Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Abnormalities Smell & Tasting

Smelling and tasting abnormalities rarely fatal so do not get special medical attention . However, this disorder can cause sufferers to become discouraged because it affects the ability to enjoy food , drinks and a pleasant smell .

This disorder also affects the ability of the patient to identify chemicals and hazardous gases , which can lead to serious consequences .

Smell and taste are very closely linked . Fibers determines the taste buds on the tongue ; nerves in the nasal olfactory determine .
Both sensations are connected to the brain , which then combines the information to get to know and appreciate the taste .
Some flavors ( such as salty , bitter , sweet and sour ) can be known without the smell , but to recognize more complex flavor ( eg, raspberry ) required a combination of the sense of smell and taste .



Anosmia is the loss or reduction in the ability to smell , is the most common abnormality .

Smell can be affected by several changes in the nose , in the nerves from the nose to the brain or in the brain .

For example, if the cavity nasal congestion due to colds , the smell can be reduced because the smell is not up to the smell receptors . The ability to smell the taste of that in patients with the common cold , the taste of the food was less tasty .

Olfactory cells can be temporarily damaged by the flu virus , some people can not smell or feel well for several days or even weeks after a flu .

Sometimes the loss of smell or taste lasts for months or even be permanent .

Olfactory cells can be damaged or destroyed by a serious infection of the nasal sinuses or because of radiation therapy for cancer .

The most common cause of loss of smell is permanent head injury . The fibers of the olfactory nerve ( the nerve that contain smell receptors ) located at the base of the skull that separates the nasal cavity intracranial cavity .


Olfactory hypersomnia is excessive , is less common .


Disosmia is the change of smell that causes sufferers to feel an unpleasant smell .

Disosmia can be caused by :
- Infection in the sinuses
- Damage to the nerves Olfactory partial
- Health mlut ugly , resulting in infection of the mouth that smells bad and smelled by the nose
- Depression .
Some people with seizures that originate from the brain cause the feeling smell ( olfactory nerve ) will merncium unpleasant smell ( olfactory hallucinations ) . This is part of the seizure , not a disosmia .


Ageusia a reduction or loss of taste .

The causes are various circumstances that affect the tongue :
- The mouth is very dry
- Heavy smokers
- Radiation therapy to the head and neck
- Side effects of drugs ( eg anticancer drug vincristine or antidepressant amitriptyline ) .


Disgeusia is the change in taste .

It could be :
- Burns on the tongue ( it can cause temporary damage to the tuft tuft - taster )
- Bell 's palsy ( may cause a reduction of taste on one side of the tongue )
- Depression .


To test smell , can be used fragrances from perfumes, soaps and food ( eg coffee or cloves ) .
Can be used to test the taste of sugar ( sweet ) , orange juice ( acid ) , salt ( salty ) and aspirin - aloe vera - quinine ( bitter ) .

The state of the mouth is also examined , to see the possibility of infection or drought ( too little saliva ) .

Rarely needed CT scan or MRI of the head .


Depending on the cause , can do the following things :
- Changing or stop the use of drugs suspected to be the cause of this disorder
- Keeping the mouth moist by means candy
- Wait a few weeks to see further developments .

Additional zinc ( can be bought freely or by prescription ) can accelerate healing , especially in disorders arising after the flu .