Rabu, 30 April 2014

10 Reasons to Reduce Drinking Coffee


In the right dose , the coffee has a million health benefits . But there are times when coffee consumption should be reduced , because often if it is excessive it can lead to a variety of minor complaints and serious damage to health .

In most people , coffee consumption has to be reduced if you begin to feel agitated and her heart started pounding . But not all of the symptoms of excess coffee appear immediately , there is also emerging in the long term so often overlooked .

Some reasons that need to be considered to reduce the coffee is as follows , as written by Mark Hyman , MD and quoted from Huffingtonpost .

1 . Caffeine content in coffee increase catecholamine production , one of the stress hormones . Stress response will increase the production of insulin , while insulin is too much will trigger inflammation and malaise .

2 . Habit of excessive coffee drinking can reduce insulin sensitivity , making it difficult to assess the needs of the body's blood sugar . If excessive blood sugar levels , the risk of blood vessel damage and death from cardiovascular disease increased .

3 . Purely Coffee has many beneficial antioxidant compounds , but sometimes also contains diterpene . The latter compound is associated with elevated levels of LDL ( Low Density Lipoprotein ) or bad cholesterol and triglycerides .

4 . Cholinergic acid content in coffee is beneficial to delay glucose absorption in the intestine , but it can also increase levels of homocysteine ​​compounds . This compound is an indicator of increased risk of cardiovascular disease were found in diabesitas ( diabetes that is triggered by obesity ) .

5 . Acidity of coffee is also associated with discomfort in the digestive tract , and is associated with various disorders such as GERD ( gastro esophgial reflux disease ) , chest pain , abdominal bloating and disbiosis ( an imbalance of the intestinal flora ) .

6 . Addiction is another issue that is often triggered by coffee and make the body hard to find the real source of energy . Try asking the people who never sakau because not drink coffee , it's definitely weak though actually eat .

7 . 's Not just the coffee that makes addiction , but also other things that are often served along with coffee , for example sugar and cremmer . Coffee latte , for example , is an example of low-nutrient beverages , but high energy and fast make fat .

8 . An organic compound in the body called 5 - HIA will increase levels in people who drink coffee . This compound is a neurotransmitter serotonin or happy hormones , which play an important role in sleep - wake cycle . That is , the coffee can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to depression and anxiety .

9 . After drinking coffee , frequency of urination definitely increased . In serious coffee drinker , a variety of body minerals such as calcium , magnesium and potassium levels will decrease and lead to electrolyte imbalances .

10 . Various ingredients in coffee can affect drug absorption in the body , as well as the disposal process in the liver . Tricyclic antidepressant drugs , for example , would be difficult to be absorbed if the body is under the influence of caffeine so that symptoms of the disease will worsen .

Selasa, 29 April 2014

Impact of Sleep Deprivation Effects Just As Bad Stress


The performance of Euro 2012 just ended and left sleepiness for those who watch the final fight but had to get up early the next morning . For people who like to stay up late and sleep less than 8 hours at night , symptoms of sleep deprivation ready lurk . According to the scientists , the effects of sleep deprivation are similar to the adverse effects of stress .

periences stress , the immune system turns out to respond in the same way as happens when people lack of sleep . To understand the impact of sleep deprivation and how it reacts to the body , the researchers compared the white blood cells of people who regularly sleep for 8 hours with people who sleep less than 8 hours of sleep or less well known .

In this study , researchers recruited 15 participants . All of the participants were asked to sleep for 8 hours at night . In order for the body to work in perfect condition , participants were asked to spend 15 minutes time out every 90 minutes when the room during the day. Participants were also asked to abstain from alcohol , caffeine and drugs .

At the next session , the participants were asked to stay awake for 29 hours . Blood samples were then taken at each stage . The researchers found that the white blood cells in the blood are increased in number during the phase of sleep deprivation .

" Granulocytes reacted immediately when the body experiences the symptoms of sleep deprivation and directly resembles the body's response when under stress , " said Katrin Ackermann , a postdoctoral researcher at Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam in the Netherlands as reported by Medical Daily .

Ackerman hopes , subsequent research in the future will find the molecular mechanism behind this stress response and explain its role in the development of diseases associated with chronic sleep deprivation symptoms . Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that nearly a third of Americans experience sleep deprivation .

Lack of sleep itself known to be associated with an increased risk of stroke , cancer and obesity . People who often lack of sleep or disturbed biological clock generally have worse health conditions than people who sleep normal hours .

" If confirmed with more data , this finding will have implications in clinical practice and professions related to lack of sleep in a long time , for example in people who often work the night shift , " said Ackermann .

Senin, 28 April 2014

Natural Ways to Maintain Healthy Digestion Always


Unhealthy diet and modern lifestyle greatly affect the performance of digestive enzymes and cause indigestion . You need to improve digestive health in a natural way to avoid digestive problems .

Microbes that thrive in the intestines are 10 times more than the total number of microbes on whole cells throughout the body . Species of microbes in the gut serves to break down the food you eat into small pieces and absorb nutrients into the bloodstream .

The microbes also help the detoxification and immune systems . The number of microbes in the gut should be in accordance with the ratio of 85:15 . If the number is not in accordance with the ratio, the microbes may be pathogenic or cause disease , such as chronic inflammation in the intestines and other digestive problems .

Here are 4 things you need to consider to improve your digestive health naturally , as reported by NaturalNews , among others :

1 . Drinking pure water

Clean water is essential for healthy digestion , but now most people drink water that has been contaminated with chlorine and other disinfectants . Chlorine to sterilize water and when consumed will also menstrerilkan body .

Thus , the ratio of microbes in the gut is out of balance again , so that the body is more susceptible to pathogens such as Candida species , which can cause digestive problems .

The best water for consumption is derived from a natural spring or who has passed through the reverse osmosis filtration systems . Natural springs often contain some good healthy bacteria for your digestion .

2 . Eating an anti - inflammatory

Eat anti-inflammatory foods such as coconut products , avocados , olive oil , fruit and vegetables can reduce the inflammatory activity in the body and help heal the gut . Apple cider vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice can also help the body digest the protein weight .

3 . Food fermentation improves digestive function

Naturally fermented foods can help protect healthy intestinal microbial species . Fermented dairy products , cheese and kimchi containing probiotics are good for digestion .

4 . Adding herbs to the cooking spice

Efficacious herbs such as turmeric , garlic and onion should be used as much as possible to improve the coordination of immunity. Carminative herb plants capable of stimulating the body's digestive system to work better , as it works effectively expel flatulence and reduce pain in the stomach and intestines .

Carminative herbs include coriander , cinnamon , ginger , fennel , cloves , cumin , peppermint , and turmeric . These herbs also help stimulate the release of stool convenient for people who suffer from chronic constipation .

Minggu, 27 April 2014

fuchs dystrophy



Fuchs dystrophy is a corneal disorder developmental delay , ie the transparent surface of the eye . Fuchs dystrophy is a type of corneal dystrophy , a group of conditions that can cause blurred vision .

Usually the cells that line the back surface of the cornea ( the endothelium ) can prevent excess fluid and maintain transparency . But people who suffer from fuchs dystrophy , the cells slowly deteriorate endotelnya , loss of function and death .

