Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

Symptoms of Liver Pain

Liver is an organ of the human body are very important, the liver under the diaphragm. Liver or liver disease are also susceptible to interference and other health problems. Liver organ or liver located in the body has an important role as one of the organs of the body to neutralize toxins from various sources of food consumed each day. Besides the function of the liver or liver also acts as a means of excretion, helping performance and renal function, produces ammonia, produce urea, uric acid, amino acids utilize nitrogen from the liver or liver dsb.Penyakit often also called jaundice.

The liver is an organ that will sustain any part of life in almost all other organs. When liver inflammation is usually most commonly caused by hepatitis and other diseases.

Scheme damage to the liver

Symptoms of liver disease

When the liver becomes inflamed , due to various factors . So someone who experienced liver or liver disease will experience symptoms , as follows :

1 . Changes in water becomes yellowish or brownish urine
2 . Often experience nausea want to vomit
3 . Experiencing the diminishing appetite
4 . Often have diarrhea
5 . Bodies is easy to feel tired , tired , lethargic
6 . Frequent changes in the immune system , sometimes rising , sometimes down
7 . Experiencing a decline in the spirit of activity
8 . Often experience pain in the upper right abdomen and indigestion
9 . Changes into pale stool
10 . Experiencing weight loss fast enough
11 . Occurrence of enlargement of blood vessels
12 . The blood sugar level is low
13 . Decreased sexual desire and sexual libido
14 . Often experience pain , rheumatic pain and stiffness in the joints
15 . Happened change in the color of the eyes and skin turn yellow .
16 . Often a pain in the stomach so that the stomach bloated like malnutrition . This is due to the swelling of the liver is then up to the upper abdominal cavity and make it difficult for the sufferer to breathe .
17 . Raises bad breath and body odor less unpleasant .
18 . Sometimes the fraction heart or liver disease , especially when attacking women will experience irregular menstrual cycles and abnormal vaginal discharge problems .
19 . Experiencing anemia ( lack of blood )
20 . The body easy bruising when hit or fall , and bleeding at the nose of the body caused by protein deficiency .
21 . Changes in the shape of the nail . Easily damaged skin around the nails , and the nails look thinner .

A person who is experiencing or liver disease or liver acute or chronic , when performing the examination or treatment recommended by doctors perform heart transplants or hepaktektomi operasai for survival . But not all can be successful liver transplant operation and guarantee the people's lives will be better , because of the many cases of liver disease , those who have had liver transplant surgery still has the possibility of developing back chronic liver disease to liver cancer . Liver disease or liver disease including type are quite dangerous and deadly .

Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Type of Liver Diseases

The causes of liver disease are the most numerous and the most common disease caused by hepatitis , such as hepatitis why and heart disease have a very close relationship , hepatitis is a disease that initiate the onset of inflammation of the liver . Hepatitis is not only caused by the presence of various types of hepatitis viruses , some are caused by a toxin or poison , as well as the side effects of chemical drugs , many foods contain preservatives and other chemicals also background liver become inflamed .

Visible symptoms of liver disease or liver disease or hepatitis disease stemming from this , hue or face will look more wilted , tissue covering the eye color will change to yellow discoloration of the skin in addition to that also looks yellow . This is caused by bile levels in the blood increase .

Before it becomes chronic liver disease , liver cells are damaged grow into benign liver tumors ( benign ) and malignant ( malignant ) . Then the fatty liver which then would undergo liver swell ( fatty liver ) . Tumor is benign or malignant causes an enlarged liver and bleeding into the abdominal cavity . Benign liver tumors are often found , but usually do not cause significant symptoms .

Figure: Sequence of liver damage / liver

Here are the types of benign tumors of the liver that is part of a liver disease:

a. hepatocellular adenoma

Which is a benign liver tumor that is often found , are generally more common in women in the reproductive age . Contributing factor is likely due to incorrect usage or side effects of birth control pills can increase the risk of tumors . However, this type of tumor does not cause significant symptoms , and most of these tumors can not be detected . It should also be wary in case of breakdown on the type of tumor suddenly and can cause bleeding to the abdominal cavity so that required emergency surgery on the stomach , as one of prevention before they become malignant and develop into liver cancer .

Adenomas are benign tumors are very rare types evolve and grow into malignant tumors , if the use of contraceptives with the birth control pill is stopped .

b . hemangiomas

Hemangiomas are benign liver tumors that are formed through the mass of abnormal blood vessels . Approximately 1-5 ​​% occurs in adults has a hemangioma or a small liver tumors for patients with liver disease without causing symptoms .

If the infants were diagnosed disease or liver hemangioma tumors of this type of tumor is then enlarged and cause symptoms such as occurs widespread blood clotting and heart failure . It is necessary to surgery . Fatherly know this type of liver tumor development needs to be carried ultrasound or CT scan , if small hemangiomas that cause no symptoms do not need treatment greater .

Liver disease hepatitis fronted through this , before it develops into liver cancer , benign tumors that arise later become malignant tumors .

The following types of malignant tumors of the liver :

a. hepatoma
b . cholangiocarcinoma
c . hepatoblastoma
d . angiosarcoma

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Fatty Liver

Fatty liver is the initial symptom that can cause problems in the liver and liver dysfunction. Fatty liver is a liver inflammation caused by the accumulation of fat (lipid) which is excessive in the liver cells. If you experience swelling of the liver or liver heart become dysfunctional. Then there will be the symptoms of liver disease or liver caused by various factors.

Figure: Sequence of liver damage or liver

Caption :

a. Healthy liver ( heart shape or a healthy liver )

b . Fatty liver ( swelling of the liver or liver )

c . liver fibrosis

d . Cirrhosis ( liver damage from cirrhosis )

Below are some of the factors that cause swelling of the liver resulting in fatty liver .

Here among the causes of fatty liver ( fatty liver ) , including :

1 . Someone with excessive body weight / overweight ( obese ) .

2 . Suffering from diabetes (diabetes ) .

3 . Adverse effects from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and soft .

4 . The side effects of chemical drugs , such as corticosteroids , tetracycline , valproic acid , methotrexate , carbon tetraklorid , yellow phosphorus .

5 . Someone result of malnutrition or low protein diet .

6 . Due to excessive consumption of vitamin A toxicity , resulting in the body has vitamin A.

7 . Postoperatively the small intestine is long then raised back overreaction to the small intestine and interfere with liver function .

8 . Cystic fibrosis ( along with malnutrition ) .

9 . Congenital abnormalities in the metabolism of glycogen , galactose , tyrosine or homosistin .

10 . Lack of medium-chain arildehidrogenase .

11 . Lack of cholesterol esterase .

12 . Fitanik acid buildup disease ( Refsum disease ) .

13 . Abetalipoproteinemia .

14 . Reye's syndrome .

15 . Too many foods that contain saturated fat , such as : foods that use a lot of coconut milk , spicy foods , fried foods and foods or beverages that use a lot of preservatives.

