Jumat, 02 Mei 2014

Symptoms of Lupus Disease

Knowledge about the symptoms of lupus disease is also becoming one of the main things that is very important for all of us , to know the early symptoms arising memburukya the risk of getting this disease can be prevented . Here are the early symptoms of lupus disease that is often felt by people with lupus :

1 . Seems butterfly rash on the face . Butterfly rash is lupus symptoms in patients who have a shape like a butterfly . Lupus patients typically have symptoms characteristic of the face is red spots similar to a butterfly shape .

2 . Joints swell , one of the main characteristics of the symptoms of lupus are experiencing stiff joints , the joints when they wanted to be checked will appear red while also swelling .

3 . Thrush , other symptoms experienced by a person with lupus is experiencing thrush . However, canker sores experienced by lupus patients are usually not painful . Symptoms of thrush is usually located in the sky - the sky tongue , tongue or even edge can also be experienced in the nose .

4 . Happened inflammation of the heart and lungs . Although inflammation experienced by people with lupus in the heart and lungs also parunamun usually do not affect the performance of these organs , however, the patient will usually feel pain when inhaling breath or when coughing .

5 . Urine is not normal , when a person suffering from lupus kidney usually not very good performance , which in turn is not perfect when the kidneys filter out the protein produced by the body so that some elements such as proteins and blood cells also lost .

6 . Mental disorders , feelings of anxiety and depression is one of the main symptoms in a sick person suffering from lupus . Although this is not a mental disorder is so severe .

7 . Lack of blood or anemia , usually on a person suffering from lupus disease will get worse , especially in women if the women are menstruating it will worsen the situation of the patient . In a person with lupus hemolytic anemia is a term often used to describe the symptoms of anemia .

8 . Doing ANA test , to ensure a positive person lupua disease or not it can be done by performing the ANA test . By doing this test then a person can easily be suffering from lupus or vice versa