Rabu, 16 April 2014

Graves disease



Graves' disease is a disease that attacks the immune system and causes excessive production of thyroid hormone ( hyperthyroidism ) . Although the disease can strike anyone , but it usually occurs in women under the age of 40 years . Lucky this disease rarely causes death .

Graves' disease is caused by a dysfunction of the immune system to fight disease .

1 . Restless

2 . Easily angry

3 . Insomnia

4 . Fatigue

5 . Rapid heartbeat but irregular

6 . 's Hand or fingers tremble

7 . Increased amount of sweat and moist skin

8 . Sensitive to heat

9 . Losing weight but normal diet

10 . Enlargement of the thyroid gland ( goiter )

11 . Changes in menstrual cycle

12 . Erectile dysfunction or decreased libido

13 . Diarrhea

1 . Radioactive iodine therapy or radioiodine

2 . Drugs such as anti - thyroid propylthiouracil and methimazole ( Tapazole ) .

3 . Drugs beta blockers such as Propranolol ( Inderal ) , Atenolol ( Tenormin ) , Metoprolol and Nadolol ( Corgard ) .

4 . Operations