In fatty liver or liver or liver swelling does not cause significant symptoms or seen and felt for sure , but if someone is not able to control themselves against the intake of foods that contain a high risk of liver dysfunction , then sooner or later someone is identified with liver disease will show symptoms which can be seen , such as a change in the color of the lining of the eye white to yellow , the color changes to yellow atu brown urine , often experience pain , especially in the upper abdomen , often feel nausea to vomiting, bad breath arises and unpleasant body odor .

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

How to Treat Liver Disease

Liver disease is an adaptation of hepatitis and other diseases of the symptoms . Generally, any illness arising out of mistakes ourselves going lifestyle , diet and bad habits and poor that we apply , not only that sometimes personal and environmental hygiene are also factors trigger or someone easily infected with various diseases , ranging from internal medicine the category of mild to chronic .

any of the causes that trigger one's primary disease , causes the most , which are:

1 . Environmental factors

Environmental factors will consist of personal hygiene and the environment around the dwelling that is less convenient , less clean and so became one of the main triggers of individuals living with the disease easier . Example of the lack of attention to hygiene of food , cleanliness of the body and so on. All sorts of viruses , bacteria , and fungus easily get into the food .

2 . Psychological Factors

Psychological or psychological factors such as stress , depression is also a common cause factor that most occur in a person , such as when experiencing a problem then result in the physical condition of diminishing facilitate disease came and perched ourselves .

3 . Habits bad

Bad habits are also the main reason why the disease sesseorang easily perch on the body such as smoking , drinking alcohol , soft drinks , fast food , food containing preservatives , chemical food dyes , etc. . Obviously a major factor that disease comes easy . As a result of this bad habit sparking penyalkit , such as diabetes mellitus , stroke , heart attack , obesity , liver disease or liver disorders etc. .

How to prevention and treatment is most easily done from the start and apply yourself familiarize diet , healthy lifestyle , implementing healthy habits , avoid or reduce the bad habits and so on .

Here are some easy tips that can be done for prevention and treatment of liver diseases , including :

1 . Maintain personal hygiene and environmental

Always familiarize yourself from the most minor thing but has good functionality and benefits , such as getting used to wash hands before and after touching something with the use of special cleaning soap (hand soap ) the bacteria and kumanyang lodged in the hands of dead skin .

Keeping the environment around residential homes ranging from the familiar to provide small landfills , cover with a hood of food , cleanliness of the washroom ( toilet ) and so on

2 . Diligent consume mineral water at least 8-10 glasses a day , equivalent to 1.5-2 liters per day or adapted to the needs of your body and your health condition .

3 . Avoid foods that contain lots of saturated fat and preservatives .

Fat is needed by the body as a source of vital energy in the body , but the body still needs fat to be controlled and balanced with other nutritional needs . When you save a lot of body to store fat and it will result in a decrease in organ function and susceptible to disease . Avoid foods such as foods that use a lot of coconut milk , spicy foods , foods that use chemical pewaran ingredients and preservatives commonly found in packaged food or fast long- processing .

Picture: The food pyramid

4 . Much to consume vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are a source of energy that contains nutrients , minerals , iron , magnesium , vitamins and other nutrients sources contained in fruits and vegetables . With diligent mengkonsusmi contains vitamin A , B , C and D as well as other vitamins . The fruit is safe to eat for people with liver disease or liver such as papaya , oranges , bananas , apples , mango and other fruit kinds and which should be avoided are pineapple , jackfruit , durian . The third fruit contains a substance that can cause disorders of the stomach and liver .

5 . Applying and balance the body needs nutritional value

Mengkonsusmsi foods fortified with carbohydrates , protein , iron and other nutrients needed by the body is very important . By balancing the need for nutrition and nutrients in the body , such as fish , eggs , bread , oats , brown rice , peas , beans etc. . Surely it must be balanced with lifestyle , good habits by avoiding bad habits .

One thing that is most important for patients diagnosed with heart disease is to avoid foods with a spicy taste , avoid foods that contain a sour taste , avoid the use of sauces , reducing drinking cold water , fried foods and other foods .

6 . Plenty of rest at least 6-7 hours per day

7 . Regular exercise each day tailored to your ability and health condition at least 2 times a week at least 1-2 hours per session .

8 . Taking additional supplements are safe without any side effects , as an effort to help strengthen the immune system and the body's self-defense or attack of illness . It is recommended to consume herbal supplements safe trustworthy , reliable and have efficacy .

9 . Conduct and peameriksaan consultation with doctors related earlier , if you identified heart disease to get penangganan further .

10 . Tervonis If it is identified or chronic impaired liver function , a doctor may recommend surgery or liver transplantation surgery .

But according to the information or liver transplantation surgery is considered not always successful , the possibility of adverse side effects may occur is after the surgery is done in a fairly long period of time .

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Traditional Medicine Liver

The liver is an organ that is often overlooked in maintaining health. Though the liver has a tough job because betranggung responsible for more than 500 different functions

Liver function, among others, detoxify the body, storing certain vitamins, controlling cholesterol and fat metabolism and regulate hormones. Every day you are exposed to pollution and toxins, resulting in liver 'heavy work'. Especially if you are a smoker, often staying up late, drinking and drugs are often consumed alcohol. Obesity is excess body weight as a result of excessive accumulation of body fat.

Below are some traditional medicine to treat liver disease :

1 . TEMULAWAK ( Curcuma xathoriza )

Wild Ginger ( Curcuma Xanthoriza ) curcumin from turmeric extract useful as a liver protector , and strengthen the liver cells , seta increase endurance . Wild Ginger is a medicinal plant which is included in the tribe - finding ( Zingiberaceae ) . Ginger rhizome contains curcumin which has anti- inflammatory properties as the natural ( anti- inflammatory ) and anti -hepatotoxic very useful for protecting heart health inflammation of the liver . Clinically , the efficacy of Indonesia 's native plants can be accounted the truth . Wild Ginger contains oil that does evoke appetite , cleanse the stomach and meperlancar breastfeeding .

Moreover, according to a Professor of University of Padjadjaran ( Padjadjaran University ) , based on the results of the study , ginger extract is very effective for the treatment of liver disease . Besides that, it also has been shown to lower cholesterol levels in the blood and liver cells . All properties that are due to curcumin content . No wonder , because the chemical composition of ginger rhizome is a protein of 29-30 percent starch , curcumin one to two per cent and oil astirinya between 6 to 10 percent .

With the abortion , ginger can be used traditionally to treat various health problems such as liver ggguan / liver ( virus / hepatitis ) bacterial infections , damage caused by chemical , stomach irritation / ulcers , high uric acid levels danmasih banayk again .

