Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Tension Headache: Tension Muscle

Tension Headaches are caused by muscle tension in the neck , shoulders and head .

Muscle tension can be caused by the position of the body that are less palatable , social or psychological stress and fatigue .

Tension headaches usually begin in the early morning or late afternoon and worsened throughout the day .

Rather severe persistent pain is often felt above the eyes or in the back of the head ; a sense in which the head as bound by a rope which is accompanied by pain .
Pain may spread to the entire head and sometimes up to the back of the neck and shoulders .

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination .

Examination to rule out physical disorders and psychological factors as well as personality assessment .

If the headache is beginning to be felt , do massage on the muscles of the neck , shoulders and head ; lie down and relax for a couple marry .

Drug -counter pain relievers (such as aspirin , acetaminophen or ibuprofen ) may be given to reduce the symptoms .
More severe headaches may require pain medication stronger .
In some people , caffeine can increase the effects of pain medication , but too much caffeine can also cause headaches .

Headaches caused by chronic stress or depression , would not show an improvement if only treated with pain medication . Patients also require professional assistance to help overcome psychological problems .

Tension headaches can often be prevented or controlled in a manner to avoid or to understand and adjust to stress as the cause