As a result , fluid accumulates in the cornea and cause swelling , pain in the eyes , hazy vision and loss of corneal transparency .


The cause is unknown fuchs dystrophy . However , in most people , the condition is inherited by his parents who also suffer fuchs dystrophy .


The doctor can see early signs of Fuchs dystrophy in people in their 30s and 40s . But most people do not experience symptoms or problems to padausia the 50s and 60s .

Signs and symptoms include :

1 . Blurred vision
2 . Impaired vision , including distorted vision , sensitivity to light , difficulty seeing at night and seeing halos around lights
3 . Discomfort in the eye
4 . Blisters on the surface of the corneal epithelium due to excess fluid in the cornea
5 . Cornea cloudy and foggy
6 . Blindness


If you are experiencing some of these symptoms over the deteriorating over time , consult your condition to your doctor . The doctor may recommend the following methods to increase your comfort or treat fuchs dystrophy , among others :

1 . Use eye medication . Eye drops or ointments may reduce the amount of fluid in your cornea .

2 . Dry your eyes . Use a hair dryer to evaporate the excess fluid in the cornea , but not too close to the face .

3 . Wear soft contact lenses . Soft contact lenses can improve vision and reduce discomfort .

4 . Corneal transplant . Surgical procedure , also known as keratoplasty to replace damaged corneal tissue with healthy tissue from a donor .

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

meniscus Tear



Injuries to the knee with tearing of the meniscus is very common . Activities twisting the knee or put heavy pressure on it can cause tearing of the meniscus .

Each knee has two meniscus -shaped piece of cartilage that act as cushions between the tibia and your femur . When a torn meniscus , will cause pain , swelling and stiffness . Your knee may feel unstable , as if it would collapse .


Activities rotate the knee is too aggressive or suddenly can cause tearing of the meniscus . Even kneeling , squatting or lifting something heavy can sometimes cause tearing of the meniscus . In older adults , degenerative changes in the knee can also cause tearing of the meniscus .


Tearing of the meniscus is characterized by symptoms :

1 . Swelling or stiffness
2 . Especially pain when twisting the knee
3 . Difficulty fully straighten your knee


Call your doctor if your knee swollen , painful , or can not be moved as usual . Treatment for tearing the meniscus often starts conservatively , such as :

1 . The Rest

Avoid activities that aggravate your knee pain , especially any activity that might cause you to rotate the knee .

2 . Compress the ice

Ice can reduce knee pain and swelling . Use a cold pack , a bag of frozen vegetables or a towel filled with ice cubes for about 15 minutes . Do this every four to six hours on the first day or two , and then as often as necessary .

3 . Medication

Pain relievers can also help relieve knee pain .

4 . Therapy

Physical therapy can help you strengthen the muscles around the knee and foot in order to help stabilize and support the knee joint .

5 . Operation

If your knee remains sore , stiff or locked , merekomendasikanuntuk doctor will perform surgery to repair the meniscus tearing .

Jumat, 25 April 2014

Avocados Make Women Infertile


If you are a young couple who are trying to get pregnant , it is advisable to pay more attention to nutrition and food intake . With nutrition and good nutrition , fertility will increase. Opportunities to gain even greater pregnancy .

One of the recommendations should be considered in improving fertility , particularly in women , is eating avocado . Research has shown that consumption of avocado and salad with a mixture of olive oil can help women get offspring . This applies in particular to those who were undergoing IVF or in- vitro fertilization ( IVF ) .

Researchers argue , monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil , sunflower oil , nuts , and seeds better than other types of fat to the prospective mother . Those who get the intake of unsaturated fats have the highest chance of pregnancy is 3.4 times higher after IVF than that consumed the lowest amounts .

In contrast , in women who consume too much saturated fat - commonly found in butter and red meat , egg production so that they are less likely to affect the success of IVF .

The scientists believe that monounsaturated fats which are well known - good for the heart - can improve fertility by decreasing inflammation in the body . The results of this research will be presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Istanbul .

" The best kind of food to eat are avocados , which is high in monounsaturated fats and olive oil , " said Professor Jorge Chavarro , the leader of this research .

" This is the first time to our knowledge that dietary fats associated with treatment outcome in IVF , " he said .

Prof. Chavarro examined 147 women undergoing IVF at the Massachusetts General Hospital Fertility Center . In his study , he found an association between high content of monounsaturated fat and live birth rate . High intake of monounsaturated fat chance of pregnancy is associated with 3.4 -fold higher than those who just got a little intake of monounsaturated fat .

" Different types of fat are known to have different effects on biological processes that can affect reproductive outcomes , such as the degree of inflammation or insulin sensitivity , " said Chavarro , who added that the fish remains the best source of omega 3 fatty acids , although in this study did not set out the contribution

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Ice Cream Chocolate Can Heal Cough


Generally people have a perception that eating ice cream could potentially lead to coughing . Cold temperatures ice cream can irritate the respiratory tract , causing coughing that interferes with daily activities . However, research Rilnia Metha Sofia , Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram , chocolate ice cream proved it could be a cough medicine .

In his presentation at the National Student Scientific Week ( Pimnas ) 25 held in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University ( St. Louis ) reveals Rilna ice cream made ​​from brown material turned out to contain food ingredients that can suppress the cough reflex . " Chocolate contains substances that significantly tobromin can suppress the cough reflex . Way tobromin this work in the same way cough medicines work in relieving cough , " said Rilna when presenting the results of her research entitled " Ice Cream Chocolate As Antitusif Cough " .

Ice cold temperatures , according Rilna , it can work synergistically with tobromin to relieve cough . According to him , cold with very low temperatures , it can cause injury to the cells , including the cells that induce airway cough . However , cooler with high temperatures , it can cause constriction of local blood vessels without causing injury to the cells .

In his research , Rilna using a sample consisting of 30 male students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Mataram . They were divided into 5 groups and given different behaviors . One group was given substance in cough medicine Dextrometorphan ( DMP ) . Another group was given a cream chocolate , ice cream , and chocolate ice cream so that it can be seen that the effect occurred in each group .

" Effect eating chocolate ice cream in patients with cough was similar to the effect of taking the DMP . Moreover , chocolate ice cream does not have significant side effects when used as a drug . Exciting taste will improve patients' adherence to medication , especially the children , " he continued . Iniliah research results that deliver Rilna and friends qualify as participants in 25 categories PIMNAS Research Student Creativity Program ( PKM - P ) .

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Not to Suck Fat Slimming


Fat deposits in the body is unsightly and often make a person humble. Especially if that fat can not be expelled by natural means such as diet and exercise . Liposuction or liposuction is another way to get rid of the stubborn fat .

Liposuction is a plastic surgery aimed at shaping the body by sucking the fat in certain areas of the body with some sort of needle . This technique can be done on the area of ​​the thighs , hips , buttocks , abdomen , pingang , upper arms , chin , neck , chest to back .

Although the name of liposuction, but that does not mean these actions can make a person become more slender . " The goal is not to manage , but a more ideal form curves . Skinny or ideal body weight is not the goal , " said dr.Teuku Adifitiran , Sp.BP , from RS.Pondok Indah Jakarta .