2 . Bitter ( Andrographis paniculata )

Bitter ( Andrographis paniculata ) containing andrographolid . A substance that causes or creates a feeling of bitterness in bitter leaf . Function and substance andrographolid is damaging the tumor cell nucleus and increase endurance , this leaves very nice . In addition it is also effective for infection bitter and stimulate phagocytosis : the ability to kill cells in the work of foreign objects such as bacteria , viruses , and so taken into the body , thus increasing body resistance against various sources of disease ( as immunostimulatory )

3 . Turmeric ( Curcuma domestica )

Turmeric ( Curcuma domestica ) is useful to overcome the inflammation and swelling . Some chemical constituents of turmeric has been known that as much as 6 % volatile oil composed of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes class of compounds (including zingiberen , alpha , turmerone ) , yellow dye called by 5 % curcuminoids (including curcumin 50-60 % , modesmetoksikurmumin and bidesmetoksikurkumin ) , protein , phosphorus , potassium , iron , and vitamin C. Of the three compounds that curcuminoids , curcumin is the largest component . Levels are often calculated as a % total curcuminoids curcumin because curcumin content of greater than most other components of curcuminoids . For this reason some kind of phytochemical and pharmacological studies were focused on curcumin ,

Turmeric is also used as an anti- itch , anti- septic and anti- spasm and reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth . Turmeric juice consumed in the form called filtrate , also taken as an extract or as an ointment to treat diggunakan swelling and sprains . Turmeric is also efficacious to treat stuffy nose , how to burn the turmeric and inhale .

4 . Gotu kola ( Centella asiatica )

Gotu kola ( Centella asiatica ) contains asiaticoside , thankuniside , isothankuniside , madecassoside , brahmoside , brahminoside , Brahmic acid , madasiatic acid , meso - inositol , centellose , carotenoids , minerals salts such as salts , potassium , sodium , magnesium , calcium , iron , vallerine , tanning substances . Compounds called glycosides triterpenoida asiaticosida and similar compounds , have properties of anti leprosy ( Hansen Morbus ) . Gotu kola ( Centella asiatica ) has a hepatoprotective effect in patients with hepatitis asiatikoside content which enhances the repair and reinforcement mechanism of liver cells in addition it also acts as pengangkap asiatikoside free radicals that can cause cell damage . Besides the function of Centella asiatica ( Centella asiatica ) is regenerating liver cells are damaged and restore it into healthy cells .

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Liver Diseases

Liver, a large organ located in the lower right side of the rib cage has a variety of functions, namely as the formation of blood plasma and blood coagulant, as a repository of mineral substances, such as iron, potassium, and copper, reserve water storage and the burning of sugar and cholesterol formation. He also converts fat into fatty acids. Toxic substances that enter from outside the body and is formed in the body will be thrown into the hearts together bile into the intestines.

Liver disease can be caused by a virus known as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or hepatitis non-A and non-B. In addition, liver disease can also be derived from food consumption patterns slaah or chemical substances contained in drugs such as antibiotics, paracetamol, arsenal, and medicines consumed by the chicken pieces are then consumed by man in the form of a dish which was then in human consumption in the form of fast food dishes.

Do not forget also that substances contamination of air pollution and heart attack are slowly but surely. Lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) is the largest of all dust contaminant metals in the air. The largest contribution of Pb and Cd from motor vehicle exhaust darti besides pollute the air, also can contaminate food and water.

Pollutants are stored cumulatively in the liver, and in the long term can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcoholic beverages that are part of most of the celebrity lifestyle can also lead to cirrhosis of the liver after consumption in a long time. Selaijn of the liver, alcohol also can affect the muscles of the heart and brain.

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Liver Disease And Prevention

Liver , a large organ located in the lower right side of the rib cage has a variety of functions , namely as the formation of blood plasma and blood coagulant , as a place penyimapanan mineral substances , such as iron , potassium and copper , water storage reserves , and the burning of sugar and cholesterol formation . He also converts fat into fatty acids . Toxic substances that enter from outside the body and is formed in the body will be thrown into the hearts together bile into the intestines .

Liver disease can be caused by a virus , which is known as hepatitis A , hepatitis B , or hepatitis non- A and non-B In addition, liver disease can also be derived from the pattern of consumption of the wrong foods or substances contained in medicinal chemistry , such as antibiotics , paracetamol , arsenal , and drugs consumed by humans in the form of fast food dishes . Do not forget also that substances contamination of air pollution is able to attack the liver are slowly but surely . Lead ( Pb ) and cadmium ( Cd ) is the largest of all kntaminan metal dust in the air . Pb and Cd largest contribution comes from motor vehicle exhaust in addition to polluting the air , also can contaminate food and water . Pollutants will tersebuta akumulatiof stored in the liver and in the long term can lead to cirrhosis of the liver .

Alcoholic beverages that are part of most of the celebrity lifestyle can also lead to cirrhosis of the liver after in knsumsi in a long time . In addition to the liver , alcohol may also menyerangt heart muscles and brain .

Patients with liver disorders are encouraged to eat foods that are steamed or boiled and avoid fried foods , because fat daoat stimulates the liver to work hard in a state hospital . Also to be avoided are too many dishes containing vinegar , ginger , chili , onions , and spices , such as pepper , nutmeg , and materials - bahyan ketumbarm because they can stimulate the stomach , and liver reflexively become painful . Comparison of foods containing prosperity , protein , and karbohidary is 1:1:5

Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Maintain a Healthy Liver To stay

Maintaining health in the midst of the pile up is a priority you should be doing . Without conscious of your liver , and increasingly heavy work hard every day . Either due to lifestyle and diet can not fully meet the balanced nutritional intake . Liver is an important organ that helps you to detoxify , regulate metabolism of the body and form antibodies to the body's defense system . Keeping the liver to stay healthy from now on , because its function is very important and there is only 1 piece only in our body ( like the heart ) .

The cause inflammation of the liver or liver is :

Unhealthy lifestyle
High activity and excessive exercise being offset by rest and good sleep patterns .
Drinking excessive drug
Eating foods that are unhealthy and unhygienic
Excessive alcohol drinking
Irregular eating patterns and unbalanced
Recognizing the symptoms and keep the liver healthy:

Easily tired and lethargic
Pain in the right side of the abdomen
Loss of appetite
Nausea , vomiting , and diarrhea
Skin and eye color yellowish or even yellow
Sometimes joint pain
Dark -colored urine , such as tea water
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis virus . Type of hepatitis is often found that the hepatitis A , B , and C , hepatitis A is acute and rarely becomes chronic . While hepatitis B and C include chronic liver disease or chronic which can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer if not treated properly . Many people do not realize that because hepatitis is usually asymptomatic in awlanya . Patients can suffer more than one type of hepatitis at the same time . However , there are also yanhg hit a new type of hepatitis hepatitis followed another . Inflammation of the liver or liver caused by the Hepatitis viruses A, B , and C have high pravalensi in Indonesia , the results showed 20 million people in Indonesia infected by hepatitis A , another 20 million more people exposed to hepatitis B , 8 million more Indonesian population have hepatitis C .

Keeping the liver to stay healthy is by eating ginger . Wild Ginger ( Curcuma xanthorriza ) derived from the family Zingiberaceae , commonly found in the tropical forests , including in Indonesia . In terms of quality , including the Indonesian ginger is best , when compared with other countries . Ginger rhizome contains curcumin acts : Increasing the activity of the enzyme glutathione S - transferase ( GST ) and Glutathione keompok other enzymes ( Gs - x ) in the liver which have important pernana as detoksifkasi and antioxidants . Curcuma Curcuma or Xanthorrizha been known by Indonesian people as a beneficial herb that long ago .

Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Ischemic Heart Disease

Ischemic heart disease is a serious health condition , heart disease affects millions of people around the world . Many studies show that ischemic heart disease affects people of any gender and race , and often occurs before a person aged 20 years and due to a number of risk factors .

