Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Cervical Cancer: Characteristics, Causes and Prevention of Cancer Cervix

Cervical cancer or cancer , also known as cervical cancer is one of the most feared women . Based on available data , of the many cancer patients in Indonesia , cervical cancer is one third of her . And from WHO data recorded , every year thousands of women die from cervical cancer and a type of cancer which is ranked as the top cause of death among women world .

Cervical cancer affects on the reproductive organs of women , specifically in the area of the cervix or the entrance to the uterus is the narrow part at the bottom of the vulva and uterus .

Cause of Cervical Cancer

Human papilloma virus ( HPV ) is the cause of cervical cancer . While the cause of death in women is HPV virus types 16 and 18 . Virus is very easy to move and spread , not only through the liquid , but can also move through the touch of skin . In addition , the use of public lavatories that have been exposed to the HPV virus , can infect someone who uses it if not cleaned properly .

In addition , poor living habits can also cause outbreaks of cervical cancer . Such as smoking , inadequate intake of vitamins , especially vitamin C and vitamin E as well as a lack of folic acid intake . Another bad habit that can cause cervical cancer are frequent intercourse with multiple partners , having sex with men who often change partners and have intercourse at an early age ( have intercourse at age < 16 years can even increase the risk of cervical cancer 2x ) . Another factor that causes cervical cancer is the offspring of cancer , use of birth control pills in a very long period of time , too often give birth .

Characteristics of Women Suffering from Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer requires a very long process that is between 10 to 20 years to become a cancer that was originally from an infection . Therefore , when the initial phase of development will be difficult to be detected . Therefore women are suggested to perform a pap smear test at least 2 years , to test VIA ( visual inspection with acetic acid , etc. . Though it is difficult to be detected , but the following characteristics could be a clue to the woman whether she is suffering from the symptoms of cancer cervical or not :

During intercourse as feeling pain , often followed pleh bleeding .

Experiencing abnormal vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding and the amount of excess

Often have pain in the hip area

Experiencing pain during urination

At the time of menstruation , blood coming out in large quantities and excess

When women have an advanced stage will experience pain in the groin or thigh one experiencing swelling , appetite became very