Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Quick Relief When Stung / bitten Insects

Insect bites or bee stings are usually accompanied by the entry of toxins or other substances that enter the body of the victim . As a result of these toxins will usually cause pain , itching and sometimes to cause allergic reactions . While the level of seriousness of the reaction after being bitten or stung by an insect depends on the sensitivity of the person ( victim ) against the insect venom or character and how often victims bitten by insects .

Some reactions can be caused by the bite usually include itching , stinging sensation and swollen red scars on the skin that can be missing one or two days . However , thus , there is also a delayed reaction and will cause fever , itching , joint pain to be able to cause swollen glands . Never underestimate the insect bites . If left alone , it is not impossible that this insect venom can spread throughout the body and harmful to health .

Reaction will be felt in every victim who was bitten by an insect would have been different , each person may experience an immediate reaction or a delayed reaction , it is not possible even could have had both of them after being bitten by an insect or stung by a bee . In addition , a reaction that can be generated from bites / stings of these insects are considered unisex so severe ( anaphylaxis ) . Only a small percentage of people who experience allergic reactions to insect venom anaphylaxis .

The signs and symptoms of a severe allergic reaction ( anaphylaxis ) will be:

Swelling face


difficulty Breathing

Abdominal pain

Decreased blood pressure and circulation ( shock )

Such reactions usually occur as a result of a wasp sting , bees and fire ants . Mosquitoes , ants , fleas , spiders, and some can also cause a reaction kalenjengking anafilaksi . But when it bites / stings of insects attacking you while activities at home and outside the home , so no need to panic , do the following as a quick relief .

Here's Fast Relief At Stung / bitten Insects

When first attacked insect bites , remove victim stricken safe to avoid the reach of insects that can attack again .

Discard insect or bee sting when still attached to the skin . This is to reduce or prevent the release of toxins in greater numbers .

Clean the insect attacked using soap or water .

Compress the area bitten or stung by using ice cubes to reduce swelling , pain and inflammation caused.

Another way that many people use to relieve swelling caused by a bite or sting is by rubbing toothpaste . By applying toothpaste on the bite wound will reduce the risk of irritation . Mint or peppermint flavor toothpaste is effective in treating insect bites .

If the pain inflicted is so excruciating , preferably taking analgesics to relieve pain caused by insect stings or bites . Or you can apply the cream / ointment to relieve pain and itching as a reaction caused by insect attack . But of course , this is certainly a drug or ointment should be as recommended and prescribed .

Here are some that can help you do when you or people around bitten or stung attack by insects . By knowing some of these tips , then you will know what you should do when a case of this condition suddenly occurs . That way there will be no panic and frantic when this condition occurs .