Ischemic heart disease also known as coronary artery disease . Ischemic heart disease occurs when there is a partial blockage of blood flow to the heart . If the blood flow is completely blocked then a myocardial infarction ( heart attack ) occurs .

This problem can affect the buildup of plaque in our arteries . This is called atherosclerosis which is hardening of the arteries . This can lead to blood clots that can cause heart attack or stroke . Hardening of the arteries and blockage of the main artery is one of the leading causes of death . Even in his own heart disease kills more people each year .

Causes of Ischemic Heart Disease

There are a number of factors associated with ischemic heart disease . The risk factors as the cause of ischemic heart disease are smoking , high cholesterol levels and diabetes mellitus . Some further research revealed genetic factors and heredity as the other potential factors causing ischemic heart disease . So it 's understandable that if you have a family history of heart failure , there is a

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

Pharyngitis, Inflammation Due to Excessive Use Larynx Voice

Do you like to sing ? Or even gossiping with your friends ? It was indeed a pleasant thing . However , if you use your voice too much , it can cause disease of the throat , laryngitis one . Here's a complete explanation as reported by MayoClinic , Thursday ( 25/07/2013 ) :


Laryngitis is a condition in which the voice box ( larynx ) that is on your throat becomes inflamed . It is caused by excessive use of the voice , an infection of the throat , or irritation . Inside the larynx are the vocal cords , the two folds of mucous membrane covering muscle and cartilage . Typically , your vocal cords will open and close smoothly thereby forming sound and vibration due to the movement of the vocal cords . However , when the larynx to swell , the sound will be distorted when the air passes through the vocal cords . As a result , your voice may sound hoarse you can not even make a sound at all . Laryngitis is divided into two types , namely :

acute 1.Laringitis

This disease will experience in a short time , is not too severe . In addition , the disease to be cured quickly when the causes can be resolved .

2 . Chronic Laryngitis

If you have an infection of the larynx and you leave it alone , then it becomes a chronic disease and are at severe stages . If not promptly treated , husky voice that you can naturally lead to other more

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

Ludwig's angina or angina LUDOVICI OR ABSCESS IN THE NECK


Ludwig's angina is a sub- mandibular space infection ( lower jaw ) in the form of cellulitis inflammation of the superior part suprahioid space ( Around the neck ) , which is characterized by swelling ( edema ) at the bottom of the submandibular space , which includes tissue that covers the muscles of the larynx and floor of the mouth , without any swelling of the lymph nodes .
Swelling is usually hard and reddish or brownish . This space causes inflammation of excessive force on the tissues of the mouth and tongue pushed upwards and backwards . Thus it can cause airway obstruction potentially .

The word angina should be differentiated from angina pectoris which is a pain due to ischemic state of the heart muscle . ( about angina pectoris I have discussed HERE )
Ludwig's angina or also known as angina Ludovici , is one form of an abscess in the neck . Neck abscess in itself an abscess formed in the potential space between the fascia of the neck as a result of the course of infection from various sources such as the teeth , mouth , throat , paranasal sinuses , middle ear and neck . Depending on which area is involved , the symptoms and signs
tengorok local clinic include pain , fever and swelling will show the location of the infection . That

Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Symptoms and Treatment of Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis)

Tonsils or tonsils are two lymph nodes on both sides of the back of the throat . Tonsils are part of the immune system cells that contain antibodies to trap and kill bacterial and viral pathogens in the course of entering the body .

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils tonsils become so swollen, red , softened and has white spots on its surface . This swelling is caused by either a viral or bacterial infection .

There are many viruses that can cause tonsillitis , the most common is the Epstein-Barr virus and Coxsackie virus . Among the bacteria that cause tonsillitis , group A streptococcus is the most common .

Why tonsils infected ?
Because of its function as a bastion of resistance to infection , tonsils prone to infection . However , the function of the tonsils has declined as a teenager and adult . That is why the rare tonsillitis in adults . ( Most common in children aged 3 to 7 years ) .

Healing and complications
When no complications , tonsillitis usually only lasts about a few days and go away without treatment . Tonsillitis because the virus can last longer until a matter of weeks .

Complications can occur if there is a secondary infection in the middle ear or sinuses . A streptococci can even spread through the body and infect vital organs , especially the heart . This can cause permanent damage , resulting in heart disease in the future .

Another possible complication of tonsillitis is a peritonsillar abscess ( quinsy ) . It occurs when a group of bacteria encouraged by the growth of new tissue . This abscess was not in the tonsils anymore but on one side . Unlike simple tonsillitis , quinsy tends to be felt on one side of the throat . Patients with this condition often seen cocking his head to one side to relieve the pain . Quinsy occurs in about 1 out of 3,000 people per year and is more common in adolescents with tonsillitis .

When to consult a doctor ?
Consultation with your doctor if your child has :

A sore throat that does not go away in a few days
difficulty swallowing
high fever
Fatigue or lethargy
difficulty in breathing
Poor appetite
Bad breath
In most people , the infection caused by the virus only needs to be treated with paracetamol to reduce fever . Pain reliever may also be useful to reduce pain .

Tonsillitis caused by bacteria may need to be treated with antibiotics ( eg, penicillin or erythromycin , if allergic to penicillin ) . If your child gets antibiotics , it is important to take medicine to completion so that the bacteria completely destroyed and not become drug resistant .

tonsil Surgery
Surgery to remove the tonsils ( tonsillectomy ) - used to be common practice to treat tonsillitis - only when tonsillitis often recurrent or chronic , do not respond to treatment or cause serious complications . Removal of tonsils is not a bad effect on the overall immune power . However, these operations are now relatively rare compared to first

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014



Hypersomnia are symptoms that often indicate the possibility of a serious illness .
Hypersomnia temporary ( transient ) can occur in a healthy person , for a few nights or days after experiencing sleep deprivation or physical exhaustion extraordinary .

Hypersomnia lasting more than a few days could be a symptom of :
- Psychological disorders ( eg, anxiety or severe depression )
- Excessive use of sleeping pills
- Lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide accumulation in the body as a result of sleep apnea
- Abnormalities of the brain .
Hypersomnia chronic nascent at an early age can be a symptom of narcolepsy .


Patients often feel very sleepy and wanted to sleep or even asleep not in place and not in time to sleep .


The diagnosis is based on symptoms.

To confirm the diagnosis can be carried out laboratory tests , as hypersomnia can be caused by certain diseases .

