Selasa, 22 April 2014

Lower Cholesterol with Two Apples Every Day

The habit of eating apples , at least two per day , was effective for preventing heart disease . This was apparently because apple has the effect of lowering cholesterol , especially the bad cholesterol .

The benefits of apple to prevent heart disease is more pronounced in women who are menopausal . Menopausal women is at high risk for heart disease and stroke .

In the study proved , the woman who for six months eating an apple every day routine cholesterol levels 25 percent lower than those who did not eat apples .

Research published in the journal Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests after three months , total cholesterol levels than the group eating the apple down to 9 percent and bad cholesterol levels dropped 16 percent .

After six months , a sharper decline , which fell 13 percent in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol up to 24 percent .

For comparison , in this study the researchers also analyzed the respondents who ate plums ( prunes ) . In this group also decreased cholesterol but only slightly .

The researchers concluded that consumption of as much as two medium-sized apple fruit every day for three months were able to reduce cholesterol . Previous research in Poland mentioned regularly eat apples can keep a person from bowel cancer .