Excess liposuction , according to the doctor who is better known by the name of this Tompi , is small and hidden scar , short procedure , and can be done with local or general anesthetic .

" After the action , the patient can direct their activities and do not need hospitalization , " he said .

In the WebMD site mentioned there are several criteria that must be met by the patient in order to maximize the results of liposuction . The criteria include the patient's weight is not too fat , have elastic skin , generally in good health , and the fat is concentrated .

If the patient has a cellulite is usually less than the maximum because the result will be less or excessive correction at the fatty deposits .

Actions liposuction , according dr.Tompi , sometimes combined with a tummy tuck measures aimed at reducing excess skin and tighten sagging muscles . For example, in women who have given birth several times .

" Most people who have already given birth to sag because the stomach muscles behind sagging . Having said that besides aspirated fat , muscles should be tightened first with a tummy tuck , " he said .

To determine what procedures should be performed , consult with a plastic surgeon . The doctor will conduct discussions and safe option for your best . Do not hesitate to ask if there is any doubt .

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Lower Cholesterol with Two Apples Every Day


The habit of eating apples , at least two per day , was effective for preventing heart disease . This was apparently because apple has the effect of lowering cholesterol , especially the bad cholesterol .

The benefits of apple to prevent heart disease is more pronounced in women who are menopausal . Menopausal women is at high risk for heart disease and stroke .

In the study proved , the woman who for six months eating an apple every day routine cholesterol levels 25 percent lower than those who did not eat apples .

Research published in the journal Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests after three months , total cholesterol levels than the group eating the apple down to 9 percent and bad cholesterol levels dropped 16 percent .

After six months , a sharper decline , which fell 13 percent in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol up to 24 percent .

For comparison , in this study the researchers also analyzed the respondents who ate plums ( prunes ) . In this group also decreased cholesterol but only slightly .

The researchers concluded that consumption of as much as two medium-sized apple fruit every day for three months were able to reduce cholesterol . Previous research in Poland mentioned regularly eat apples can keep a person from bowel cancer .

Senin, 21 April 2014

Turmeric turmeric in Preventing Diabetes


In addition to the herbs , turmeric was potentially stronger prevent diabetes due to the active compound in turmeric , the saffron . Previous turmeric are also known to be effective at killing cancer cells and as an antimicrobial .

Kurkuma able to fight inflammation and oxidative reactions that damage cells . Both of these processes are known to exist in a variety of diseases , including type two diabetes . In a study for 9 months , unknown people who take a single dose of curcumin extract supplements every day can avoid diabetes .

The study, published in the journal Diabetes Care that involves 240 people of Thailand who have prediabetes , a condition in which blood sugar levels than normal but not yet including diabetes . If not addressed prediabetes could be diabetic .

The respondents in this study were randomly given placebo capsules or capsules turmeric and who do not have the active ingredient .

After 9 months , about 19 of the 116 men in the placebo group suffered from type two diabetes . While the group that received none turmeric diabetes .

Because the study was conducted in a short period , then the experts diabetic states can not conclude whether the turmeric extract for consumption every day . Although the consumption of turmeric extract in supplement form is not recommended , but we can still get the benefits of turmeric over saffron spiced dishes .

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Here's How Keeping Heart


When disturbed or troubled the head or joint pain will immediately show symptoms of the condition to notify you . But it is different from your heart because your heart will not know whether or not a problem until you 've actually ' fall' for it.

In fact 1 of 3 deaths in the U.S. each year due to cardiovascular disease . Even in men , heart disease is the number one killer . Moreover, according to the American Heart Association , 38 percent of adults fall into at least three of the seven criteria of poor heart health .

To that end , so you can avoid heart problems , do 5 simple tricks as reported by MSNBC , below.

1 . Checks Your Risk
" Checking cardiovascular risk factors , including cholesterol and blood pressure tests should have been started in early 20s , " said John Elefteriades , MD , surgeon and director of the Aortic Institute at Yale .

The results will help determine what you should do next . If your blood pressure is high , your cholesterol levels are high and you have a family history of heart disease then checks the risk of this kind should be your top priority .

Many doctors recommend heart tests found after the Framingham Heart Study . This test combines factors such as age and blood pressure to determine the risk of heart disease with the actual percentage value .

This test has two versions , one based on a complex algorithm , while the other is based on points . But according to a study published in the journal BMC Medicine , the test results proved that using a more accurate algorithm .

2 . Control your LDL levels
Although it is often spelled ' antagonist ' , but actually it's not all LDL is really nasty , said Ronald Krauss , MD , senior scientist and director of atherosclerosis research at Children 's Hospital Oakland Research Institute . According to a new way to study cholesterol , LDL can be described in at least four sub - categories , there is a very nasty , but there are also very soft .

While many researchers are trying to find the best method to address the worst excesses of LDL , you can use more traditional methods . One is the breakfast of oatmeal that contains beta glucan , a soluble fiber that can help reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed in the intestines .

3 . Consider Undergoing Some Tests
If your doctor needs to know some additional information about the risk of your heart , maybe he has a number of other methods for you . One of the recommended test is a test of C - reactive protein ( CRP ) .

" CRP is an indicator of inflammation or irritation of the internal blood vessels . Luckily this can be overcome by high intensity exercise , " said Elefteriades . You can also undergo a CT scan so the doctor can see directly if you have artery problems or not .

4 . Supervise Your Blood Pressure
Reducing salt intake will not only be able to reduce your risk of heart disease . People who tend to have a salt intake lowers the risk of heart attack or stroke are the same as those that do not restrict salt intake . It is revealed from the latest review of the 7 study published in the American Journal of Hypertension .

Losing weight is a better solution because these efforts can lower your blood pressure 10-29 points , even aerobic routine can reduce 10 points again .

5 . See Your Total Cholesterol Levels
A number of tests can provide details about the condition of your cholesterol , if necessary . One is the non - HDL test . " I recommend that all people undergo this test . Determination are simply reducing the amount of total cholesterol HDL . However these tests are standards that do not require special treatment . "

Sabtu, 19 April 2014

Diets and Low Fat Low Karbo Come up Diabetes Risk


Among the three following diets low carbohydrate diet , low fat diet and a low- glycemic diet that most people do is to reduce carbohydrate and fat for making thin fast .

Unfortunately , despite a diet low in carbohydrate and low in fat to lose weight fast it actually raises risk of diabetes .

Researchers found that the diet method to lose weight quickly may have bad side effects for long-term health .

As reported by NaturalNews , researchers fear that a particular diet method can increase the risk of diabetes ,

The team of researchers from the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center Boston Children's Hospital to investigate the effects of diet selection method by 21 people within a period of 3 months .

Study participants were asked to lose weight by 10 to 15 percent before the study began , so that participants have a new weight stable when the study began .

Every three months , the study participants were asked to choose different methods of diet , ie a diet low in fat , low- glycemic diet and low carbohydrate diet . Every attention to dietary protein intake in order to keep the body healthy and energized .

The result is :
1 . The low-carbohydrate diet showed the greatest changes to weight loss , but also shows the level of weakness and fatigue are quite large as well . But this type of diet is the most preferred because it can lose weight faster .

But low-carbohydrate diets may lead to increased levels of cortisol , which is associated with a loss of insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease . The loss of sensitivity to insulin may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes .

