Minggu, 23 Februari 2014


Insomnia is difficulty to sleep or difficulty staying asleep , or sleeping disorder that makes sufferers have not had enough sleep when awakened .

sleep patterns

# Insomnia is classified into : primary insomnia , chronic insomnia ie with little or not at all associated with the various stressors and events
# Secondary Insomnia , which is a condition caused by pain , anxiety , medications , depression or severe stress .

Insomnia is not a disease , but a symptom that has many possible causes, such as emotional disorders , physical disorders and drug use .

Difficulty sleeping often occurs , both at a young age and old age ; and often arise in conjunction with emotional disorders , such as anxiety , restlessness , depression or fear .

Sometimes a person have trouble sleeping simply because the body and brain are not tired .

With increasing age , sleep tends to decrease .
Stadium was also changed , with stage 4 becomes shorter and eventually disappear , and at all stages more awake .
These changes , although normal , often make parents think that they are not getting enough sleep .

The pattern of waking at dawn more often found in the elderly .
Some people fall asleep normally but wake up several hours later and it was hard to fall asleep again .
Sometimes they sleep in a state of restless sleep and feeling unsatisfied .
Awakened at dawn , at any age , is a sign of depression .

The person may experience disturbed sleep patterns are reversed sleep rhythm , they are not asleep at the time to sleep and wake up in time to sleep .
This often occurs as a result of :
- Jet lag ( especially if traveling from east to west )
- Working at night
- Frequent changes of working hours
- Excessive use of alcohol
- Side effects of drugs ( sometimes)
- Damage to the brain ( as encephalitis , stroke , Alzheimer's disease ) .

Patients have difficulty falling asleep or frequent waking at night and feel tired all day .

To diagnose insomnia , conducted an assessment of :
- The patient 's sleep patterns
- The use of drugs , alcohol or drugs
- Levels of psychological stress
- Medical history
- Physical activity .
Diagnosis is based on the individual sleep needs .

The treatment of insomnia depends on the cause and severity of insomnia .

Parents who experience sleep changes as we get older , usually does not require treatment , because these changes are normal .

Insomniacs should remain calm and relaxing few hours before bedtime and create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom ; dim light and not noisy .

If the cause is emotional stress , given drugs to reduce stress .
If the cause is depression , given anti -depressants .

If the sleep disturbance associated with normal activities the patient and the patient was healthy , could be given medication to sleep for a while.