Rabu, 26 Februari 2014


headache can result from disorders that affect any part of the body that affect balance ( such as the inner ear and the eye ) or from certain drugs .
* Description of the problem by the patient and the results of the physical examination can guess the cause , which may require additional tests .
Treatment depends on the cause and may include medication to relieve the symptoms that accompany it .

Dizziness / headache were approximately 5 to 6 % of Visits to the doctor . It can occur at any age but becomes more common as people age . It affects approximately 40 % of people older than 40 years sometimes. At any age , dizziness can cause problems , particularly when calculating or dangerous tasks , such as driving or operating heavy machinery . People who experience prolonged dizziness or associated with daily activities have to visit the doctor .

Doctors generally classify dizziness as :

* Dizziness or lightheadedness .
* Loss of balance .
* Vertigo .
* Mixed types above .
* Not the kind on top .

Dizziness likely temporary or chronic . Dizziness considered chronic if it lasts more than a month . Chronic Dizziness is more common in older people . Chronic Dizziness is often difficult to be grouped because they often involve more than one cause and because it looks different at different times - eg , such as a mild headache as vertigo time and then

Did you know

* Approximately 95% of the time , dizziness , even if not helpless , not resulting from a serious disorder .

* In older people , dizziness is often the case but did not have a single cause and real .


Although the possibility of disruptive dizziness and even not able to make , only about 5 % of cases resulting from a serious disorder . Dizziness has many causes as many parts of the body work together to maintain balance . They include the inner ear , the eyes ( which provides visual cues necessary to maintain balance ) , muscles and joints , brain ( brain stem and cerebellum especially ) , and the nerve that connects all parts .

Each kind of the typical causes of dizziness are likely to experience . For example , mild dizziness and headaches can occur from a sudden fall in blood pressure or other disturbance resulting from the blood supply to the brain is not fulfilled . In this disorder , the heart may not pump enough into the brain , or the arteries to the brain is blocked or narrowed possibilities .

Loss of balance can result from impaired vision because the body depends on visual cues to maintain balance . Loss of balance can also be due to musculoskeletal disorders , which causes muscle weakness and thus associated with sulvant and sedatives ) , and disorders of the inner telinga.berjalan . Other causes include the use of certain drugs ( such as anticonvulsants and sedatives ) , and disorders of the inner ear .

classification of Headache
Some Possible Cause
The man was dark when standing. Fall in blood pressure when standing (orthostatic hypotension)
Severe blood loss 
Blockage of the flow from the heart (aortic valve stenosis) 
Abnormal heart rhythm 
Excess treatment (especially with the use of drugs to control blood pressure). Nervous system disorders (diabetic neuropathy auronomic, multisystem atrophy)
loss of balance
The person feels unsteady and about to fall even when muscle strength is normal.
Disorders of the inner ear (vertigo). 
Cerebellar disorders (ataxia associated with stroke, chronic alcoholism). 
Basal ganglia disorders (Parkinson's disease, Lewy body dementia, progressive kelumpuhansupranuclear). 
The loss of position sense in the legs. 
Illness neuropathy or spinal cords. 
Impaired vision (due to the new glasses, double vision, cataract surgery). 
Excessive treatment with sedative, anticonvulsant, or other drugs. Alcohol poisoning.
The person or persons in the vicinity appear to be moving or spinning.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) 
Vestibular neuritis. 
Meniere's disease. 
Middle Ear Infection section. 
Motion sickness. 
Reduced blood supply to the brain stem and cerebellum (vertebrobasilar insufficiency), as occurs during stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA transient ischemic attack). 
Toxins drugs to the inner ear (aminoglycoside antibiotics, aspirin, cisplatin (a chemotherapy drug), furosemide (a diuretic), and quinine).
Vaguely “lightheaded”
Dizziness, separated from the world, or in other words trapped in a panic attack.
Deep and rapid breathing is not normal (hyperventilation with panic attacks 
Anxiety disorders. Depression with feelings of disassociation from the world.


Before dizziness can be treated , doctors must determine the cause and origin . Doctors ask the person to explain in detail the sensations felt : whether feelings during these events are dizziness , lightheadedness , loss of balance , rotating or moving itself or its surroundings ( vertigo ) , or other flavors . The person asked when the dizziness began , how long it has lasted , what triggered it or eliminate it , and what other symptoms - headaches , deafness , noise in the ears ( tinnitus ) , impaired vision , weakness , or difficulty walking - existing . Some details help pinpoint naturally on reel and can provide estimates of the cause .

One of the goals when the doctor does a physical examination is to reproduce ( cause ) of these symptoms . The decrease in blood pressure upon standing ( orthostatic hypotension ) is one of the most common causes of headache / dizziness . Therefore , clinicians seek to cause a decrease in blood pressure by altering the position of the person and see if any of these symptoms occur when blood pressure is altered . Doctors measure blood pressure and pulse when the person has been lying down for 5 to 10 minutes , then after sitting , and again after standing . The bedside table enables doctors to perform more thorough testing . changes in blood pressure may be caused by dehydration , so the doctor saw signs of dehydration and order laboratory tests .

The person may be asked to perform Valsalva movements ( strong exhale with your mouth closed as if simultaneously struggled with bowel movements) . Some movement temporarily slow the heart rate , which can result in dizziness . Electrocardiography ( ECG ) , Holter monitoring for heart rhythm abnormalities , echocardiography , and exercise stress test can also be done to examine the function of the heart .

Several tests can be used to assess balance and gait , such as Romberg test . Other balance tests , people will walk a straight line with one foot on the other belkang .

Vision tests performed , and the eyes examined for the possibility of abnormal movements ( such as nystagmus ) . If doctors suspect vertigo , they perform special tests to cause symptoms . In addition , hearing tests can be used to detect inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing good .

Additional diagnostic procedures may include computed tomography ( CT ) and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) of the head . This procedure is usually very useful if doctors suspect that the blood supply to the brain is inadequate and cause symptoms such as stroke . In addition , CT angiography , magnetic resonance angiographyv ( MRA ) , or cerebral angiography ( also called a catheter angiography as a catheter is inserted into an artery ) could indicate whether the arteries to the brain become narrowed or clogged . CT angiography and MRA are not painful and usually more advisable than cerebral angiography .

Other diagnostics run if it does not appear or is not real cause of dizziness is found , the doctor may ask about possible causes of psychology . Some tests can help the doctor identify depression , somatization disorder , and other psychological problems that could affect the person to feel dizzy or not fused with the world . If no cause is identified , the doctor re- examine the person gradually.


Specific treatment depends on the cause identified . Getting enough fluids often fix low blood pressure from dehydration caused arthostatic . Medications ( such as mineralocorticoid and midodrine ) may be needed for people with hypotension induced dysfunction arthostatic on autonomic nervous system . If the cause of dizziness is a drug , the drug is discontinued or the dose reduced . Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ( BPPV ) can often be alleviated by turning the head movement ( movement Epley ) performed in the doctor's office . If doctors suspect any of these symptoms as a stroke , then treated risk factors , several antiplatelet drugs are given and the possibility to bypass or placing a stent in a blocked artery .

Regardless of whether a cause is identified, the drugs may be given to reduce the symptoms that accompany ( such as nausea ) or to prevent the drop in blood pressure