Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke-: Bleeding in the Brain

Intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain .

* Intracerebral hemorrhage is usually the result of chronic high blood pressure .
* Early symptoms are often severe headache .
* Diagnosis is based on symptoms and a physical examination and imaging tests .
* Treatment may include vitamin K , transfusion , and , rarely , surgery to remove the accumulated blood .

Intracerebral hemorrhage . amounted to about 10 % of all strokes , but the percentage is higher than the mortality caused by stroke . Among people older than 60 years , intracerebral hemorrhage is more common than subarachnoid hemorrhage .


Intracerebral hemorrhage is very common when chronic high blood pressure weaken small arteries , causing it to be broken . The use of cocaine and amphetamines can cause very high blood pressure and bleeding for a while. In some older people , abnormal protein called amyloid that accumulates in the arteries of the brain . This buildup ( called amyloid angiopathy ) weakens the arteries and can cause bleeding .

Generally not many causes including blood vessel abnormalities present at birth , wounds , tumors , inflammation of the blood vessels ( vasculitis ) , bleeding disorders , and the use of anticoagulants in doses that are too high . Bleeding disorders and use of anticoagulants increases the risk of dying from intracerebral hemorrhage .


Intracerebral hemorrhage began abruptly . In about half the people , it is preceded by severe headache , often during activity . Even so , in the elderly , headaches may be mild or absent . Alleged formation of brain dysfunction symptoms become worsened as dilation and bleeding .

Some symptoms , such as weakness , paralysis , loss of sensation , and numbness , often affect just one part of the body . the possibility can not talk or became dizzy . Possibility of impaired or lost vision . Eyes can be different at the end of the command or become paralyzed . Pupils can become abnormally large or small . Nausea , vomiting , attacks , and loss of consciousness is unusual and can occur within seconds to minutes .


Doctors can often diagnose intracerebral hemorrhage based on symptoms and physical examination results . However , computed tomography ( CT ) or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) was also performed . Both tests can help doctors distinguish stroke bleeding from ischemic stroke . The test can also show how the brain tissue that has been damaged and if the pressure is increased in the brain regions . Blood glucose levels were measured as low blood sugar levels can cause symptoms similar to those of stroke .


Intracerebral hemorrhage is more likely to be fatal compared to ischemic stroke . Bleeding is usually large and catastrophic , especially in people who have chronic high blood pressure . More than half of people who experience major bleeding died within a few days . Those who survive usually recover conscious and some brain function with time . However, most do not recover entirely lost brain function .

Treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage is different from an ischemic stroke . Anticoagulant ( such as heparin and warfarin ) , thrombolytic drugs , and antiplatelet drugs ( like aspirin ) is not given because it makes the bleeding worse . If the people who are using anticoagulants suffered a stroke that bleeds, they may require treatment that helps blood clotting such as :

* Vitamin C , usually administered infusion .
* Or platelet transfusions .
* Have had a blood transfusion blood cells and platelet removal ( fresh frozen plasma ) .
* Infusion of the synthetic products are similar to proteins in the blood that help the blood to clot ( clotting factors ) .

Surgery to remove the blood and eliminate the buildup of pressure inside the skull , even if it could save lives , rarely done because the surgery itself can damage the brain . Also , removal of blood buildup could trigger more bleeding , more brain damage cause severe disability . Even so , the possibility of effective operation for bleeding on the pituitary gland or in the cerebellum . In some cases , a good recovery is possible .