Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

31 Ways to Overcome Acne and scars

Several materials have been tried by several people at the bottom of this portion is of ' natural ingredients ' . But a small part such as toothpaste , aspirin and listerin , of course not exactly ' natural ' . For example, toothpaste that contains benzoyl peroxide .
Although natural ingredients such as citrus , tea , salt , cinnamon and other decomposed true of chemical elements as well . It's just that we often mistakenly assume that the so-called natural ingredients are definitely free of chemicals . Though certainly not the case . None of the creatures and objects in the world that do not contain chemical elements, is not it?

1. Listerine acne !

If you do not know , but to kill oral bacteria after eating , Listerine also kills certain types of acne bacteria . And alcohol content can dry out pimples . Try it ! This will reduce drastically the size of your acne !

2. Salt , honey & lemon juice

Salt , honey and lemon juice squeezed mixed together and used as a face mask . Or just hold a piece of lemon on acne as long as you want. The face is smeared honey , will make your skin brighter when awake .

3. toothpaste

Apply a small amount of toothpaste on the pimple and leave it all night . The next morning when washing the face , you will be amazed with the results .

4. sudocrem

Ok I know this is a diaper rash cream , but also good for freckles, acne and dry skin . If you apply a little on the pimples before sleeping , then wake up when the red - red would be reduced . The cream also works as an antiseptic , so it will stop the infection .

5. Exfoliating Scrub

By the way , this is a way to overcome acne scars . Combine honey , green tea leaves , a little water , and rice flour . Easy , is not it?

6. baby powder

Take about 1 tablespoon of baby powder , and add about half a tablespoon of water . Mix it with a makeup brush , then apply . Leave in place overnight acne , and about half an hour to mask .

7. acne mask

Baking soda , lemon juice , tea tree oil and olive oil . Make a paste , and apply and clean . Rinse with cold water to close the pores . Do it once a week

8. baking soda

I 'm online and found that baking soda and milk can be overcome acne . Take a little baking soda and a little milk . Then mix into a semi - thick paste . It would be great if you have buttermilk . Secret combination is the perfect recipe , lactic acid in milk is able to cope with acne , as well as moisturize and reduce the effects of dry baking soda . Doing it while in the bathroom , with only takes 3 minutes . Even this method is used to overcome the current acne scars blemishes before bed . Only the right sprinkling of acne . Enjoy :)

9. toothpaste

Apply toothpaste on pimples and gone in two days ! Yes , as easy as that .

10. Baking soda + water

Place the baking soda and water in a bowl . Then stir . And rub it on the pimples . Wait for half an hour . After that, grab a warm towel , and apply on pimples place . If this does not work , it is suggested that you put some water and salt in a bowl , wait for three minutes , then apply on pimples . Next prepare two cotton . Taking the first , and pressing hard for 10 seconds . Next do it with another cotton . Hope this helps ! Best wishes.

11. Asprin , and toothpaste

You can make a paste of asprin and mix it with toothpaste . Apply and leave for overnight . Truly outstanding work to reduce the size of pimples . To reduce the redness you can use eye drops . Hope can help .

12. Neosporin

Ok , so I never had acne . And I 've tried to resolve it in a natural way . But then I started using Neosporin . And a few minutes later I could see a difference . After a day or two pimples disappear . I also use fish oil . It really works ! ! Hope can help .

13. Corn flour , honey tea

To overcome your acne , use 1.5 teaspoons cornstarch , 1 teaspoon of honey . For anti- bacterial exfoliation is to use 1 teaspoon of honey , 1/2 teaspoon brown sugar , and 2 tablespoons water . Actually works like a miracle !

14. Acne No More !

Ok so in my quest to get a mask pimple or acne medication that good , I found the vinegar and water solution . Vinegar and water ratio is 1:10 . And I apply it on the face in the morning and evening after washing the face . Masks can be attached to the face durable , and able to cope with acne . SUPER cheap . I have a T - zone skin , so I apply the solution to the common area . You all should try it !

15. Pimples disappear like magic

Milled some nutmeg mixed with milk . Then apply on the acne area . You can also try to grind the orange peel with water to form a paste , then apply . Hopefully both of these methods can help !

16. Honey , milk , and eggs !

I berumur15 years , and have been struggling with acne for a long time . My skin is also very dry . For this recipe , what you need is to be found the kitchen . Mix about 1 tablespoon honey with 2 tablespoons of milk . If you have dry skin , mix with one egg yolk . Mix and rub it all over the face . Let stand for about half an hour . Wash with warm water . I use this every night .

