Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

You can use natural ingredients to remove acne scars, for example:


Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C to nourish the skin and eliminate acne and scars , both emerging and already inflamed .

How to use:

Cut tomatoes into pieces cleaned

Put the pieces in the face of existing acne scars

Leave on for 20-30 minutes

Rinse your face with clean water

Do it 2-3 times a week


Lemon juice has many benefits , especially for health and beauty of the face . The content of lemon can clean the dead skin cells and reduce the oil on the face . No wonder lime can help eliminate acne and its scars

How to use:

Squeeze the 1 or 2 lemon

Apply the juice on the face , especially on the part of many acne scars

Let stand for 15 minutes or until it dries up

Rinse your face with clean water

Lalukan 2-3 times a week


Egg white is very powerful to keep the beauty of the face . In addition to tightening the skin , egg whites can also remove acne and its scars.

How to use:

Clean the face

Take one grain and separate from the yolk

Apply on the face

Wait for it to dry for 10-15 minutes

Rinse your face with clean water ( cold water if possible )

Do it 2-3 times a week

Aloe vera gel

The content of the aloe gel is also effective enough to clean the skin to be free from acne scars are stubborn . If you do not want to shell out money , crocodile tongues planted it yourself at home , once the plant is easy to grow :)

How to use:

Clean the face

Select fresh aloe vera ( not wilted )

Break in the middle to later push out the gel

Apply the gel to the face

Let stand for 10-15 minutes

Rinse your face with clean water

Do it 2-3 times a week

Olive Oil

Olive oil has a particularly abundant benefits for health and beauty as the face to soften skin and maintain skin beauty . In addition oil is also useful for hair beauty .

How to use:

Before bed , rub olive oil on face

Gently massage your face for 5 minutes

Rinse face with warm water

To the maximum , you should do every day until the acne scars disappear

grated Corn

Corn contains Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that is needed by the skin to maintain skin elasticity and moisture to prevent premature aging . In addition , there is Vitamin C which helps build connective tissue and prevent scarring ( wrinkles ) on the skin .

How to use:

Clean the face

Select young corn and fresh , clean , and scar until smooth

Apply grated on face

Wait 15-20 minutes

Rinse your face with clean water

Do it 2-3 times a week

Black tea dregs
If you like to drink black tea , do not waste the waste is simply because it is very nutritious for the skin beauty . Dregs of black tea is also believed and has been proven to eliminate acne scars . Then , and rinse with water .

How to use:

Clean the face

Apply a taste of black tea dregs into the acne scars are slowly

Let stand for 15 minutes

Rinse your face with clean water

Do it 2-3 times a week

Note : Do not over do all of the above treatments simultaneously. Choose one of the easiest wrote for you !