Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the growth of cancer cells that are not controlled in the lung tissue . The pathogenesis of lung cancer has not been completely understood . Looks like bronchial mucosal cells undergo metaplastic changes in response to chronic exposure to inhaled particles and injured lungs . In response to cellular injury , inflammatory reactions and processes will evolve . Basal cell proliferation and mucosal will have differentiated into mucus -secreting goblet cells . It seems that the activity is due to metaplastic columnar epithelium lining the turn of the squamous epithelium , which is accompanied by cellular atypia and increased mitotic activity which develops into mucosal dysplasia . Span of time this process has not been established , only estimated approximately between 10 to 20 years .

The origins of the causes of lung cancer cells still can not be explained . During these two theories evolve ,

Pleuripotential cell theory by Auerbach , which explains the deviations that occur in the process of differentiation of stem cells into other cells .

By Yesner small cell theory , which explains the small cell neoplasms transforming and evolving into cancer cells

However, it is known that genetic mutations occur in p73 , p53 and PRB , in addition to the role of the oncogene c - MYB , c - MYCA , mycc c - , c - raf , L - myc , N - myc , K - flavor , c - Fura , N - race , H - ra , c - erbB1 , c - fms , c - fes , c - rlf , c - erbB1 , c - ErbB2 , c - sis , BCL1

According to WHO , lung cancer is the leading cause of death in the group of cancer in both men and women .

Types of lung cancer

More than 90 % of lung cancers originated from the bronchi , to bronchogenic cancer is called carcinoma , which consists of :

Squamous cell carcinoma

Small cell carcinoma

Large cell carcinoma

lung adenocarcinoma

Alveolar cell carcinoma originating from the alveoli in the lungs . This cancer can be a single growth , but often strike more than one area of ​​the lung .

Lung tumors are less common are :

Adenoma ( either malignant or benign )

Kondromatous hamartoma ( benign )

Sarcoma ( malignant )

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system , which can be derived from the lung or is spread from other organs . Many cancers that originated elsewhere spread to the lungs . This cancer usually comes from the breast , colon , prostate , kidney , thyroid , stomach , cervix , rectum , testicles, bones and skin .

Squamous cell carcinoma

Called squamous cell carcinoma , or SCC in English , this type of cancer is common in the main bronchial tubes . Generally there is a development of keratin and keratin pearls .

lung adenocarcinoma

Lung adenocarcinoma were recorded around 30 % - 45 % and will likely continue to increase . Cases of lung adenocarcinoma usually occurs in the lungs and organs are more common in women than in men , with a tendency to early metastasis in the area around the lymph nodes and brain . Patients with lung adenocarcinoma typically have a chronic history of interstitial lung disease , such as scleroderma , rheumatoid disease , sarcoidosis , interstitial pneumonitis , tuberculosis , recurrent lung infections or lung disease accompanied by necrosis . This causes scar carcinoma is often called adenocarcinomas .

adenocarcinoma bronkioalveolar

A subtype of lung adenocarcinoma with an incidence rate of approximately 2 % - 4 % of the total incidence of lung cancer , often associated with several lung diseases that result in pulmonary fibrosis , such as pneumonia , idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis , granulomata , asbestosis , alveolitis with fibrosis , scleroderma , and disease Hodgkin . The place of this cancer is still being debated , but the possibility has been minimized between Clara cell population or type II pneumocytes along the alveolar septa propagating .

Large cell carcinoma

This cancer has an incidence rate of approximately 9 % . Tumor cells characterized by large cells with large nuclei . Have not found the glandular or squamous differentiation .

The main cause

Smoking is a major cause of about 90 % of lung cancer cases in men and about 70 % in women . The more cigarettes smoked , the greater the risk for lung cancer .

Only a small proportion of lung cancers ( about 10 % -15 % in men and 5 % in women ) caused by or inhaled substances encountered in the workplace . Working with asbestos , radiation , arsenic , chromate , nickel , chloromethyl ethers , mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer , although usually only occurs in workers who also smoke .

The role of air pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear . Some cases occur because of exposure to radon gas in the home.

Sometimes, lung cancer ( particularly adenocarcinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma ) occurred in people who already have lung scarring due to other lung diseases , such as tuberculosis and fibrosis .

Symptoms of lung cancer

The most common symptoms encountered in patients with lung cancer are :

Persistent cough or become great .

Bloody sputum , change colors and more .

Shortness of breath and shallow.

Headache, sore or cracked bone with no apparent cause .

chronic fatigue

Losing selara eating or weight loss for no apparent reason .

Voice hoarse / husky .

Swelling in the face or neck .

Symptoms of lung cancer are generally not too obvious , so that most lung cancer patients who seek medical attention have to be in an advanced stage . Kasusk early - stage cases / early often found accidentally when someone does a routine medical examination .

Diagnosis and treatment

Some of the procedures that can facilitate the diagnosis of lung cancer include X - ray photograph , Thoracic CT Scan , Fine Needle Biopsy , Bronchoscopy , and ultrasound abdomen .

Treatment for lung cancer can be done in ways such as :

Surgery to dispose of any part of the lung - sometimes exceeding from the discovery of the tumor and remove all lymph nodes with cancer .

Radiotherapy or radiation with high intensity X-rays to kill cancer cells .


Drinking oral drug with specific adverse events that aim to prolong survival .

Symptoms of lung cancer are generally not too obvious , so that most lung cancer patients who seek medical attention have to be in an advanced stage . Kasusk early - stage cases / early often found accidentally when someone does a routine medical examination .

Diagnosis and treatment

Some of the procedures that can facilitate the diagnosis of lung cancer include X - ray photograph , Thoracic CT Scan , Fine Needle Biopsy , Bronchoscopy , and ultrasound abdomen .

Treatment for lung cancer can be done in ways such as :

Surgery to dispose of any part of the lung - sometimes exceeding from the discovery of the tumor and remove all lymph nodes with cancer .

Radiotherapy or radiation with high intensity X-rays to kill cancer cells .


Drinking oral drug with specific adverse events that aim to prolong survival .