Indeed, there have been many successful treatments today and found some twenty years ago . But cancer treatment still remains elusive due to many factors . Growth of cancer cells still remains unpredictable and mysterious in some cases . Even friends , after apparently effective treatment , cancer cells were able to hide in some patients and resurface .
Approximately U.S. $ 200 billion ( approximately USD 1,800 billion ) has been spent on cancer research since the early 1970s . Survival for all cancer patients in the United States have increased from about 50 % in the 1970s to reach 65 % at the moment .
" We will not be able to achieve such progress now not be funded if the health sciences . Basis of science teaches us about the mechanisms and effectiveness of drugs . We take that information and apply it to the clinic to find out if new ways of treating it successfully in cancer , " said Dr. Len Lichtenfeld , deputy chief medical officer dariAmerican cancer Society as reported .
Here are 10 types of cancer most commonly fatal in 2003 and 2007, according to the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) :
- Kanker paru-paru dan bronkial
- Kanker usus besar dan rektum
- Kanker payudara
- Kanker pankreas
- Kanker prostat
- Leukemia
- Limfoma non-Hodgkin
- Kanker hati dan saluran empedu intrahepatik
- Kanker ovarium
- Kanker esophageal