Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Narcolepsy: Sleep Attack On Working Hours

Narcolepsy is a rare sleep disorder , characterized by recurrent attacks irresistible sleep in the hours of work , paralysis and hallucinations .

The cause is unknown , but the disorder tends to be found in one family , so it is thought to be a hereditary disease .

Symptoms usually begin in adolescence or young adulthood and persists for life .

Patients face a sudden sleep attacks were unbearable , which could happen at any time .
Curiosity sleep can only be detained for a time ; but once asleep , the patient usually can be easily woken .

Attacks can occur several times a day , and each attack usually lasts for 1 hour or less .
The attacks are more common in the state of monotony , such as boring meetings or driving a car in the distance .

Patients feel the freshness when waking up , but a few minutes later would fall asleep again .

Patients may experience temporary paralysis without loss of consciousness (a condition called cataplexy ) , in response to a sudden emotional reactions such as anger , fear , joy, laughter or surprise .
Walking into limp , dropping the item being held or fell to the ground .

Patients may also experience episodes of sleep paralysis , which had just fallen asleep when or soon after waking , the patient felt unable to move .

Hallucinations ( seeing or hearing things that are not really there ) can occur at the beginning of sleep or when awake.
This hallucination resembles an ordinary dream , but more intense .

Diagnosis is usually made based on symptoms , but the symptoms are similar does not necessarily indicate that the person is suffering from narcolepsy .
Cataplexy , sleep paralysis and hallucinations , are common in children and often occurs in healthy adults .

Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) , which is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain , may indicate that the pattern of REM sleep occurs when the patient began to fall asleep . It is typical for narcolepsy .

Not found structural changes in the brain and found no abnormality in blood test results .

Stimulant drugs ( stimulants ) , such as ephedrine , amphetamine , and methylphenidate dekstroamfetamin , can help reduce narcolepsy .
The dose is adjusted in order to avoid undesirable side effects , such as anxiety , overactive or weight loss .

To reduce cataplexy , usually given anti -depressants , namely imipramine .
Lifestyle modifications are important in managing the symptoms of narcolepsy . You can get the benefits of these steps :

1 . Stick to a schedule . Sleep and wake up at the same time every day , including weekends .
2 . Take a nap. Schedule regular short naps throughout the day . 20 minute nap at strategic times throughout the day may be refreshing and reduce sleepiness for one to three hours .
3 . Avoid nicotine and alcohol . By using this material , especially at night , can worsen the signs and symptoms you .
4 . Get regular exercise . Moderate , regular exercise at least four to five hours before bedtime may help you feel more awake during the day and sleep better at night .