Senin, 19 Mei 2014

skin cancer

Skin cancer is the growth of cells in the skin at the level of the abnormal . The cause of skin cancer is different and the level of malignancy was different . Skin cancer is most common in squamous cell layer , basal and melanocytes . Skin cancer usually grows in the epidermis ( the outermost layer of skin ) , so a tumor ( lump ) can be seen from the outside , so that the skin cancer is a type of cancer that is most easily found the symptoms at an early stage . Skin cancer is also the least risk of cancer death in people , this is because the skin can rarely reach vital organs such as heart , lung , kidney and brain stem in humans .

The views of alternative therapies

In view of holistic therapy , cancer is a common cause , namely because of the oxidant substances in the body . But skin cancer can also be caused by the presence of radioactive rays , ultraviolet rays , directly without any barrier ( safety ) .

Because of its location on the skin , skin cancer is more easily recognized and more easily handled . Even so , people with skin cancer should be careful because it could happen metastasis (spread ) to other organs .

For the treatment of skin cancer , should :

Avoid foods and beverages that contain chemicals including sugar and mineral water .

Avoid all Handbody powder and lotion made from chemicals .

Avoid exposure to sunlight directly above at 9 am .

Drink a supplement that is able to clean dirt on the wall of the intestine ( colon cleanshing ) . In this case the best , most delicious and cheapest is pumpkin compote ( pumpkin machete ) without coconut milk . To keep in mind in taking them to be added lime juice . drink 2 glasses a day .

Make a supplement that contains anti- oxidant substances , such juss from vegetable tomatoes , grapes , carrots , bean sprouts and green beans . To manufacture juss , preferably in a blender for 20 minutes , do not stop . The aim is that no injection of oxygen into the juss . Because it should be drunk straight up, do not let lam since oxygen can evaporate again . Drink 2 cups a day .

Be made a decoction of herbs that contain lots of anti- oxidant substances . These herbs include mango leaf parasites , parasite tea leaves , breadfruit leaves , vinca leaves , petals god , ginger and white , etc. . Drink 2 cups a day .

Be made a decoction of herbs that are harder than the above , I can use the crown of the gods , pace , cumin , etc. . drink 2 glasses a day .

Be made a powder of rat taro , cassava annual toxic . Apply this powder to cancer , 4-5 times a day .

Do gymnastics swing arm , 30 minutes a day .