2 . Diets low in fat , which is often recommended by the American Heart Association , lead to insulin resistance which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and lower energy levels .

3 . Response is best in those who choose low-glycemic diet is not to lose nutrients from food and not causing weakness in the body . This type of diet glycemic done by restricting blood sugar by eating foods that contain simple carbohydrates and sugars .

Eating too many simple carbohydrates can increase blood sugar and fat levels in the blood , and also can reduce the amount of good HDL cholesterol circulating in the body .

The glycemic index ( GI ) is a scale or number given to certain foods based on how much of these foods increase blood sugar levels , the scale used is 0-100 .

Called low glycemic index if it is on a scale of less than 50 , medium glycemic index if its value is 50-70 and high glycemic index if the number is above 70 .

Jumat, 18 April 2014

Herbs are Helping People Quit Smoking

Smoking is no longer seen as a bad habit, mainly because it has led to addiction. 

People who have been addicted to cigarettes will find it difficult to stop these habits, so that the necessary help such as herbal products. 

There are different kinds of herbs and supplements that can help people stop smoking. 

Here are some herbs that can be used to overcome the addiction to cigarettes, as reported by NaturalNews, among others: 

1. Lobelia Flowers

Flower Lobelia or often referred to as Indian tobacco has been known as an herbal remedy for respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and cough. 

The researchers stated that the flower lobelia plant is cleaning the lungs that can reduce the effects of nicotine in the body. 

The use of this herbal medicine should be under the supervision of a doctor so as not to cause harmful side effects. Doses that are too large lobelia can menyebababkan dry mouth, cramps, nausea and even coma. 

2. Ginger

People often feel nauseous when I have to quit smoking because the nicotine withdrawal reaction. Ginger may reduce nausea due to nicotine withdrawal. 

3. Interest Rhodiola Extract

Rhodiola extract is taken in the morning can improve the function of dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a hormone associated with mood. If too little hormone dopamine in the body, can lead to anxiety and depression. 

Increased dopamine receptor function can make the hormone dopamine also increased, so that people will feel happier and more energetic after quitting smoking, which usually occurs withdrawal reactions such as feeling weak. 

4. Wheat

Wheat is a heart-healthy diet because it is high in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, and folate. Eating whole grain cereal can help lower bad cholesterol and maintain healthy arteries which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Wheat also contains a chemical called avenathramides that can reduce stress, strengthen the nervous system, fight free radicals and treat high blood pressure. All of these benefits are very important for smokers who are at high risk for heart disease. 

By eating whole-grain cereals, smokers can also be helped because the extract derived from green oats can reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and help reduce cigarette cravings. 

5. Herbal Cigarettes

Herbal cigarettes could replace regular cigarettes and help overcome addiction. Accustomed to grabbing a cigarette smoker in certain situations and at certain times during the day. 

Occasionally smoke provide comfort for smokers other than the desire to inhale nicotine alone. 

Herbal Cigarettes contain chemicals and carcinogens that less than regular cigarettes. One can replace tobacco cigarettes with the herbal cigarettes to satisfy psychological needs. 

The main benefits of herbal cigarettes are not to be additive. These cigarettes contain no nicotine at all and made ​​of mint, cinnamon, clover, licorice or lemon grass. 

Herbal cigarettes should be used only as a short-term helper to stop the nicotine habit and not long term.

Kamis, 17 April 2014

Ramsay Hunt syndrome



Ramsay Hunt syndrome occurs when herpes zoster infection affects the facial nerve near one of your ears . In addition to the painful shingles rash , this syndrome can also cause facial paralysis and hearing loss in the affected ear .


Ramsay Hunt syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox . Once cured chicken pox , the virus asleep on your nerves . Years later , may become active again . If the virus is active and affects the nerves of your face , Ramsay Hunt syndrome can cause .


The two main signs of Ramsay Hunt syndrome is :

1 . Painful red rash with fluid-filled blisters in and around the ear
2 . Facial weakness or paralysis on the same side as the affected ear

Typically , rash and facial paralysis develops at the same time . However, in some cases , the rash will occur before facial paralysis , or paralysis before the rash .

If you have Ramsay Hunt syndrome , you may also experience :
1 . Earache
2 . Hearing loss
3 . Ear ringing
4 . Difficulty closing one eye
5 . Vertigo
6 . Changes in taste or loss of taste perception


Appropriate treatment of Ramsay Hunt syndrome can ease the pain and reduce the risk of long-term complications . Treatment may include antiviral drugs , such as acyclovir ( Zovirax ) , famciclovir ( Famvir ) or valacyclovir ( Valtrex ) that often help combat the smallpox virus .

Your doctor may also give corticosteroids , drugs such as diazepam ( Valium ) for meri

Rabu, 16 April 2014

Graves disease



Graves' disease is a disease that attacks the immune system and causes excessive production of thyroid hormone ( hyperthyroidism ) . Although the disease can strike anyone , but it usually occurs in women under the age of 40 years . Lucky this disease rarely causes death .

Graves' disease is caused by a dysfunction of the immune system to fight disease .

1 . Restless

2 . Easily angry

3 . Insomnia

4 . Fatigue

5 . Rapid heartbeat but irregular

6 . 's Hand or fingers tremble

7 . Increased amount of sweat and moist skin

8 . Sensitive to heat

9 . Losing weight but normal diet

10 . Enlargement of the thyroid gland ( goiter )

11 . Changes in menstrual cycle

12 . Erectile dysfunction or decreased libido

13 . Diarrhea

1 . Radioactive iodine therapy or radioiodine

2 . Drugs such as anti - thyroid propylthiouracil and methimazole ( Tapazole ) .

3 . Drugs beta blockers such as Propranolol ( Inderal ) , Atenolol ( Tenormin ) , Metoprolol and Nadolol ( Corgard ) .

4 . Operations

Selasa, 15 April 2014

Chronic pancreatitis


Chronic pancreatitis is a chronic inflammation of the pancreas. 


In the United States, the most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is alcoholism. 

Other causes are hereditary factors and pancreatic duct obstruction caused by the narrowing of the channel or pancreatic cancer. 

Acute pancreatitis rarely causes a narrowing of the pancreatic duct that will lead to the occurrence of chronic pancreatitis. 
In many cases, the cause of chronic pancreatitis is unknown. 

In tropical countries (Indonesia, India, Nigeria), chronic pancreatitis with unknown cause that occurs in children and young adults, can lead to diabetes and the buildup of calcium in the pancreas. 

Initial symptoms generally come from diabetes.


Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are generally divided into two patterns .

The first , the patient experienced abdominal pain that persisted middle , which weighs varied .

Secondly , the patient experienced intermittent episodes of pancreatitis , with symptoms similar to a mild to moderate acute pancreatitis . The pain is sometimes severe and last for several hours or several days .

In the second pattern , in line with the development of the disease , the cells that produce digestive enzymes , are slowly damaged , so that eventually the pain does not arise .

By decreasing the amount of digestive enzymes , the food is not absorbed optimally , and people will spend a lot of stools and foul smelling . Can be light-colored stool and oily and can even contain oil droplets .

Impaired absorption also causes weight loss .

