Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Some Diseases In Human Reproductive System

Reproductive system in humans susceptible to disease , disorder disorders . Symptoms can be caused by various factors . It could be due to tumors , viruses , bacteria , or indeed disebbakan reproductive organ dysfunction by the unexpected things such as food or chemical substances into the human body . In this article will discuss diseases of the human reproductive system and divided into two groups of diseases and disorders of the female reproductive diseases and disorders of the male reproductive organs .

Impaired Female Reproductive Organs

Disease that can affect a woman's reproductive system can include menstrual disorders , cancer in the genital area , vaginal infections and endometriosis .

Menstrual disorders

Disorder or the disease may be primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea . Primary amenorrhea is a symptom in which menstruation does not occur until the age of 17 years and not followed by the development of secondary sexual element . Meanwhile , secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation process for 3 to 6 months in women who have undergone previous menstrual suklus .

Cancer of the Genital Region

Diseases of the human reproductive system is often found normally in the region of the ovaries , cervix and vagina . Vaginal cancer is not yet known what the exact cause . However , experts suspect it was caused by a viral infection . Treatment of cancer of the vagina can with chemotherapy or surgery using lasers . Meanwhile , cervical cancer or cervical happens if there is an abnormal growth of cells in the cervical region epiter lining . And ovarian cancer in itself does not address the obvious signs , but usually accompanied by a variety of complaints such as aches and pains in the pelvis incredible , there are changes in the gastrointestinal tract and appear abnormal vaginal bleeding .


A symptom in which endometrial tissue located outside the woman 's womb in the ovary , oviduct , or in the outside lane the woman's uterus . Symptoms most commonly appear include abdominal pain , sore waist area , as well as excessive discomfort during menstruation .

vaginal infection

Show symptoms of this disease include excessive vaginal discharge with a very pungent odor and is accompanied by itching . This infection usually affects women of productive age , especially for those who have a partner and actively engage in sexual acts . The main cause is sexual intercourse .

Refinement In the oviduct

Oviduct or fallopian tubes may have a disease where he will be narrowed . The cause is genetic , but there are also allegedly caused by certain types of bacteria . Narrow oviduct will make women have difficulty having children because the road is blocked sperm .

Infertility / Infertility

This could be caused by a disease or disorder . In general conditions , fertile women will experience once a month . For infertile women are usually not fertile period in a given period of time . And it indicates the symptoms of infertility . This is commonly addressed by various methods one of which is food therapy and others.

Breast Cancer

Diseases of the human reproductive system precisely in women is breast cancer . Although men also have breast disease , but this one is more susceptible to attack women because fat tissue in the breast is much larger when compared to men . Breast cancer can strike women who are married or not .

Mola Hidalidosa

Or more popularly known by the name of the wine is a condition in which pregnant women experience pregnancy , but no fetus grows in the womb , but only bubbles called mola also frozen blood . Pregnant this wine could result in tremendous pain and even led to the deaths caused by bleeding .

Condiloma Accuminata

Is a disease caused by a virus called Human Papilloma . He is characterized by the appearance of warts that continued to grow and eventually become the precursor of cervical cancer in women .

Disorders Male Reproductive Organs

As for reproductive disorders and diseases that can affect men , among others kriptorkidisme , prostatitis , hypogonadism , epididymitis , and orchitis .


A symptom in which there is a decrease in testicular function in men and is caused by a disturbance of the interaction of hormones estrogen and androgen . This disease can lead to infertility and also reduced masculine character in men .


Is a failure of the testes to descend atapun two of subscription to the scrotum when he was a baby . It makes hormones testoteronnya not well developed .


Is inflammation of the urethra , accompanied by symptoms of excessive itching , especially on the part of the penis . Men are affected by this disease will often urinate . The cause is the herpes virus .


Is a symptom in which the prostate is inflamed . The cause is the bacteria called Escherichia colia .


Is an infection that usually occurs in the male reproductive system . This one biaanya disease caused by the bacterium E. coli and Chlamydia .


The disease is caused by bacteria called Treponema pallium someone obtained through sexual intercourse , sores and also trasfusi microscopic blood .


The disease is commonly known as gonorrhea . The cause is the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrheae . He is transmitted through sexual behavior that is free and distorted . The symptoms are a white discharge that is accompanied by a sense of the pain during urination .

There are still many diseases of the reproductive system of other humans . This disease can be avoided with good sex behave and routine check-up . Good food intake will also make you a healthy reproductive system .