Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

The bladder

The bladder is an organ that can be concave or berdistenbsi and composed of muscle tissue as well as a container and is the organ where urine secretion. When empty, the bladder was didalm panngul cavity behind the pubic symphysis. In men, the bladder lies in the posterior part of the rectum and bladder in women is located on the anterior wall of the vagina and uretus.

Bladder wall has four layers - mucosa layer, a submucosal layer of connective tissue, a muscle and an outer serous layer. Muscle layer has files - files that make up the muscle fibers of the detrusor muscle, stimulating parasympathetic nerve fibers of the detrusor muscle during the process of urination. Internal urethral sphincter, which is composed of a set of muscles that form a ring, located at the base of the bladder where the join the urethral sphincter. Sphincter to prevent urine out of the bladder and is under voluntary control (conscious muscle control).

Urinary bladder (bladder) is located just behind the pubic bones, is the walled storage of urine strong muscles, shape varies according to the amount of urine that diakandung. Empty the bladder at the time located preformance pelvic cavity, while the upper wall is fully lifted into the hypogastric region. The apex of the bladder is located behind the pubic symphysis atsa edge and a triangular posterior surface. Superolateral corner is the estuary of the ureter and urethra form the inferior angle.

The upper part of the bladder is covered by peritoneum which forms eksavasio retro-vesical, while the lower part of the posterior surface is separated from the rectum by the ductus deferens, seminal vesicles, and vesicles retrovesikalis. Superior surface entirely covered by peritoneum and adjacent to the ileum and sigmoid colon rolls along the lateral surface of the lateral wall of the peritoneal fold into the pelvis.