At the end of the insulin-producing cells may be damaged and will gradually lead to diabetes (diabetes ) .


Diagnosis based on symptoms or a history of acute pancreatitis .

A blood test is less useful in diagnosing chronic pancreatitis , but may show elevated levels of amylase and lipase .

Blood tests can also be used to determine blood sugar levels , which may be increased .

Abdominal x-rays and ultrasound may show a stone in the pancreas .

Endoscopic retrograde pankreatografi ( X-ray technique that shows the structure of the pancreatic duct ) could show that the channel widening , narrowing the channel or duct stones .

CT scans can show a change in the size , shape and texture of the pancreas .


During an attack , which is very important is to avoid alcohol .

Avoid all foods and only receive intravenous fluids , resting the pancreas and intestines can also reduce pain .

But narcotic pain reliever , is still often necessary to relieve pain .

To mitigate the attack , it is recommended to eat 4-5 times / day , which contains less fat and protein , and lots of carbohydrates .
Alcohol should still be avoided .

If pain persists , is likely to have complications , such as inflammation of the future head of the pancreas or a pseudocyst .
The period of inflammation require surgical treatment .

Pseudocyst which causes pain in line with its development , may have to undergo decompression ( pressure reduction ) .

If patients continue to feel pain and no complications , doctors usually inject pain inhibitory nerves to the pancreas so that arousal does not get to the brain .

If this fails , surgery may be required .

If the dilated pancreatic duct , pancreas manufacture of a shortcut to the small intestine , to reduce pain in approximately 70-80 % of patients .

If the channel is not widened , a portion of the pancreas may be removed.

When the head of the pancreas is affected, this section removed along with the duodenum . This surgery can reduce pain in 60-80 % of patients .

In alcoholics who experience healing , partial removal of the pancreas performed only on those who can cope with diabetes will occur after surgery .

By taking tablets or capsules containing extracts of pancreatic enzymes at mealtime , can make the stools become less fat and improve the absorption of food , but this is rarely the problem can be resolved .

If necessary , a solution of antacids or H2 inhibitors can be taken together with pancreatic enzymes .

With such treatment , the patient's weight will usually increase , the amount of waste water becomes more scarce , no longer contained oil droplets in the stool and in general will feel better .

If the above treatment is not effective , the patient may try to reduce fat intake .

Maybe also needed additional fat-soluble vitamins ( vitamins A , D , E and K ) .

Senin, 14 April 2014

Hiatal hernia

Hiatal hernia is a protrusion of a portion of the stomach through the diaphragm, from its normal position in the abdomen. 
The diaphragm is a sheet of muscles used for breathing, which is the barrier between the chest and abdomen. 
In sliding hiatal hernia, the border between the esophagus and stomach, as well as a portion of the stomach, which is normally located under the diaphragm, protruding upward diagragma. 
In paraesofageal hiatal hernia, the border between the esophagus and stomach are in a place that is normally below the diaphragm, but no part of the stomach above the diaphragm is pushed to the side and is located in the esophagus. 
Hiatal hernia often occurs, especially at the age above 50 years. 
As a result of this disorder can occur regurgitation of gastric acid.

Causes of hiatal hernia is usually unknown, but can occur because of weaknesses in network backers. 
Risk factor for hiatal hernias in adults are: 
- Age 
- obesity 
- Smoking. 
In children, hiatal hernia is usually a congenital defect. 
Hiatal hernia in infants is usually accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux. 
Patients with a sliding hiatal hernia reached more than 40% of people, but mostly asymptomatic. Symptoms that occur are usually mild. 
Paraesofageal hiatal hernia usually does not cause symptoms. But a prominent part of this can be trapped or pinched in the diaphragm and blood deficiency. 
If it is severe and there is pain, called trapping (strangulation), which requires emergency surgery. 
Sometimes microscopic bleeding or severe bleeding of the lining of the hernia, which can occur on both the type of hiatal hernia.

Typically, X-ray examination may indicate the presence of hiatal hernia, although it must be accompanied with a strong emphasis on the stomach. 
Hiatal hernia usually does not require specific treatment, but when coupled with acid reflux, should be treated. 
The esophageal hernia can be cured with surgery to prevent strangulation. 

Minggu, 13 April 2014



Hernia / abdominal wall hernia is tonjoloan intestine through a hole or weak area of the abdominal wall. 
Protrusion of abdominal wall hernias cause that looks tetepi little disturbing. 
Diagnosis is made by a physician with pemeriksaab and sometimes with ultrasound. 
Treatment includes surgery to repair the hernia. 

Abdominal hernias are common, especially in men. There are approximately 700,000 hernia operations each year in the United States. Hernias are usually named after the place where the hernia.

The abdominal wall is thick and hard in almost all areas , so that the hernia usually occurs in weak areas where holes have previously been closed . Heavy lifting or stretching can make a hernia more noticeable but does not cause a hernia to form.

1 . Inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia appears in the groin crease or on the scrotum . Common in men . There are two types , direct and indirect , depending on exactly where the hernia occurs .

2 . Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernias occur around the navel ( umbilicus ) . Many babies who have an umbilical hernia is small because the hole for blood vessels do not close completely . Adult umbilical hernia is caused by obesity , pregnancy , or excess fluid in the abdomen ( ascites ) .

3 . Femoral hernia

A hernia is formed just below the groin crease in the middle of the thigh where the femoral artery and vein to the left abdomen to the feet . This type of hernia usually occurs in women .

4 . Incisional hernia

Sometimes the hernia is formed through an incision in the abdominal wall surgery . This type of hernia may occur many years after surgery .

5 . Confinement and binding

Sometimes, bonding bowel trapped in the hernia , the condition is called confinement ( incarceration ) . Rarely , the intestinal hernia trap so strong that block the blood supply , a condition called binding ( strangulation ) . In binding , part of the intestine that can develop into gangrene stuck at least 6 hours after the fact. With the gangrene , the intestinal wall will die , usually causing rupture , which causes peritonitis ( inflammation and usually infection of the abdominal cavity ) , shock and cause death if not treated .


Many people only look at the hernia bulge . Sometimes the hernia appears only when lifting , coughing or stretch . Usually little or no discomfort , and the bulge can be pushed back in by the patient or physician . Hernias have no symptoms caged additional , but bulge can not be reduced . Hernia binding causes constant pain and increased , usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting , can not be reduced and soft to the touch .


Doctors make a diagnosis based on the examination . Lump in groin hernias resembling swollen lymph point and testicles can tida down . Scrotal swelling may be a varcocele ( condition in which the blood supply to the testes develop into varicose veins ) or spematocele ( sperm collection in the sac that later evolved into the epididymis ) . Sometimes doctors did ultrasound tests to help determine the diagnosis .


Umbilical hernias in infants are rarely stifling and does not need to be treated . Most will go away in a few days tanpat care . Umbilical hernias can be repaired very large after a 2 year old baby .

Because other types of hernia may occur binding , doctors usually fix it with surgery after being diagnosed . If the hernia terkuung or bound / strangulation , surgery done as soon as possible . However , improvements were made in the time patients feel comfortable ( elective surgery ) .

Restraining hernia with tape , bandages or other tools sometimes make the patient more comfortable but does not reduce the risk of choking or has holes shut , therefore , it is not recommended . Umbilical hernia just vanishes without any treatment / medication .

