be recognized from clinical symptoms alone , but if it is still a new light and tend to have heart problems , the treadmill test which can be done in a particular Clinical Laboratory under the supervision of Physicians Heart is one way to detect where accuracy reaches 85 percent , while the ECG / EKG ( Electro cardiogram ) only 15 percent accuracy , because testnya without any charge and the electrode is also much less than the Treadmill Test , so it can not detect heart problems are still mild . Treadmill Test the load will be able to detect blockage of the new bit , because the results of the graph of each electrode are compared and if not uniformly bound in place no interference . Treadmill Test can detect ischemia in addition to also detect heart rhythm disturbances ( arrhythmias ) and also the level of Body Fitness We know , for example, often do not exercise or sport and what can still be done and how long . Unfortunately Treadmill Test five times more expensive than an ECG , but there is no other way other than the treadmill test is more accurate , because it is recommended for those who have aged 50 years , even without any complaints and inspection can be done at a younger , if there is a history of pain heart in the family , high cholesterol , diabetes and hypertension .

On the other hand , a heart attack may present the worst pain ever experienced - an incredible tightness or feeling pinched in the chest , throat or stomach . It could also be sweating hot or cold , sore feet and all fear that the end was approaching . Also may feel more comfortable when sitting than when lying down and breathing may be so crowded that can not be relaxed . Nausea and dizziness and even vomiting , even worse is when it gets collapsed and fainted .

There are some more specific symptoms , such as:

Pain . If the muscle is not getting enough blood ( a condition called ischemia ) , then insufficient oxygen and the metabolism of excessive causing cramps or spasms . Angina is a feeling of tightness in the chest or squeezing chest feeling , which arises when the heart muscle does not get enough blood . The type and severity of pain or discomfort varies in each person . Some people who experience a lack of blood flow can not feel pain at all ( a condition called silent ischemia ) .
Shortness of breath is a symptom commonly found in heart failure . Shortness is a result of the influx of fluid into the air spaces in the lungs ( pulmonary congestion or pulmonary edema ) .
Tiredness or fatigue . If the heart is not pumping effectively , blood flow to the muscles during activity will be reduced , causing the patient to feel weak and tired . These symptoms are often mild. To overcome this , the patient usually gradually reduce its activity or thought these symptoms as part of aging .
Palpitations ( heart palpitations )
Dizziness and fainting . Decreased blood flow due to rate or abnormal heart rhythm or because of poor pumping ability , can cause dizziness and fainting .
Warning signs [edit
However , once one of the opinion that a heart attack came like lightning in broad daylight . Heart attacks are the culmination of a process disaster lasting damage , which often involves emotional surprises , chaos physiological and mental fatigue . Early warning signs are so subjective and so subtle , so that even a trained clinician to objectively measure everything they can ignore it .

Based on the clinical symptoms felt by the patient or seen by a doctor , a doctor can make a rational estimate of whether the symptoms that signaled a heart attack or not . Suspicions may be confirmed by the appearance of the patient , the level of blood pressure and heartbeat sounds . Doctors may be sending to the ECG and blood tests , but when you still feel the pain , the doctor will probably give injections penghilangrasa pain before the examination . It's scary because the pain can be brought to the brink of a deeper , which can cause cardiac symptoms . The pain can also cause long-term psychological effects . The first ECG may not show signs of a heart attack and the examination may be repeated . Sometimes the second test still showed no change , and for this , the diagnosis will depend on a blood test . Unfortunately , the treadmill test can not be performed when the patient is sick , therefore Treadmill Test should be done before there is any heart problems , but it can be done for those who are in good health , despite experiencing heart problems and there is no risk whatsoever doing Treadmill Test , because the loading is done bit by bit , monitored by a heart doctor , treadmill machines can give an alarm , if there is something that is not uncommon and can die alone , if there are critical parameters are exceeded . The heart, like all other body cells , contain special chemicals called enzymes . When heart cells are damaged, the enzymes are released in circulation with the blood flow . After a heart attack , levels of this enzyme most straight up , but the next of these enzymes quickly break down and therefore not detected again after a day or two days ; The new enzymes are released a few hours or days later bebera remain in the blood for several days or even several weeks . Damage to the heart muscle and also see if it has ever had heart failure can be performed in the Clinical Laboratory , but can not figure out the location of the damage, although it can determine the amount of damage . Therefore, it is necessary to Echo Examination ( USG by - SpJP Heart Specialist ) to determine the location of damage to the heart muscle and scar tissue that becomes defunct .

10 wrong assumptions about heart disease
Heart disease only occurs in obese people only
Heart disease can not be the child or young person
Women free of heart disease
Heart disease is only one kind of
Healthy heart , could not have heart disease
No association with stroke
Heart disease is a hereditary disease
Heart disease can not be prevented
Causes of heart disease are often surprised
Heart disease emerged because it frequently eat menu heart