Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

BPH; Benign prostatic hyperplasia or benign prostate enlargement


Pembesanan prostatic hyperplasia is a benign prostate gland hyperplasia varied form of fibromuscular atauhiperplasia . However, people often call with prostatic hypertrophy is dominant but secarahistologi hyperplasia ( Long , 2006) .

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlarged prostate gland non cancer ( Basuki , 2000) .

Benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) is a disease caused by aging ( Soeparman , 2000) .

Prostatic hyperplasia is a progressive enlargement of the prostate gland ( in general in men > 50 years ) that cause varying degrees of obstruction of the urethra ( Hardjowidjoto , 2000) .

BPH is a condition where the prostate enlargement extends up into kandungkemih and block the flow of urine by covering the urethral orifice . ( Schwartz , 2000) .

Conclusion BPH ( benign prostatic hyperplasia ) is a disease caused by aging factors , which have an enlarged prostate extends up into the bladder and block the flow of urine by covering the urethral orifice .

Prostatektomy is a prostate surgery ( partial / whole ) that cuts the urethra , aiming to improved flow of urine and acute urinary retention eliminate .


The cause of prostate hyperplasia is not known with certainty , there are some opinions and facts that show , it comes and complicated process of androgens and estrogens . Dehidrotestosteron originating and testosterone by the enzyme 5α - reductase is estimated as the main mediator of prostate growth . Found in the cytoplasm of prostate cells to dehidrotestosteron receptor ( DHT ) . This receptor numbers will increase with the help of estrogen . DHT is formed will then bind to the receptor to form DHT - receptor complex . Then enter the cell nucleus and influence RNA to cause protein synthesis resulting in cell protiferasi . As the basis of the assumption that a disturbance of the balance of hormones androgen and estrogen , with increasing age is known that the amount of androgens is reduced resulting in elevation of estrogen in retatif . Known to affect estrogen prostate inner ( middle, lateral lobe and medial lobes ) to the hiperestrinisme , this is part of the experience hyperplasia

According Basuki ( 2000) , until now not known with certainty the cause of prostate hyperplasia , but several hypotheses mentioned that prostate hyperplasia is closely related to increased levels of dehidrotestosteron ( DHT ) and the aging process . Several hypotheses are suspected as the cause of prostate timbulnyahiperplasi are :

The change of the balance between testosterone and estrogen in the elderly

The role of a growth factor ( growth factor ) as a driver of growth in the prostate gland stroma

Increased long-life cells of the prostate due to reduced cell death

Stem cell theory , explaining that a proliferation of abnormal stem cells leading to the production selstroma and epithelial cells of the prostate gland becomes redundant

In general, some of the theories put forward , namely :

Stem cell theory , new cells are usually grown from stem cells . For any reason such as age, hormonal imbalance, or other precipitating factors . Then the stem cells can proliferate dengancepat , resulting in periuretral gland hyperplasia

The second theory is the theory states that the network back Reawekering such development during embryology level so periuretral network can grow faster than the surrounding tissue

Another theory is a theory which states that hormonal balance with age bertanbahnya cause testosterone production and the conversion of testosterone to estrogen


Frequent complication in patients with BPH include: frequent with increasing severity of BPH, urinary tract obstruction dapatterjadi, because urine is not able to pass through the prostate. This can lead to urinary infeksisaluran and if left untreated, can lead to kidney failure.

Damage to the upper urinary tract obstruction due to chronic sufferers have to push the lead to micturition which causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure that will cause hemorrhoids herniadan. Stasis of urine in the urinary vesico precipitate will form stones that add to complaints of irritation and hematuria. In addition, stasis of urine in the bladder make the media the growth of microorganisms, which can cause cystitis and pyelonephritis when reflux causes