Hypersomnia newly arising and cause hard to explain , may be the result of psychological disorders ( eg, depression ) or neurological disorders ( eg encephalitis , meningitis or tumors inside the skull ) .
Psychological examination is intended to depression , memory problems or other signs of neurological disorder .
CT scan or MRI performed in patients with signs of neurological disorder

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Various Viruses Cause Disease

Human beings are prone to live with the disease . The causes may vary , but the most common is a virus , the parasitic microbe with microscopic size and tend to work by infecting its host . In fact the virus is still a matter of debate among experts on its status as a living being . Why ? Because the fact that he can not perform activities of living beings if it is outside of its host . So far, the virus is closely related to a particular disease associations . What is it? Here we present a brief description of the various viral diseases are most common infecting humans .
Influenza Virus . Almost everyone has been exposed to the flu . Symptoms include head feels heavy , runny nose , itchy throat , sneezing and many others . The cause of this disease is a virus called influenza .
Bird Flu Virus . Another name is H5N1 or in English known as avian influenza . This virus is showing symptoms similar to influenza viruses , only the bird flu , the patient experienced a trend of more severe symptoms and often leads to death .
SARS virus . This virus causes the disease Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome which is an acute respiratory illness . This disease can lead to severe infections of the respiratory tract and often lead to death . The disease is closely related to the SARS virus infection that attacks the lungs and result in drastically reduced white blood cell .
Herpes simplex virus . Micro - organisms are the result of the herpes disease is quite disturbing . This disease affects the skin with symptoms such as skin inflammation and redness, stinging , itching and heat . The peak skin will blister . If left unchecked, this could have been a viral infection to the nervous system and cause more serious symptoms .
Papillomavirus . The virus this one is one of the causes of cervical cancer in women . How it works by generating warts or papillomas on the cervix .
Varicella zoster virus . This type of virus that can cause the disease we know as smallpox . Symptoms include elevated body temperature and peak appears watery spots and visible blisters .
HIV virus . The disease is caused by a malignant virus is AIDS . Until now , not yet discovered an antidote that can restore a normal state to AIDS patients infected with the HIV virus before . Generally , the spread of the virus through needle and the whole sexual relationship .
Still there are many kinds of viral diseases. We present only source of viral disease most commonly found in our daily lives . Looking at the list above , we are required to live a more sterile in order to avoid bad influences viruses are able to infect the body and cause several serious diseases .

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Understanding the Circulatory System In Humans

Understanding the human circulatory system is not easy . Because multi - organ involve systemically move a substance from one cell to another cell . Human circulatory system is also called the cardiovascular system . He also serves as the support is also temperature stable pH in the body, these points in more detail there is on the part of homeostasis . The blood circulation in humans is carried by blood cells through the blood vessels of course . Therefore sometimes also called a closed circulation . Blood circulation in humans is divided into two namely large or systemic blood circulation and blood circulation is small or known as pulmonary .

In large or systemic circulatory system , major blood begins its journey from the heart exactly in the aorta towards the body parts lainnyaa bagik the upper body and the lower part of the human body . By using veins or arteries , the blood oxygen -rich elements will run and spread towards every organ system . Therefore , the blood circulation is called the great blood circulation . The sequence of the journey as follows .

Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

Some Diseases In Human Reproductive System

Reproductive system in humans susceptible to disease , disorder disorders . Symptoms can be caused by various factors . It could be due to tumors , viruses , bacteria , or indeed disebbakan reproductive organ dysfunction by the unexpected things such as food or chemical substances into the human body . In this article will discuss diseases of the human reproductive system and divided into two groups of diseases and disorders of the female reproductive diseases and disorders of the male reproductive organs .

Impaired Female Reproductive Organs

Disease that can affect a woman's reproductive system can include menstrual disorders , cancer in the genital area , vaginal infections and endometriosis .

Menstrual disorders

Disorder or the disease may be primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea . Primary amenorrhea is a symptom in which menstruation does not occur until the age of 17 years and not followed by the development of secondary sexual element . Meanwhile , secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation process for 3 to 6 months in women who have undergone previous menstrual suklus .

Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

In disorders of urinary system

Urinal System or usually called the urogenital system is a system in which the blood screening process so that the blood is free from substances which are not used by the body and absorbed substances are still used by the body . Substances which are not used by the body is water soluble and secreted form of urine ( urine) .
The composition of the urinary system ( urinary system ) in the human body are the kidneys , ureters , urinary bladder , and urethra . In the urinary system , there could be disturbances . Detail , the disturbances are as follows .
I. urogenital tract INFECTION
Urogenital tract infections are generally caused by the bacteria Escherichia coli . Can be caused by Proteus , Klebsiella , and Staphylococcus especially when being catheterized . In the urogenital tract , the disease can occur , such as :
1 . Cystitis
Cystitis is an infection of the urinary tract , which is more common in women than men , because the mouth of the urethra and vagina of women close to the anal area . Risk factors cystitis is intercourse , pregnancy , bladder neurogenis , catheter placement , state - objec obstructive and diabetes mellitus . If it continues , will cause the germs up from the bladder to the renal pelvis , which is called pyelonephritis . Patients will feel complaints such as cystitis dysuria ( pain during micturition ) , frequent urination , urination continues to feel wanted , and pain over the suprapubic area .
2 . Pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis . The most common cause of this disease is a bacteria that comes from the bladder that extends up to the renal pelvis . There are acute pyelonephritis and there are chronic . There are two types of chronic pyelonephritis , which is caused by the reflux pyelonephritis vesikouretral which can lead to infection and peripheral papillae compounds in polar renal scarring . And pyelonephritis caused by urinary tract obstruction that causes high pressure behind the flow of urine , which causes infections of all papillae , renal scarring spreading and thinning of the renal cortex layer .

Selasa, 14 Januari 2014

Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Disease

Entering the age of 45 years for men .
It's important for men to realize their vulnerability and take positive action to prevent any future heart disease .
For women , entering the age of 55 years or premature menopause ( due to surgery ) .
Women began to overtake men in terms of the risk of heart disease after menopause .
Family history of heart disease .
A history of heart attack in the family is often a result of abnormal cholesterol profile .
Diabetes .
Most people with diabetes die not because of increased blood sugar levels , but due to the condition of their heart complications .
Smoking .
The risk of heart disease from smoking is equivalent to 100 pounds overweight - so it is not possible to equate the two.
High blood pressure ( hypertension ) .
Overweight ( obese ) .
Central obesity ( potbelly ) is a form of obesity . Although all obese people tend to have an increased risk of heart disease , those with central obesity even more so .
Bad lifestyle .
Poor lifestyle is one of the root causes of heart disease - and replace it with a physical activity is one of the most radical steps that can be taken .
Stress .
Many studies have shown that , when the situation is tense , there can be life-threatening heart arithmias .

Heart Attack

A heart attack is a condition when the damage experienced by the part of the heart muscle (

Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Prostate Cancer

The prostate gland is a gland of the male reproductive system located at the base or neck of the bladder . These glands consist of the testes , scrotum , penis and other accessory sex organs .

The prostate gland is a small, sleek , size of a walnut and is located in the neck of the bladder and in front of the rectum ( anus ) and surrounds the urethra ( urinary tract ) .

The prostate produces a milky fluid that is cement , which will be added to the sperm during ejaculation . The seminal vesicles are located just above the prostate are two small glands that secrete about 60 % of the substances that make up semen . While on the nerves that control the prostate is located erectile function .

Prostate Gland Function

Scientists do not yet know all the functions of the prostate . But as part of the male reproductive system , one of its main roles are :

Pressing whitish fluid ( semen ) into the urethra ( urinary tract ) as the semen during sexual climax .
Prostatic fluid , which helps make semen , sperm of energy , is the largest part of the volume of ejaculate and make the vaginal canal becomes less acidic .

