Selasa, 29 April 2014

Impact of Sleep Deprivation Effects Just As Bad Stress

The performance of Euro 2012 just ended and left sleepiness for those who watch the final fight but had to get up early the next morning . For people who like to stay up late and sleep less than 8 hours at night , symptoms of sleep deprivation ready lurk . According to the scientists , the effects of sleep deprivation are similar to the adverse effects of stress .

periences stress , the immune system turns out to respond in the same way as happens when people lack of sleep . To understand the impact of sleep deprivation and how it reacts to the body , the researchers compared the white blood cells of people who regularly sleep for 8 hours with people who sleep less than 8 hours of sleep or less well known .

In this study , researchers recruited 15 participants . All of the participants were asked to sleep for 8 hours at night . In order for the body to work in perfect condition , participants were asked to spend 15 minutes time out every 90 minutes when the room during the day. Participants were also asked to abstain from alcohol , caffeine and drugs .

At the next session , the participants were asked to stay awake for 29 hours . Blood samples were then taken at each stage . The researchers found that the white blood cells in the blood are increased in number during the phase of sleep deprivation .

" Granulocytes reacted immediately when the body experiences the symptoms of sleep deprivation and directly resembles the body's response when under stress , " said Katrin Ackermann , a postdoctoral researcher at Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam in the Netherlands as reported by Medical Daily .

Ackerman hopes , subsequent research in the future will find the molecular mechanism behind this stress response and explain its role in the development of diseases associated with chronic sleep deprivation symptoms . Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that nearly a third of Americans experience sleep deprivation .

Lack of sleep itself known to be associated with an increased risk of stroke , cancer and obesity . People who often lack of sleep or disturbed biological clock generally have worse health conditions than people who sleep normal hours .

" If confirmed with more data , this finding will have implications in clinical practice and professions related to lack of sleep in a long time , for example in people who often work the night shift , " said Ackermann .