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) Due to Throat Disorders


Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing.
A person may have difficulty moving food from the upper part of the throat into the esophagus due to an abnormality in the throat.

This problem most often occurs in people who have abnormalities in voluntary muscle (skeletal muscle) or persarafannya, namely patients:

- dermatomyositis

- Myasthenia gravis

- Muscular dystrophy

- polio

- Pseudobulbar paralysis

- Disorders of the brain and spinal cord such as Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease)

- People who drink phenothiazines (drugs antipsikosa) could also have difficulty swallowing because the drug affects the throat muscles.

If one of these abnormalities cause difficulty swallowing, the patient often brings back food or inhale through the nose into the trachea (windpipe) and will coughed.

In krikofaringeal incoordination, valve upper esophagus (muscular krikofaringeal) remain close or open uncoordinated manner.

Valve that allows food to function abnormally repeated entry into the trachea and lungs, leading to chronic lung disease.

The surgeon can correct this situation by cutting the valve so it is always in a state of relaxation.

When untreated, this condition can lead to the formation of a diverticulum, a pouch is formed when layers of the esophagus and pushed out backwards with through muscle krikofaringeal

Jumat, 11 April 2014

Female Reproductive Organs

Organ Reproduksi Wanita

One important thing to note in reproductive health is to understand anatomy and reproductive organs . Reproductive organs are body parts that function in the offspring continue the process . Here is a description of the female reproductive organs , according to R. Wahyudi (2002 : 13-17 ) :

a) Fallopian tubes ( fallopian tubes ) , which is located on the left channel and the right uterine function to be passed by the ova from the ovaries to the uterus .

b ) ovary (ovarian ) , which is the organ in which the left and right uterine function to produce eggs ( ova ) . Every once a month left and right ovaries in turn will release an egg . If no fertilization occurs , the egg will come out at the time of menstruation . Ovary cells containing 400,000 eggs , but it will only put out 400 eggs during her life .

c ) The uterus ( womb ) , where the fetus was raised , shaped like a squashed avocado and normal weight 30-50 grams . At the moment in a state of pregnancy, the uterus is only as big as a large chicken egg .

d ) Cervix ( neck of the womb ) , which is the lower part of the uterus . At the time of delivery arrived , then open the cervix so the baby can come out .

e ) vagina ( hole intercourse ) , which is a cylindrical channel is very elastic and folds . Its function is as a penis during intercourse , where babies and menstrual discharge .

f ) The mouth of the vagina , which is the beginning of the vagina , a uterus cavity connecting with the outside of the body .

g ) The clitoris ( klentit ) , which is a little lump of meat the most sensitive of all female genitalia . The clitoris contains many blood vessels and nerves .

h ) The lips of the vagina , consisting of the labia majora and labia minora . Labia majora is the outer part of the vagina mouth covered by fur , located behind the labia minora labia majora are many menganding blood vessels and nerves .

i ) Vulva , is a female sexual organ or the outer most often referred to as pubic hill ( mons veneris ) , where the growth of pubic hair .

j ) pubic bone , is the bone that is situated in front of the bladder .

k ) pubic hair , pubic hill located in the area and the labia majora . Pubic hair serves to menyering dirt that does not directly enter into the vagina .

l ) urinary bladder , is a temporary shelter of water from the kidneys ( urine )

m ) urethra ( urinary tract ) , is a channel to urinate .

n ) The mouth of the urethra , is the end of the urethra .

o ) hymen ( hymen ) , is a thin membrane that lies in the third outside the vagina . The hymen does not contain blood vessels . Tearing of the hymen is usually because of sex ( the inclusion of the male genitalia into the vagina ) , but also the hymen can be torn as a result of strenuous sports such riding or cycling .

Kamis, 10 April 2014

The characteristics of Herpes Disease

The characteristics of herpes is easily recognizable is the emergence of small dots containing a clear liquid. This fluid if broken and allowed to dry will look like scabs. Because herpes is a contagious disease, it should be treated before it spreads more severe.

Herpes is an inflammatory disease of the skin and usually appears bubbles containing water and in groups . Herpes Disease consists of two kinds of herpes zoster , herpes disease that affects the skin . And genital herpes is that herpes is one of the venereal disease . The characteristics of this herpes is a sense of shortness of breath , fever , chills , joint feels nyari , sore only on one part of the body .
Normally the characteristics of other herpes disease that attacks the herpes sufferers sometimes find themselves stricken with appendicitis , migraine , or heart attack . This will bring up a small bubble in the back but that is only on one side in a particular area of ​​innervation . The bubble burst , painful and can thus be infected by bacteria .

Painful bubble characteristics such as herpes , can also appear on the eye area , forehead and around the genital and only appear on one side of the body . Attack of herpes can occur simultaneously in several neural areas that cause herpes expansion into other parts of the body up to the head .

But in general the characteristics of herpes and herpes disease only attacks the area of innervation in the chest area . In order not to enter the bacteria and does not cause scars it as much as possible to keep the bubbles on the skin is not broken by using talcum powder to lubricate the skin .

Usually a few days later , the bubble will deflate because body absorb and there will be a black scars on the skin . If the patient is resistant to herpes cold it is okay to shower .

In general, herpes is spread through direct contact . Even for shingles can be transmitted through the air but not as strong infectivity of chicken pox . If there are people who contract herpes zoster , usually characteristic of herpes initially had chicken pox before although he has never been sick chicken pox .

Unlike the case with the transmission of genital herpes . Although people who suffer from genital herpes does not cause any symptoms at all , even up to a long time , the person can transmit the herpes virus to sexual partners simplexnya him . So , to identify whether someone is suffering from herpes simplex virus , not only just by looking at the symptoms but the laboratory to check whether he is positive or negative . Because , as mentioned above , could have been a long one heper simplex virus and he is not aware of it because it has not show any symptoms at all .

So , for those of you - you are including the at-risk group terular herpes simplex virus ( genital herpes ) there is no one to check yourself into the laboratory . The longer the virus HSV ( Herpes Simplex Virus ) lodged in your body , the longer the treatment . And , if it turns out you are positive for herpes simplex virus , do not worry , this disease is not a disease that is incurable and Mrs. traditional clinic . Djamilah Najmuddin was ready to accompany you in the fight against herpes simplex virus .

Rabu, 09 April 2014

Chorea, athetosis, and Hemiballismus - Beyond Body Consciousness Movement

Chorea is a movement beyond awareness rapid , jerking , short and repetitive that starts one part of the body and moves with a sudden , unexpected , and often continuously until the rest of the body . Athetosis is a slow motion flow , flowing , writhing out of consciousness . Hemiballismus is a type of chorea , usually causing the throwing motion of the arm beyond the will aloud .

Chorea and athetosis , which may occur together as choreoathetosis , is not a disease . Nevertheless , they are a symptom that can be caused by several peyakit very different from each other . Chorea and athetosis caused by over- activity of the basic ganglia , the part of the brain that helps facilitate and coordinate movements initiated by nerve impulses from the brain . In most forms of chorea , excess dopamine , the main neurotransmitter used in the basal ganglia , the basal ganglia prevented from functioning normally . Drugs and diseases that increase dopamine levels or increasing sensitivity to dopamine nerve cells tend to worsen chorea and athetosis .