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Pulmonary tuberculosis

TB disease is one type of disease that infects the respiratory tract caused by bacteria . Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that usually attacks the nature respiratory tract or lungs .

In developing countries , tuberculosis is one death threat second only to HIV / AIDS . In Indonesia alone , the rate of TB patients is estimated at 289 per 100 thousand inhabitants and an incidence of 189 per 100 thousand inhabitants .

Pulmonary tuberculosis often sometimes spelled lung spots . Because when seen from the photo or chest X-ray visible spots foggy white .

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis

Common symptoms are common and visible are :

Coughing up phlegm can be 1 week to months .
Decreased appetite .
Body weight decreased .
The body looks thin .
Night sweats .
Fever .
Cough Blood .
Modes of transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Abstinence Herpes Disease

In the following article , the authors try to give a bit of information about herpes abstinence and how to prevent the recurrence of herpes . Because , trigger factor and herpes abstinence may not be the same for everyone .

As has been known that , the herpes disease arise and attack the surface of the skin where there are a bunch of bubbles that descend in a certain area of ​​the skin surface .

The herpes disease that should be aware of in case of infection , as it may lead to the inclusion of a wide range of viral diseases such as the HIV virus

Living a healthy lifestyle with a good diet with plenty of exercise will reduce the incidence of recurrence of herpes . If you feel there is something that it can trigger your herpes symptoms , consult a dermatologist and sex you about it .

Precepts and Herpes Disease Guide Trigger Herpes Disease Recurrence

1 . Intercourse

In some people with herpes , skin friction belebihan that irritate the skin layer can lead to herpes symptoms reappear . Using a lubricant can help reduce the irritation caused by friction of the skin . Avoid using lubricants or condoms containing the spermicide nonoxynol - 9 , as it can irritate the mucous membranes such as the lining of the vagina . Oil-based lubricants should be avoided because it may damage the condom .

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Warts Information On Sex and Gender Men Women

Discusses about genital warts disease , people will certainly think about sexual intercourse multiple partners . Genital warts disease is one type of disease that is rather difficult to be cured .

A cure for this disease are not known there is really powerful because normally only a wart growth are removed but not with the disease virus .

Genital warts are flat or raised with a stalk ( pedunculated ) like cauliflower , usually grow on the genitals and rectal area . Another name for this disease is condyloma , condylomata acuminata , cock 's comb .

Warts found on the genitals of men and women is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) . There are more than 40 types of HPV that can infect the genital areas of men and women around .

That attacks of genital HPV types can also infect other parts of the body such as the mouth and throat . Most people with HPV do not even know they have the virus in his body . Different HPV symptoms and consequently with the herpes virus or HIV that causes AIDS

Characteristics and Symptoms of Warts in Sex

Warts on the genitals usually looks like small lumps or bumps clustered around the genitals . The genital warts take many forms . There are small , large , protruding or flush with the skin . In severe cases he handled quickly and not be clustered and shaped like a cauliflower or a cock 's comb .

Specialist in skin and venereal diseases can diagnose genital warts just by examining the area around the genitals. Warts on the genitals can occur weeks or months after infection . However , genital warts also can appear even if your partner has no signs of warts on the genitals .

Genital warts are not treated then there are three possibilities that could happen . first he could disappear by itself , the second he will stay that way , and the last is most common kuti increasingly large in size .

Symptoms of genital warts

Genital warts appear about 2-4 weeks after infection , but often need a few months to look real . Warts are usually not painful , but can cause itching . Appearance of warts varies , from completely flat to rough cauliflower .

The warts can be so flat so it is not visible to the naked eye , but can cause pain and itching . They can appear singly or in groups .

In men , genital warts usually appear on the penis or under the foreskin . Genital warts can also appear inside the urethra , usually only in the urethral meatus ( opening of the urethra at the head of the penis ) .

In women , genital warts seen in the vagina , labia or urethra . Both men and women , warts can appear on the rectum and surrounding areas .

Warts in Men Sex

In those men who have sex with men other than genital warts , warts also commonly appear in the anal region . In homosexual men , the warts will be at risk of anal cancer . So it is important to conduct tests in order to know the symptoms of human papillomavirus in a high-risk sexually transmitted disease . In men who have a high risk of HPV infection HPV vaccination should be doing . Also required is a routine inspection when it comes to the health services .

Warts on Women Sex

Kamis, 09 Januari 2014


Candidiasis is an opportunistic infection ( OI ) is very common in people with HIV infection . The infection is caused by a common fungus called candida . This fungus , a kind of yeast , is found in most people's bodies . A healthy immune system keeps it under control . Candida usually infects the mouth , throat and vagina . The IO may occur months or years before other, more serious IO . See Fact Sheet ( LI ) 500 for more information on IO .
In the mouth , the infection is called thrush . When the infection spreads deeper into the throat , it is called esophagitis . Small white patches like foam , or red spots . This disease can cause sore throat , difficulty swallowing , nausea , and loss of appetite .
Candidiasis is different from the sprue , although the cloud is often referred to it as thrush . See Fact Sheet 624 for information about the correct sprue .
Candidiasis of the vagina is called vaginitis . This disease is common . Symptoms include itching , burning, and a thick white liquid . Candida can also spread and cause infection in the brain , heart , joints , and eyes .
There is no way to prevent exposure to candida . Generally , the drug used to prevent candidiasis . There are several reasons :

Rabu, 08 Januari 2014


Trichomoniasis , a type of vaginitis , generally is a sexually transmitted disease ( STD ) . Because of the habit of determining the type of disease and treatment by the clients themselves and diagnosis by health professionals without using adequate checks , some people with undiagnosed trichomoniasis . Determination of the type of disease might occur because of the presence of the drugs are sold freely . Symptoms and signs of trichomoniasis are not very specific , and diagnosis memebutuhkan simple laboratory tests such as wet preparations (wet mount ) .
Trichomoniasis can cause a person to lose his day because of the bad taste that it causes , so this infection should not be ignored. The presence of the combined incidence of infection with other STDs is important to consider when making a diagnosis of trichomoniasis . Trichomoniasis is a problem for the sufferer because the symptoms and possible complications it causes.
In the girls before the age of puberty , healthy vaginal walls thin and hypoestrogenic , with a pH greater than 4.7 , the examination with culture ( culture ) will show some microorganisms . After she became an adult , the vaginal walls become thickened and lactobacilli are the dominant microorganisms , decreased vaginal pH to less than 4.5 .
Lactobacillus is important to protect the vagina from infection , and the flora of the vaginal lactobacilli are dominant ( although not the only vaginal flora stau ) . The incubation period before the onset of symptoms after the infection varies between 3-28 days . During the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis infection , trichomonas are moving ( motile trichomonads jerky ) can be seen from examination of the wet mount . Vaginal pH rises, as well as the number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes ( PMN ) . PMN leukocytes is the primary defense mechanism of the host ( host / manuasia ) , and they respond to the presence of chemical substances released trichomonas . T vaginalis damage epithelial cells by means of direct contact and by releasing cytotoxic substances . T vaginalis is also attached to the host plasma proteins , thus preventing recognition by alternative mechanisms that exist in the host and host proteinases against the entry of T vaginalis .
frequency :

Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Syphilis ( syphilis )

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete bacterium , Treponema pallidum .
Transmission is usually through sexual contact , but there are several other examples of such direct contact and congenital syphilis ( transmission through mother to child in the uterus ) .
Symptoms and signs of syphilis many and different ; before development serologikal tests , diagnosis is difficult and the disease is often called " the Great Imitators " because it is often mistaken for other diseases .
In the United States , approximately 36,000 cases of syphilis are reported each year , and the actual figure is higher diperkiran . Approximately three-fifths of cases happen to him .
If untreated , syphilis can cause serious effects such as damage to the nervous system , heart , or brain . Untreated syphilis can be fatal . People are more likely to get syphilis or find a sexual partner who may be exposed to syphilis is recommended to immediately see a doctor as soon as possible .
Syphilis can be treated with penicillin or other antibiotics . According to statistics , treatment with the pill less effective than other treatments , because patients usually do not complete treatment. How effective is the oldest and still with procaine penicillin injections in each buttock ( procaine opted to reduce pain ) ; dose should be given half in each buttock because when used as a single dose will cause pain . Another way is to give azithromycin capsules by mouth (it has a long duration ) and must be observed . This method may fail because there are several types of syphilis resistant to azithromycin and approximately 10 % of cases occurred in 2004 . Additional treatments are less effective because patients are required to take pills several times per day .
Health care professionals suggest safer sex by using a condom when performed sexual activity , but can not guarantee a definite keeper . The best suggestion is the prevention of sexual activity with a person who has a sexually transmitted disease and the disease status of the negative .
This disease in men more visible symptoms compared with women perempuan.Biasanya gejalanya.Gejala not know that there is such a red rash in the genital area , and are usually very gatal.Meski women will not know whether he was suffering from syphilis , should guard against contracting the disease and transmit the disease to people else.And for men should also keep yourself from getting infected or pass it to the lain.Cara only to prevent this from happening is loyal to her partner and also routinely checked by a physician in order not to be too severe .

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Gonorrhoea (gonorrhea)

Venereal disease caused by gonococcal bacteria . is a disease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse and is very contagious . Infection does not always happen when sexual intercourse is safe .


 In men :
Viscous fluid / pus out of the opening of the urethra
Pain / burning sensation during urination .
In women :
There are no symptoms in 60 % of women
The discharge hole intercourse ( vaginal )
Pain / heat during urination
In newborns :
Thick yellow fluid from the eye


Genita infections and urinary tract by Neisseira gonococcal bacteria , is transmitted through sexual intercourse vaginal / oral / anal and direct contact . Newborns transmitted by contact with infectious fluids from the hole copulation / pussy .


The spread of infection to the testicles ( in men ) and fallopian tube ( in women ) , causing infertility .
The spread of infection to the joints causing arthritis
Blindness ( in infants )

Minggu, 05 Januari 2014


understanding HIV
HIV ( human immunodeficiency virus ) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human body 's immune system - especially CD4 + T cells and macrophages , a vital component of the immune system system " host " - and destroy or impair their function . HIV infection causes a rapid reduction of the immune system , which causes immune deficiency . HIV is the basic cause of AIDS .
From the results of the study , all patients with HIV / AIDS who have entered into the phase seropositive , asymptomatic hypothyroidism .
The term has been used since 1986 HIV ( Coffin et al . , 1986) as the name for the retrovirus that was first proposed as the cause of AIDS by Luc Montagnier of France , which was originally named it LAV ( lymphadenopathy - associated virus ) ( Barre - Sinoussi et al . , 1983 ) and by Robert Gallo of the United States , which was originally named HTLV - III (human T lymphotropic virus type III ) ( Popovic et al . , 1984) . The phylogenetic tree of the SIV and HIV viruses .
HIV is a member of the lentivirus genus , part of the family Retroviridae are characterized by a long latency period and a cover of lipids from host cells surrounding a central initial protein / RNA . Two species of HIV infect humans : HIV - 1 and HIV - 2 . HIV - 1 is more " virulent " and more easily transmitted , and is the source of most HIV infections throughout the world ; HIV - 2 is still mostly confined to west Africa ( Reeves and Doms , 2002) . Both species originated in west and central Africa , jumping from primates to humans in a process known as zoonosis .
HIV - 1 has evolved from a simian immunodeficiency virus ( SIVcpz ) found in the chimpanzee subspecies , Pan troglodytes . HIV - 2 is a species of a different strain of SIV , sooty mangabeys are found in , Old World monkey of Guinea - Bissau ( Reeves and Doms , 2002) .
Three groups of HIV - 1 has been identified by the expression of the viral genome called env , namely : M , N and O. Group M env is the most common genome with 8 subtype differences influenced the geographical factors , among others : B ( in the United States and Europe ) , A and D ( in Africa ) , C ( in Africa and Asia ) . subsequent infection by a different subtype , raises circulating recombinant forms [ 2 ] (English : circulating recombinant forms, CRF ) .
Recombinant form of the first to be discovered was the recombinant AG of central and western Africa , then recombinant AGI of Greece and Cyprus , recombinant AE AB from Russia and southeast Asia . Nevertheless , CRF AE precursor form of type E still missing . 47 % of infections occur in all parts of the world is subtype C , 27 % in the form CRF02_AG , 12.3 % in subtype B , 4 % were subtype D , and 4 % is an AE CRF , the remaining 5.7 % composed of other subtypes and CRFs . The last 95 % of HIV research is focused on subtype B , sedangkn several laboratories using subtype C.
structure of HIV
HIV is different in structure to retroviruses described previously . The magnitude of about 120 nm in diameter ( trillionth 120 billion meters , approximately 60 times smaller than a red blood cell ) and roughly " spherical "
            Here are some important points in the case with HIV / AIDS :
a) The means Penularanya
Ø Alternate sexual partners , or sexual intercourse with a person infected with HIV virus
Ø Put used needles and HIV-infected individuals
Ø Receiving a blood transfusion with HIV -tainted blood
Ø Pregnant women infected with HIV will transmit to the baby in kandunganya

b ) How to Overcome / Pengobatanya
     Until now have not found a way of treatment of HIV / AIDS finished . Currently , there is only helping the patient to maintain his health .
c ) How to Safely Avoid
Ø Not changing partners , and avoiding sexual relations outside of marriage
Ø As far as possible avoid blood transfusion unclear origin
Ø Using tools of medical and nonmedical guaranteed sterile
d ) The characteristics of people infected with HIV / AIDS
Ø flu and diarrhea after a few weeks the patient is infected
Ø After 5-6 years infected patient will experience :
· Arise recurrent diarrhea
· Sudden weight loss
· Frequent canker sores in the mouth
· There was crusting in the lymph nodes

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014

Description of the Smallpox Disease Similar But Not The Same

Smallpox is a contagious disease and can sometimes be fatal caused by the variola virus . The variola virus will cause a red rash contains fluid around the surface of the skin on the patient .

Most people never heard of smallpox . But the reality is , not everyone knows exactly what the disease is . Not to mention there is a term that is increasingly mixed , between smallpox , chicken pox , smallpox snake , and monkey pox .

