Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

ureter Female

Located behind the symphysis, running slightly tilted towards the top, shallow channel, approximately 4 cm in length, ranging from the internal urethral orifice to the external urethral orifice. On the anterior wall of the vagina leads obligue down and facing forward. If not dilated 6 cm in diameter. The urethra and the urogenital diaphragm fascia penetrate the external orifice of the vagina directly in front of the surface. Distance of approximately 2.5 cm behind the clitoral gland, urethra gland empties into the urethra orifice which only serves as a conduit excretion.

Urogenital diaphragm and the external orifice of the vagina is located at the surface and 2.5 cm behind the clitoral gland. Female urethra is much shorter than the male urethra and consists of a layer of smooth muscle that is strengthened by skeletal muscle sphincter. At the estuary is characterized by many similar venous sinus cavernous tissue.

Female urethral lining consists of:

The tunica muscularis
Spongeosa layer runs plexus of veins
Mucosal lining of the inner