Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Watch out! Recognize meningitis (inflammation of brain membranes) Causes and Prevention

Public recently intensified with diseases of meningitis or meningitis that struck one of the country famous famous comedian Olga Syahputra . Disease that currently happen to him , forcing comedian kemayunya typical with this style had to be rushed to the hospital and intensive care . The news of the fall of olga 's health could make her illness to be the talk and the specter of considerable concern in the health sector . Or you may have heard about this disease . But perhaps only to the extent you know that this is a disease of inflammation of the lining of the brain , and once the disease is heavily reported , probably many of you actually wonder whether the meningitis disease .

What Is Meningitis Disease

Meningitis is an inflammation of the symptoms of a protective layer of tissue lining of the brain and spinal cord that also cause or serous exudation of pus caused by bacteria or viruses . This disease can be caused by microorganisms , cancer , fungus , physical injury , certain medicines consumed by patients and parasites that spread into the fluidity of blood and melt the brain . The disease is categorized as a serious illness should immediately get treatment , given the location of the disease are close to the brain and spinal cord , which can cause damage to the motion , the mind and even lead to death .

For patients that are diagnosed with meningitis is recommended to conduct further investigation , both suffered meningitis caused by bacteria , viruses or fungi . It is necessary for the treatment of action , as each will get meningitis therapy appropriate to the cause .

Types of Meningitis Disease

Views of its kind there are 2 main types of meningitis are:

1 . Meningitis Viral . Viral meningitis is usually not a serious illness menyababkan . In severe conditions , this type of meningitis can lead to heat berkepanjang fever accompanied by convulsions full measure .

2 . Meningitis bacteria . Bacterial meningitis can not be taken lightly , because bacterial meningitis is so serious and should receive care and treatment to prevent serious damage to the brain and body are ongoing complaints that ultimately the risk of death .

Meningitis Causes of Disease Incidence

Basically meningitis is caused by exposure to the virus is not harmful and will recover without specific treatment and care . However, bacterial meningitis can lead to serious conditions , such as for example the damage that occurs in the brain , hilanganya learning ability , reduced ability to hear and can even cause death risk . While meningitis is caused by a fungus , usually very rare , this type is generally suffered by patients who have suffered damage to the immune system ( immune system ) as well as people with AIDS .

As for bacteria to attack Meningitis Causes diantanya :

1 . Streptococcus pneumoniae ( pneumococcus )

The bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae ( pneumococcus ) is one of the most bacteria that cause meningitis that affects infants and children . This type of bacteria can also cause infections of the lungs ( pneumonia ) , ears and nasal cavity ( sinusitis ) .

2 . Neisseria meningitidis ( meningococcus )

According to a source who obtained this type of bacteria is mentioned as the second most common cause of bacteria after the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae is the source of the bacteria that cause meningitis . Meningitis caused by bacteria is the result of an infection that attacks the respiratory tract that we do now at the top of the bacterium into the bloodstream and travel to the brain , so that a cause of meningitis . Infection due to bacterial attack is very risky because it can lead to death in just a period of 24 to 48 hours .

3 . Haemophilus influenzae ( Haemophilus )

The bacterium Haemophilus influenzae type b is a type of bacteria that causes upper respiratory infection and inner ear and sinusitis . Infections caused by these bacteria can be treated by administering the vaccine ( Hib vaccine) .

4 . Listeria monocytogenes ( Listeria )

The bacteria that cause meningitis can generally be found in many places , even in the food that has been mixed with the bacteria . The listeria bacteria from animals reared and foods that have the potential for bacterial contamination with listeria is the type of cheese , hot dogs and bacon sandwich .

5 . Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Other meningitis -causing bacteria are Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis , which is one cause of tuberculosis.

Emergent Signs and Symptoms In Patients Suffering from Meningitis

Signs and symptoms of meningitis are common among adolescent and adult patient age was stiff and sore neck , especially when you try to place the chin on the chest . While other symptoms that may be caused by fever , convulsions , vomiting , head pain, to loss of consciousness .

Meanwhile , the children , adults with those who have a medical history that might have troubled the different symptoms of meningitis . In infants show symptoms that may be a little difficult to recognize , because they generally have not been able to show the details of expression , it's just that the baby may be fussy and would not eat , the onset of the rash when touched will make them cry . Meanwhile , the child -like symptoms such as flu , which can be either a cough or difficulty breathing moment . While the symptoms will arise in adults or older people with people who have a medical history that may only be problematic headache accompanied by fever .

Disease Meningitis Is It Contagious ?

The answer is , yes . Minigitis disease is easily transmitted , the transmission can be caused by microorganisms , bacteria , viruses and fungi . If not treated at an early age it is feared will lead to more fatal bodily complaints , multiple disabilities such as paralysis or mental disorders . The media can be a part of this meningitis disease transmission is through mucus and saliva fluid when sneezing , laughing or talking . And other media to the media of the meningitis disease transmission can occur in glasses , plates and cutlery are used of the patient . Additionally towels and wipes can also be a transmission medium , for that you should be careful .

Meningitis Disease Treatment

When the above symptoms gjala - perceived , the patient should receive medical treatment by a doctor , lumbar function is a very important laboratory test for meningitis . It is also called spinal tap . Later, the patient will be examined more deeply and fluid samples will be taken from the spine and tested to see whether it contains organisms that cause disease . In addition , the doctor will also perform other tests , such as blood tests , CT scans and many more .

Meningitis Disease Prevention

Maintaining and Improving Health . Meningitis disease transmission can be prevented by increasing the level of hygiene among people at risk for infection and among those who might spread the disease . The most important thing is to maintain hand hygiene , because the hand is the most at risk of transmitting viruses and bacteria . To make it a habit to wash hands with antiseptic soap and rinse with running water .

Avoid Sharing Tools . Sharing equipment such use plates , cups , straws , towels and other equipment together with the patient to facilitate the spread of bacterial meningitis , for it hidari share equipment with the patient to prevent the onset of meningitis .

Cover nose and mouth when sneezing .

Consumption of antibiotics when being together with people infected with the virus . This is how your prevention of viral meningitis spread easily .

Meningitis or meningitis is a contagious disease . Germs that cause meningitis can be transmitted from one person to another through coughing and close contact distances . For it is important to immediately go to a doctor if the symptoms of meningitis perceived by you and the people closest to you . Because only your doctor can determine if you are suffering cause of meningitis . Because each cause of meningitis get different treatment and therapy . The disease is caused by bacterial meningitis can be deadly if not treated immediately . That he was a complete knowledge about the disease meningitis or inflammation of the lining of the brain , may be useful .