Chorea and athetosis occur in Huntington's disease , a degenerative disorder that decreases . Sydenham chorea may occur in ' s chorea ( also called St. Vitus's dance , or Sydenham 's disease ) , complications of rheumatic fever ( a childhood infections caused by certain streptococci ) . Sydenham 's chorea has the character can not be controlled movements are jerky and can last for several months .

Chorea is sometimes develops in older people because of the unreal . Chorea , called senile chorea , are likely to affect the muscles around the mouth . Chorea can also affect women during the first 3 months of pregnancy ( a condition called chorea gravidarum ) , but disappear without treatment shortly after their birth. Rarely , a sort of chorea occur in women who take the contraceptive pill . Chorea can also be the result of lupus ( systemic lupus erythematosus ) , over- activity of the thyroid gland ( hyperthyroidism ) , a tumor or a stroke affecting the basal ganglia portion called the caudate nucleus , and certain medications such as antipsychotics drugs .


Chorea usually involve the hands , feet , and face . Jerking movements seem to flow from one muscle to the next muscle and it may seem like dancing . The movements may be invisible to join the action with the purpose or semi - destination , sometimes making it difficult to recognize chorea .

Athetosis usually affects the hands and feet . Writhing movements often alternating with slow loading limb parts in certain positions ( postures ) to produce a time flowing movements that constantly.

Hemiballismus affecting one side of the body . Affected arm more often than feet . Usually caused by stroke affecting small field just below the basal ganglia subthalamic nucleus called . Hemiballismus to temporarily paralyze probably because when people try to move the limbs, may float uncontrollably .


Chorea as hyperthyroidism usually decreases the time it is treated chaos . Sydenham 's chorea and chorea caused by stroke often gradually subsided without treatment . If chorea is due in addition to medication , stopping the medication may help , but not always lost chorea . Pregnant women with chorea may be treated with sleep medications during pregnancy .

Drugs blocking the action of dopamine, which can help control the movement bnormal . These drugs include antipsychotics such as fluphenazine , haloperidol , and risperidone . Drugs that reduce the amount of dopamine release , such as reserpine and tetrabenazine , also may help . However , the improvement may be limited .

Hemiballismus usually go away by themselves after a few days , but sometimes last for 6 to 8 weeks . Anti- Psychotic drugs may help suppress hemiballismus .

Selasa, 08 April 2014

Tic: In Children

Tics ( tics ) is a rapid involuntary movement without a purpose , but not repetitive rhythmic virtually identical to one another . They can be suppressed but only for a short time and only with conscious effort .
Tics can be simple or complex . Mild tics , such as excessive winking , grimacing , or head jerking , could begin as jittery mannerisms . Complex tics , as happened in Tourette syndrome , often resembling the parts on normal behavior .


Tics , tics in particular light , can occur by itself . Most tics begin during childhood and disappear without treatment . Or muscle spasm can occur as part of other disorders , such as Huntington's disease , obsessive-compulsive disorder , some infection , or a stroke . Some drugs and toxins causing tic nerves .


Before tics occur , people can feel the urge to perform tics . That impulse is similar to the desire to sneeze or scratch an itch . Tensions are formed , usually on the affected body part . When people give up on the tics , they feel relieved briefly .

Tics can sometimes be delayed for a matter of seconds to minutes , but usually soon become annoying. Most people have problems controlling muscle spasm , especially during emotional stress . Even so , some people can suppress multiple tics , usually with difficulty . Giving attention to the tics , particularly in children , can make the tics worsened .


For people who suffer from mild tics ( particularly children ) , often reassuring is the best , with little attention to the tics as possible .

If tics are particularly troublesome , can be treated with medication . For mild tics , benzodiazepines , such as clonazepam and diazepam , can help . These drugs are mild sedative used in a way dimiunumt . Clonidine , a drug used to treat high blood pressure , sometimes helps . Clonidine inhibits the motion of norepinephrine , a neurotransmitter that is thought to contribute to the tics . Side effects can include low blood pressure that is excessive .

For severe tics , antipsychotic drugs may be effective even if psychosis is not the cause of the tics . Or botulinum toxin can be injected into the affected muscles , paralyzing the muscles and thus prevent the tics .

Senin, 07 April 2014

Multiple System Atrophy: Muscle Stiffness & Missing Coordination

Multiple system atrophy is a disorder that is very progressive , fatal which makes the muscles stiff ( rigid) and causes problems with movement , loss of coordination , and malfunction of the inner body ( such as blood pressure and bladder control ) .

Part of the brain that control movement and many body parts in the process sank .
Some symptoms similar to Parkinson 's disease , but the process also damaged the inside of the body .
Doctors base the diagnosis on symptoms .
Tools and simple medicines can help reduce the symptoms , but the disorder is very progressive and ultimately fatal .
Multiple system atrophy usually begins when a person is 50 years old . which affects about twice as many men than women . Resulting from the decline in some parts of the brain and spinal cord .

Basal ganglia ( collection of nerve cells at the base of the cerebrum , on the inside of the brain ) , which helps control voluntary muscle movement by balancing the movement of the bands of muscles that move the same muscle on the opposite way ( eg , a group which deflect the collection of arms and straightening arm ) .
Cerevellum , which mengkoordinasu voluntary movement ( especially complex movements performed simultaneously .
Regions that control the nervous system automation , which regulate body processes are optional , such as how blood pressure changes in response to changes in posture .
Nerve cells that stimulate nerve movement (motor neurons ) in the cerebellum , basal ganglia , and spinal cords .

The cause of deterioration is unknown .

Multiple system atrophy including three disorders previously thought to separate disturbances :

Olivopontocerebellar atrophy , which is characterized by symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease ( called parkinsonnism ) and difficulty maintaining balance .
Striatonigral slump , which is very similar to Parkinson 's disease levodopa except that it often does not relieve the symptoms .
Shy-Drager syndrome , which is characterized by parkinsonism and problems with urination , blood pressure control , and several other processes in the body .

Multiple system atrophy is a disorder that is very advanced . Early symptoms vary , depending on which part and how much of the brain first affected . The disorder causes the three groups of symptoms .

Parkinsonism - symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease - may soon occur . These symptoms result from basal ganglia kemerosostan . Muscles are stiff ( rigid) , and movement is slow , wobbly , and hard to start . When walking , dragging people can and can not swing their arms . People feel gioyah and gets confused , making them more likely to fall . Posture possibility of stopping . The limbs can be snapped up by vibrating , usually when they are held in one position . But people with Multiple system atrophy is unlikely to experience the thrill during breaks than people with Parkinson's disease . Articulation is a difficult word , and sounds can be pitched and trembling .

Loss of coordination may also occur more quickly . Of deterioration that occurs in the cerebellum . People may not be able to control the movements of the arms and legs . Consequently , they have difficulty walking and requires a step width and irregular . People may have trouble focusing on the eyes and follow objects . Tasks that require the movement back and forth quickly , such as the doorknob or installing a light bulb , also becomes difficult .