17. vitamin B5

I finally found something that I believe has not been widely publicized . It is a vitamin called pantothenic acid - a fancy name for Vitamin B5 . Please do a search with Google , then you will see many references to cure acne . I was very skeptical with everything , but my skin has never been so soft .

18. yogurt

Yogurt including minerals and vitamins that help memulihkann skin , and helps the defense mechanism in the prevention of disease and infection

19. ice cube

Yes , ice cubes from the fridge is great for treating acne . Ice soothes the skin , and also help close large pores , and reduce the spread of infection .

20. Green tea stain to overcome acne scars

With a cotton ball totolkan over the stain . Not only reduces the size of the stain , but it tightens the skin and close the pores to prevent more acne !

21. Lemon juice , honey and powdered infant

Squirt some lemon juice in a bottle , with honey and baby powder . Leave in the fridge over night , use it in the morning . Wait 30 minutes , then rinse with warm cloth . Do it for one day can reduce redness . Doing it for 2 days of red - red would shrink . Do this for 3 days , then it will fade . For 4 days and BAM ! When you wake up .... face is really clean !

22. Baking soda and water

Use baking soda and water . It's really amazing ! I'm in high school and people make fun of me , but it really works ! Also try cinnamon , sugar and honey . It makes your skin soft , and helps get rid of acne scars blemishes .

23. Honey , cinnamon , and sugar ! ! ! !

You just have to mix the honey , sugar , and a little cinnamon . Worked perfectly . I love it . My face feels soft afterwards . Cinnamon may result in the face a little dry , so do not use it too often .

24. clove oil

Clove and clove oil is a natural antiseptic . Usually used for toothache . Dip a cotton swab in clove oil , and apply a small amount to acne . The results can be seen within a few minutes after you apply it . Can dry out acne , and reduce its size overnight . Clove oil is really strong , so encerkanlah slightly with water if you have sensitive skin . It also works magically for insect bites .

25. Hot water + antibacterial to face

I have found that this method be the most effective treatment for acne on my face .

Rinse the washcloth in hot water ( make sure not too hot , so do not want to burn your face ) . Rinse your face down using a hot washcloth and repeat this about 7 times . Heating lap back every time . When you are done , quickly dry your face and apply antibacterial medications ( eg benzoyl peroxide ) . Perform this method for a few days , and you 'll soon see the difference .

26. Fresh mint juice

Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night . Fresh mint juice is good for acne treatment .

27. sugar

Really works ! and it makes your skin really soft :) Just wash your face with soap and warm water , and do not be drained . Then apply sugar and rub it on the spot acne . Then let stand for 10 minutes , and rinse . Dry your face , then splash cold water on it . Your skin feels comfortable , and when you wake up ... BAM ! Acne is reduced :)

28. Organic honey , lemon , and oatmeal

I had acne for two years , and I hate it . So one day I tried dry oatmeal honey , water and 3 drops of honey into the container . Let stand for 10 minutes . Use as a facial mask and leave on for 20 min . Do this every day , then the acne and acne scars you will be gone in two days trust me .

29. Honey and cinnamon

The best thing I've ever found for acne ! Use about 1 teaspoon cinnamon and about 3 tablespoons of honey . Mix it together until it forms a paste. And apply a little to the rest of your face as a mask . Wear it for about 1 or 2 hours , then wash with water . Really work , able to cope with acne quickly . This will make your skin soft , remove swelling or redness . Usually acne is gone 2 days later .

30. Honey with Aspirin

I have used all the products . 5 've been to a dermatologist, but this is the best work to treat acne . Dab a little honey on acne . Then take aspirin powder and put it on the pimple . Apply a small amount of honey and powdered aspirin to your acne .

31. honey

Try putting a drop of honey on acne scars blemishes . Then cover with pleseter ( band aid ) on it , then leave overnight . When you wake up in the morning , the acne scars will be reduced by about 2 times smaller . Then use visene to reduce redness . Honey is the best way to overcome acne ever tried !

That was a summary of the experiences gained rid acne on the internet . Hope it can help you overcome the acne although in a simple way . If the tips above do not quite able to cope with acne scars , then please listen to articles how to remove acne scars clinically . May be useful .