Rabu, 02 April 2014

Progressive supranuclear paralysis

Progressive supranuclear paralysis causes muscle rigidity , inability to move the eyes and muscle weakness in the throat .

More common in men .


The cause of damage to the basal ganglia and brain stem unknown .
This disease usually appears in middle age , in the form of an inability to move the eyes upward .

Progressive supranuclear paralysis developed into great rigidity and inability to perform daily functions .
Unstable posture and frequent falls , difficulty swallowing and berbidara and movements become slow .

Other symptoms sometimes appear until the advanced stage , in the form of emotional or personality changes , sleep disturbances and loss of cognitive abilities ( eg, forgetfulness ) .


The diagnosis is based on symptoms.


Medications used to treat Parkinson's disease can sometimes alleviate the symptoms of this disease .
Usually given levodopa , amantadine , amitriptyline , desipramine and yohimbine .

Botulinum toxin can be used to treat blepharospasm and other dystonia sometimes occurs in this disease .

Artificial tears can mmembantu prevent dry eye can occur due to eye blink less frequently .

Therapeutic conversation can be done to teach safer swallowing techniques .