Malfunction of the inner body , controlled by the automatic nervous system , can also occur earlier . Blood pressure can decrease dramatically when a person stands , causing dizziness , lightheadedness , or fainting - a condition called orthostatic hypotension . Blood pressure can be increased when someone was lying . People may need to urinate frequently or urgently or can be issued optionally urine (urinary incontinence ) . They may have difficulty emptying the bladder (urinary retention ) . Constipation is common . Vision becomes worse . Men may experience difficulty and start a maintaining an erection ( erectile dysfunction ) .

Other symptoms on automatic malfunction may occur earlier or later . Reduced sweat , tears , and saliva produced . As a result , people may be intolerant to heat and experiencing dry eyes and mouth . People may have difficulty swallowing and breathing . Breath possibility of noisy and high -pitched . During sleep , breathing can stop quickly or becomes inadequate (sleep apnea ) . People can lose control of the movement of stomach contents ( fecal incontinence ) .

Most people confined to a wheelchair or otherwise paralyzed weight within 5 years after symptoms begin . The disorder results in death of 9 to 10 years after symptoms begin .


The diagnosis is based on symptoms can be similar to other disorders , making it difficult to diagnose the disorder .

The only sure way to diagnose multiple system atrophy is to examine brain tissue after death . Even so , some helped with diagnostic tests , for example , if levodopa relieve parkinsonism , are likely the cause of Parkinson's disease . Levodopa has little or no effect on similar symptoms caused by multiple system atrophy . Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) of the brain can help rule out other neurologic disorders . Tests to evaluate the automatic nervous system kemungkingan done . For example , blood pressure may be measured when a person is sitting and after the person stands to check orthotastic hypotension . The presence of hypotension orthotastic support the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy .


No treatment can cure multiple system atrophy . Even so , the combination of tools and simple medicines can help relieve symptoms .

Parkinsonism : continue to do so many activities each day helps maintain muscle strength and flexibility . Stretching and exercising regularly may also help . Drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease , such as levodopa plus carbidopa or pergolide , taken by mouth , may be tried, but these drugs usually have little effect or effective for only a few years .
Orthostatic hypotension : a tool to stabilize the sudden change in blood pressure . Consuming more salt and water can increase the amount of blood and thus helps increase blood pressure . Standing up slowly may help prevent decreases in blood pressure when a person stands up too much , as it could use an abdominal binder or compression stockings . These clothes help maintain blood pressure by increasing the flow of blood from the legs to the heart and thus prevent too much blood remains ( pooling ) on foot . Raising the head of the bed by about 4 inches ( 10 cm ) can help prevent blood pressure from increasing too much when the person lies down . If the increased blood pressure , antihypertensive medication ( such as propranolol ) may be taken at night . Fludrocortisone may be taken by mouth . Which helps the body retain salt and water and thus can increase blood pressure when a person stands as needed . Other drugs , such as midrodrine or pyridostigmine , taken by mouth , can also help .
Urinary retention: If necessary , people can learn to insert a catheter into the bladder of their own . They put a couple of times a day . It is inserted through the urethra , making the urinary bladder to dry . People remove the catheter after the bladder is empty . This tool helps prevent stretch the bladder and urinary tract infections are formed . Wash hands , clean the area around the urethra , and the catheter using sterile or clean also helps prevent infection . Inserting a catheter becomes more difficult as coordination deteriorates . Doctors can prescribe bethanechol , which improves the properties of the muscles of the bladder and sometimes makes emptying the bladder more easily .
Urinary incontinence : oxybutynin or tolterodine , taken by mouth , digunaka possibility to relax the muscles of the overactive bladder . If incontinence persists , use a catheter inserted into the bladder can help . Some people learn to enter it yourself .
Constipation : High - fiber diet and stool softeners are recommended . If stubborn constipation , enemas may be needed .
Erectile Dysfunction : Usually, treatment consists of drugs such as sildenafil , tadalafil , or vardenafil , taken by mouth .
As the disorder progresses, people may need a breathing tube , a feeding tube ( usually surgically inserted ) , or both . Physical therapists , occupational, and speech can teach people ways to compensate when walking , daily activities , and talking becomes difficult . Social workers can help find a support group and when the symptoms become disabling , home health care or hospice services .

Problems at the end of life : for this disorder is very progressive and ultimately fatal , people should prepare for further instructions as soon as the disorder is diagnosed . These instructions should indicate whether the type of medical care that people want to end his life .

Minggu, 06 April 2014


Parkinsonism refers to the symptoms of Parkinson's disease ( such as slow motion and shaking ) caused by other conditions .

Various conditions can cause Parkinsonism :

Viral encephalitis , a rare brain inflammation that followed infections such as the flu
Another decline disorders , such as dementia , multiple system athropy , corticobasal ganglionic decline , and progressive supranuclear palsy
Disorders of brain structures , such as brain tumors and stroke
Head injuries , especially recurring injuries that occur when boxing ( making someone punch-drunk ) .
Medications , such as antipsychotics and antihypertensives methyldopa and reserpine .
Toxins , such as manganese , carbon monoxide , and methanol .


Certain drugs and toxins interfere with or inhibit the action of dopamine and other neurotransmitters . For example , antipsychotic drugs , used to treat paranoia and schizophrenia , inhibits the action of dopamine . Use of MPTP ( produced by chance when a drug user for the synthesis of opioid meperidine ) can cause parkinsonism sudden , severe , irreversible in young children .


Parkinsonism cause the same symptoms as Parkinson's disease . They include trembling muscle stiffness, slow movements , and difficulty maintaining balance and walking .

Disorders that cause parkinsonism can also cause other symptoms or various kinds of parkinsonian symptoms , such as the following below :

Striking memory loss associated with dementia
The symptoms of parkinsonism is only on one side of the body associated with certain brain tumors
Low blood pressure and urinary problems associated with multiple system atrophy
Inability to fast or understanding speech or written language ( aphasia ) , inability to perform simple tasks skills ( apraxia ) , and the inability to link the object with the role and function of the usual ( agnosia ) is associated with decreased corticobasal ganglionic

In corticobasal ganglionic decline , symptoms occur after the age of 60 years . People become immobile after about 5 years , and death usually occurs after about 10 years .

The doctor asked about previous disorders , exposure to toxins , and the use of drugs that can cause parkinsonism . Brain imaging , such as computed tomography ( CT ) or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) , may be done to look at the structure of disorders that may be causing the symptoms .

If the diagnosis is not clear , the doctor can give the people of levodopa , a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease . If the drug is a real fix , even become the cause of Parkinson's disease are possible.


Cause repaired or treated if possible . If the medication is the cause , stop the drug could cure the disorder . The symptoms can be reduced or lost if the underlying disorder can be treated . Drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease ( such as levodopa ) are often not effective in people with parkinsonism but can sometimes offer a simple repair .

Drugs used if disturbing . If the cause is the use of antipsychotic drugs , amantadine or drugs with anticholinergic effects , such as benztropine , may relieve symptoms .

The same common way used to help people with Parkinson's disease maintain mobility and independence are very useful . For example , people should remain as active as possible , simple daily tasks , use tools when needed , and take action to make the home safe ( like folding rugs to prevent tripping ) . Occupational and physical therapists can help people to apply this way . Good nutrition is also important .