Here the author outlines the diseases are similar but not the same true , such as :


Smallpox in medical language called variola , it is in English called small pox . Diseases caused by viruses poks ( pox virus ) has existed since centuries ago and is highly contagious .

Symptoms that occur to those who are infected with the fever , and bubbles appear simultaneously pus in the skin areas of the face, hands , feet , and finally the whole body . The disease is often fatal, especially if the infant or elderly . For those who can heal too, will give a mark on the skin in the form of pockmarks .

Fortunately , this disease is no longer the world . In the 19th century , all over the world to get rid of this disease by immunization . In parts of Indonesia , measles immunization has been carried out since 1856, by the Dutch Government .

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Fundamental Differences Between Sex And Herpes Herpes Zoster

Quite different types of skin diseases that interfere with a person's daily activities and one type of skin diseases that interfere with it is herpes .

Knowing some of the causes and symptoms of herpes as well as the differences , will assist you in finding the right treatment for herpes and avoid the things that cause herpes disease .

Basically , all the knowledge you can get through a magazine or a medical article about herpes . In the following article , the author tries to provide important information about some of the differences in genital herpes and shingles .

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse . This virus attacks the limbs in the genital or oral .

Herpes simplex virus has two kinds of types: HSV - 1 ( which usually affects the lips , mouth , or gums ) and HSV - 2 ( genital area that appears ) . In the HSV - 2 virus can also infect the mouth when performing oral sex .

Kamis, 02 Januari 2014


                  Ureterolithiasis adalah suatu keadaan terjadinya penumpukan oksalat, calculi (batu ginjal) pada ureter atau pada daerah ginjal. Ureterolithiasis terjadi bila batu ada di dalam saluran perkemihan.  Batu itu sendiri disebut calculi. Pembentukan batu mulai dengan kristal yang terperangkap di suatu tempat sepanjang saluran perkemihan yang tumbuh sebagai pencetus larutan urin. Calculi bervariasi dalam ukuran dan dari fokus mikroskopik sampai beberapa centimeter dalam diameter cukup besar untuk masuk dalam pelvis ginjal. Gejala rasa sakit yang berlebihan pada pinggang, nausea, muntah, demam, hematuria. Urine berwarna keruh seperti teh atau merah. (Brunner and Suddarth, 2002: 1460).
Batu ureter pada umumnya berasal dari batu ginjal yang turun ke ureter. Batu ureter mungkin dapat lewat sampai ke kandung kemih dan kemudian keluar bersama kemih. Batu ureter juga bisa sampai ke kandung kemih dan kemudian berupa nidus menjadi batu kandung kemih yang besar. Batu juga bisa tetap tinggal di ureter sambil menyumbat dan menyebabkan obstruksi kronik dengan hidroureter yang mungkin asimtomatik. Tidak jarang terjadi hematuria yang didahului oleh serangan kolik. (R. Sjamsuhidajat, 1998 Hal. 1027).
 Urolithiasis adalah kalsifikasi dengan sistem urinari kalkuli, seringkali disebut batu ginjal. Batu dapat berpindah ke ureter dan kandung kemih (Black, Joyce, 1997, hal. 1595).
Urolithiasis adalah benda zat padat yang dibentuk oleh presipitasi berbagai zat terlarut dalam urine pada saluran kemih. Batu dapat berasal dari kalsium oksalat (60%), fosfat sebagai campuran kalsium, amonium, dan magnesium fosfat (batu tripel fosfat akibat infeksi) (30%), asam urat (5%), dan sistin (1%).( Pierce A. Grace & Neil R. Borley 2006, ILMU BEDAH, hal. 171).
Urolithiasis adalah penyakit diamana didapatkan batu di dalam saluran air kemih, yang dimulai dari kaliks sampai dengan uretra anterior.(DR. Nursalam, M. Nurs & Fransica B.B, Sistem Perkemihan, hal. 76).

                  Sampai saat sekarang penyebab terbentuknya batu belum diketahui secara pasti. Beberapa faktor predisposisi terjadinya batu :
    1.    Ginjal
Tubular rusak pada nefron, mayoritas terbentuknya batu
    2.     Immobilisasi
Kurang gerakan tulang dan muskuloskeletal menyebabkan penimbunan kalsium. Peningkatan kalsium di plasma akan meningkatkan pembentukan batu.
   3.    Infeksi : infeksi saluran kemih dapat menyebabkan nekrosis jaringan ginjal dan menjadi inti pembentukan batu.
   4.    Kurang minum : sangat potensial terjadi timbulnya pembentukan batu.
   5.    Pekerjaan : dengan banyak duduk lebih memungkinkan terjadinya pembentukan batu dibandingkan pekerjaan seorang buruh atau petani.
   6.    Iklim : tempat yang bersuhu dingin (ruang AC) menyebabkan kulit kering dan pemasukan cairan kurang. Tempat yang bersuhu panas misalnya di daerah tropis, di ruang mesin menyebabkan banyak keluar keringat, akan mengurangi produksi urin.

Rabu, 01 Januari 2014


A. Pengertian
Fimosis adalah keadaan di mana kulit penis (preputium) melekat pada bagian kepala penis (glans) dan mengakibatkan tersumbatnya lubang saluran air seni, sehingga bayi dan anak jadi kesulitan dan kesakitan saat kencing.

B. Patofisiologi
Fimosis dialami oleh sebagian besar bayi baru lahir karena terdapat adesi alamiah antara prepusium dengan glans penis. Hingga usia 3-4 tahun penis tumbuh dan berkembang dan debris yang dihasilkan oleh epitel prepusium (smegma) mengumpul didalam prepusium dan perlahan-lahan memisahkan prepusium dari glans penis. Ereksi penis yang terjadi secara berkala membuat prepusium terdilatasi perlahan-lahan sehingga prepusium menjadi retraktil dan dapat ditarik ke proksimal. Pada usia 3 tahun, 90 % prepusium sudah dapat diretraksi.

Tapi pada sebagian anak, prepusium tetap lengket pada glans penis, sehingga ujung preputium mengalami penyempitan dan akhirnya dapat mengganggu fungsi miksi / berkemih. Smegma terjadi dari sel-sel mukosa prepusium dan glans penis yang mengalami deskuamasi oleh bakteri yang ada didalamnya.

C. Tanda dan gejala
Tanda dan gejala fimosis diantaranya :
1. Penis membesar dan menggelembung akibat tumpukan urin
2. Kadang-kadang keluhan dapat berupa ujung kemaluan menggembung saat mulai miksi yang kemudian menghilang setelah berkemih. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh karena urin yang keluar terlebih dahulu tertahan dalam ruangan yang dibatasi oleh kulit pada ujung penis sebelum keluar melalui muaranya yang sempit.
3. Biasanya bayi menangis dan mengejan saat BAK karena timbul rasa sakit.
4. Kulit penis tak bias ditarik kea rah pangkal ketika akan dibersihkan
5. Air seni keluar tidak lancer. Kadang-kadang menetes dan kadang-kadang memancar dengan arah yang tidak dapat diduga
6. Bisa juga disertai demam
7. Iritasi pada penis.