Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Effect of Age At Genesis Headache

The age-appropriate , some parts of the body associated with poor balance function . For example , see the faint light becomes more difficult , and the structure of the inner ear deteriorate . The mechanisms that control blood pressure becomes less responsive to changes in the body's need for blood . as a result , blood pressure may drop when a person stands ( causing hypotension orthotastic ) or after food eaten ( cause postprandial hypotension ) , and the person feels dizzy . Usually , headaches are not due to age -related changes themselves . It is more likely to occur if a person has a disorder or medications that cause dizziness .

Disorders that cause dizziness ( such as heart disorders and stroke ) is more common in older people . So the pain of arthritis that affects the lower back , hips, and knees and limiting walks . Parents can feel or fear of being abandoned only when they also lost their freedom . Depression can lead to apathy and feeling outcast from the world . Also , people who are depressed often lose interest in many activities . Inactivity of various causes can accelerate bone loss and muscle weakness that is not used anymore . People may feel weak , shaky , dizzy , and anxious when trying to run , fear of falling and hip fracture .

Older people are more likely to use drugs that can cause dizziness . These drugs are used to treat termasukyang high blood pressure , chest pain ( angina ) , heart failure , attack , or anxiety, such as certain antibiotics , antihistamines , and sleeping pills . Some antihistamines ( such as meclizine ) is used to treat vertigo . They are more likely to experience side effects in the elderly . Thus , parents should avoid using these drugs as much as possible . The same could be said for OTC antihistamines and sleeping pills .

Two disturbances in the inner ear is the cause of dizziness in elderly people : benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and Meniere's disease .

In the elderly , chronic dizziness increases the risk of falls and fractures , and reduced ability to perform daily activities . Chronic Dizziness often has many causes and thus difficult to treat . While the study did not suspect a single cause , doctors try to fix the many factors that can cause dizziness as much as possible .

If dizziness last long though treated , people can learn strategies to help them better function , as follows below :

* Avoid movements that trigger dizziness for them , such as looking up or bending down .
* Saving objects at a level easily achieved .
* Stand up slowly after sitting or lying down .
* Clench their hands and flex their legs before standing .
* Learn about exercise combined with eye , head, and body movements to help prevent dizziness .
* Physical therapy and exercise to strengthen muscles and maintain gait is free as long as possible .