Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Abstinence Herpes Disease

In the following article , the authors try to give a bit of information about herpes abstinence and how to prevent the recurrence of herpes . Because , trigger factor and herpes abstinence may not be the same for everyone .

As has been known that , the herpes disease arise and attack the surface of the skin where there are a bunch of bubbles that descend in a certain area of ​​the skin surface .

The herpes disease that should be aware of in case of infection , as it may lead to the inclusion of a wide range of viral diseases such as the HIV virus

Living a healthy lifestyle with a good diet with plenty of exercise will reduce the incidence of recurrence of herpes . If you feel there is something that it can trigger your herpes symptoms , consult a dermatologist and sex you about it .

Precepts and Herpes Disease Guide Trigger Herpes Disease Recurrence

1 . Intercourse

In some people with herpes , skin friction belebihan that irritate the skin layer can lead to herpes symptoms reappear . Using a lubricant can help reduce the irritation caused by friction of the skin . Avoid using lubricants or condoms containing the spermicide nonoxynol - 9 , as it can irritate the mucous membranes such as the lining of the vagina . Oil-based lubricants should be avoided because it may damage the condom .

2 . Food

Abstinence is the next herpes food . Avoid foods that contain the amino acid arginine or a high level such as nuts , chocolate and almonds . The amino acid arginine is required for the replication of the herpes virus . Consuming foods that contain high arginine can make more frequent recurrences of herpes . Abstinence herpes same goes for dietary supplements containing arginine as a supplement that is designed to improve erectile dysfunction or increase sexual potency .

3 . Chilly weather and sunshine

Cold air and sunlight can trigger a recurrence of oral herpes . However, the possibility of genital herpes recurrences due to this very small . To prevent recurrence of oral herpes , avoid the sun ultraviolet rays or to use special beds for tanning .

4 . Hormones

Hormonal changes that occur as the menstrual cycle can affect the recurrence of genital herpes . The reason why this happens is still being researched .

5 . Surgical or Operating

Wounds on the body such as after surgery can make herpes symptoms appear .

6 . Weakened immune system

Have a weakened immune system can make more frequent recurrences of herpes . Eg HIV , herpes tend to have more frequent relapses than people with normal immune function .

7 . Stress

Stress can make more frequent recurrences of herpes , herpes even worry about the pain that you may be able to be a factor triggering the onset of symptoms of herpes . Try to avoid things that can trigger stress .

8 . Cigarettes and alcohol

Abstinence is the herpes of the last cigarette and alcohol . Smoking tobacco and drinking excessive alcohol can also lead to more frequent herpes .

5 ( five ) points the way to a healthy life and reduce stress

Reduce stress to prevent the recurrence of herpes kembaliMengurangi stress can help reduce how often you genital herpes recurrence . Sustained stress lasting more than a week will trigger a recurrence of genital herpes than other triggering factors . Here are 5 steps you can take to control stress better :

Adequate sleep
The more you rest , the better you are also able to control the stress in your life . Most people need about 8 hours of sleep each night . Some people require less time than that , and a few others need more time . Consider how long you sleep without setting an alarm . If for example you sleep 11 hours a night and wake up naturally and feel refreshed at 8 am , meaning you need at least 9 hours of sleep each night .

Balance your diet
Make sure your diet includes all the nutrients your body needs to keep you healthy and strong . Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables , and limit the amount of sugary and fatty foods are also soft drinks . Also reduce caffeine and alcohol if you tend to consume to excess .

Physical activity is a good stress reliever . Do exercise that you like . To be more motivated , do it with your close friends . You are free to choose a sport that you can enjoy such as tennis , fitness in the gym or just go for a walk or jog .

When you're stressed , probably the last thing you want to do is socialize . But spending time with other people can help you forget about the problem for a while. It would be better if you can talk about your problems with someone who cares and you can trust such as friends , family members , and couples .

In addition to all of the above , take a few minutes to relax and calm the mind is a good thing . You can try relaxation techniques such as yoga . Or you can do a hobby that can make you relaxing like listening to music , knitting , or just gaze at the scenery outside the window of the office .