Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Alzheimer's (Senility)

Alzheimer 's disease is one form of dementia that is most often found in the clinic . Dementia is a symptom of brain damage that impairs the ability of a person to thinking , memory , and language function . This makes it difficult to do a dementia patient daily activities .

The name is derived from the name of Alzheimer 's disease Dr . Alois Alzheimer , the German doctor who first described the disease in 1906 . Dr. . Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who died from a mental disorder that has never been encountered before. In the brain tissue is found lining or plaque and abnormal nerve fibers .

Alzheimer's disease is most common in older people aged around 65 years and over . In developed countries like the United States today found more than 4 million elderly people with Alzheimer's disease . This figure is expected to rise to nearly 4 times in 2050. This is related to higher life expectancy in people in developed countries , so that the elderly population is also increasing .


The brain is a highly complex organ . In the brain there are areas that take care of specific functions , for example, the front associated with the sublime functions like memory , thought processes , etc. , the rear part of the brain associated with visual function and so on .

From the results of research conducted , it is known that Alzheimer 's disease occurs in the nerve cell loss in the brain area associated with memory function , the ability to think as well as other mental abilities . This situation is exacerbated by a decrease in neurotransmitters , which function to convey signals from one brain cell to brain cell to another. The abnormal conditions cause why brain function in Alzheimer's disease to think and remember experiencing congestion .


Everyone will surely never forget a thing . The situation is normal , when we forget that the things we rarely see . However , if we forget the names of objects or people that are around us , it is not a normal thing .

Here are some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease to watch . But when a person experiences these symptoms does not mean that he must be suffering from Alzheimer's. To determine with certainty , need examination by a physician specifically , for example, with some interviews and written tests .

Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms to look out for are as follows :

1 . Asking the same question at one time or repeated over and over again the same story , with the same words constantly.
2 . Forgotten how to perform routine activities . For example, forgetting how to cook , how to call etc. .
3 . Language disorders . For example having trouble finding the right words . When these symptoms occur then the ability to speak and write too distracted .
4 . Disorientation . For example, while forgetting what day it is , what month , when it exists or do not know in which direction . This is the cause why elderly patients are often lost due to forgetting the way home or even away from home because he felt he was in a strange place .
5 . Disorders think abstractly . For example, difficulty in counting money .
6 . Personality disorder . For example, becomes irritable , easily angered and suspicious . Doctors often hear families complain that patients accuse anyone taking their belongings or even accused her partner has been unfaithful to him anymore .
7 . Disorders to make the decision to become dependent on her partner .


Until now there is no treatment that can cure Alzheimer's disease . Drugs that slow the progression of the disease there is . Because Alzheimer's disease is chronic and the longer patients are increasingly dependent on others , so it will need the patience of a family or carers . Understanding and patience from the people around him to help slow the progression of the disease . The drugs that are currently used in the medical world is donepezil , galantamine and rivastagmine . These drugs are trying to improve the levels of brain neurotransmitters and improve the function of thought and behavior control .

What can be done to treat patients with Alzheimer's ?

Here are some tips that can be followed when there is a family member suffering from Alzheimer's disease :

1 . Make a note , to help him remember . Notes can include a schedule of activities , a list of important phone numbers , or it could be a way to call .
2 . Create a soothing atmosphere . Avoid noise , the crowd or atmosphere in a hurry .
3 . Avoid forcing the patient to remember things or do things that are difficult because it will cause the patient becomes anxious and may worsen the situation .
4 . Try to communicate more frequently . Communication is not only by talking but also by touching the hand or shoulder to help the patient focus .
5 . Make it a ritual at night . The behavior of Alzheimer's disease patients are usually worse at night . Therefore make bedtime a calm atmosphere and comfortable . Turn the TV sound and avoid loud noises . Let the lights remain on to prevent disorientation . Patients should not take a nap and limit consumption of tea or coffee .
6 . Make a secure environment . Should the patient's room was on the ground floor to avoid falling . Keep sharp objects or harmful substances .
7 . Encourage the patient walk around during the day . One symptom that is often found in patients with Alzheimer's disease are those often ? Wander ? ( wandering ) . One of the reasons they wander usually trivial , they forgot the way to the bathroom . Experts argue , by encouraging the patient walk around during the day helps to reduce this occurrence. To prevent getting lost patients , patients with a roadmap Arm home , phone number and photo ID .


The scientists managed to detect the cause of Alzheimer's risk factors , namely : age over 65 years , heredity , environment contaminated with heavy metals , cigarettes , pesticides , electromagnetic waves , a history of severe head trauma and the use of hormone replacement therapy in women .

By knowing the risk factors above and the results of other studies , recommended several ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease , among which are :

1 . The healthy life style , for example with regular exercise , do not smoke or consume alcohol .

2 . Eating fresh fruits and vegetables . This is important because fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that serve to scavenge free radicals . These free radicals that damage the body's cells .

3 . Maintaining mental fitness ( mental fitness ) . This term may still rarely heard . How to maintain mental fitness is to stay active reading and enrich themselves with various knowledge .