Jumat, 28 Februari 2014

Virus Infection In Brain

Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain , which is usually caused by a virus known as viral encephalitis .
Encephalomyelitis is an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord , which is also caused by a virus .
Aseptic meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges ( membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord ) , which is usually caused by a virus .

Several different viruses can infect the brain and spinal cord , including the viruses that cause herpes and mumps ( mumps ) .
Some of these infections is the plague , and the other insect-borne .

Some viruses are not specifically infects the brain and spinal cord , but they cause an immune reaction which indirectly cause inflammation in the area .
Such encephalitis ( encephalitis parainfeksiosa or post - infectious encephalitis ) can occur after measles , chicken pox or measles Germany .
The inflammation usually occurs within 5-10 days after viral disease and can cause serious damage to the nervous system .

Perandangan brain can sometimes occur weeks , months or years after the virus infection .
Examples are panensefalitis subacute sclerotic , which is a brain inflammation that sometimes occurs after measles and usually affects children .

# Brain infection because the virus can cause three different symptoms : mild infection , causing fever and malaise , often without other typical symptoms
# Fever with headache , vomiting , weakness and stiff neck
# There was disruption of normal brain function that cause changes in personality , seizures , weakness on one or more parts of the body , confusion , drowsiness which could develop into a coma , and other symptoms of meningitis .

Certain viruses provide any additional symptoms .
An example is the herpes simplex virus , which often causes recurrent seizures at an early stage of encephalitis . In addition to white blood cells , cerebrospinal fluid also contains red blood cells . These viruses also cause swelling in the temporal lobe , which can be seen on MRI skening .

Almost always check ntuk lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid .
In viral infections , increased white blood cell count , but was not found bacteria .
It is very difficult to breed virus from cerebrospinal fluid and takes a long time .

Immunological examination conducted to measure the levels of antibodies against the virus .

To ensure that the cause of the onset of symptoms is not due to brain abscess , stroke or structural abnormalities ( eg, tumor , hematoma or aneurysm ) , then do a CT scan or MRI .

Almost always check ntuk lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid .
In viral infections , increased white blood cell count , but was not found bacteria .
It is very difficult to breed virus from cerebrospinal fluid and takes a long time .

Immunological examination conducted to measure the levels of antibodies against the virus .

To ensure that the cause of the onset of symptoms is not due to brain abscess , stroke or structural abnormalities ( eg, tumor , hematoma or aneurysm ) , then do a CT scan or MRI .

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Meningitis Kronis: peradangan Selaput Otak

Chronic Meningitis is an infection that causes inflammation of the brain in the meninges ( lining of the brain ) which lasts for 1 month or more .

Chronic meningitis usually affects people who have impaired immune systems due to AIDS , cancer , other serious diseases , anti- cancer drugs or long-term use of prednisone .

Some infectious organisms can attack the brain and grow in the brain , then gradually cause symptoms and damage .
The most common is the fungus Cryptococcus , cytomegalovirus , a virus that causes AIDS , and the bacteria that cause tuberculosis , syphilis and Lyme disease .

Some non - infectious diseases ( eg, sarcoidosis ) , and some cancers menigen can irritate and cause chronic meningitis .
Non - infectious causes of the most common is the spread of lymphoma and leukemia in the meninges .

Inflammation of the meninges can also be caused by drugs used to treat cancer , a drug to organ transplant and even by medication non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ( eg ibuprofen ) .

Causes of Chronic & Aseptic Meningitis
infectious Causes
Non-infectious causes of
Viral diseases: Mumps, Polio, Koriomeningitis lymphocytic, Herpes, Chickenpox, Encephalitis equina east and west, Encephalitis St.. Louis, infectious mononucleosis, AIDS, viral infections because of the eco, coksakie or cytomegalovirus
Diseases of the brain: brain tumors, stroke, multiple sclerosis, sarcoidosis, leukemia
The cause of post-infection (the virus that causes meningitis disease through immune reactions after primary disease subsided): Measles, German Measles, Chicken Pox
Poisoning: Lead poisoning
Bacterial infections: tuberculosis, syphilis, leptospirosis, Mikoplasmosis, Lymphogranuloma venereum, cat's claw disease, Brucellosis, Whipple's disease serebralis
The reaction to the materials injected into the spinal column: Anti-cancer (chemotherapy), antibotik, dyes (for x-rays)
Other infections: Riketsiosis, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, Trikinosis, Koksidioidomikosis, Cysticercosis, Malaria, Amebiasis
Drugs: Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, Azathioprine, Carbamazepine, Drugs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen, naproxen)

Symptoms resemble bacterial meningitis , but the disease develops more slowly , usually over several weeks .

Fever is not as powerful as arising in bacterial meningitis .

Frequent headaches , confusion , and even back pain and neurological disorders ( eg, weakness , tingling , numbness and paralysis of the face ) .

Diagnosis based on symptoms .

To confirm the diagnosis , usually do a CT scan or MRI of the head , followed by a lumbar puncture and examination of cerebrospinal fluid .
The number of white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid is higher than normal , but usually lower than in bacterial meningitis , and contains a population of different white blood cells ( lymphocytes more ) .
Pemerisaan microscopic organisms can indicate the cause .

An additional examination can be performed to determine tuberculosis , syphilis or fungi and certain viruses .

Chronic meningitis due to non - infectious causes (eg sarcoidosis ) , are usually treated with prednisone .

Treatment depends on the cause of chronic meningitis .
If the cause is fungal , anti- fungal drug that is given intravenously . The most often given is amphotericin B , flucytosine and fluconazole .
If the infection is very difficult to cure , then sometimes amphotericin B injected directly into the cerebrospinal fluid , either through repeated lumbar puncture or Ommaya .

Meningitis due to Cryptococcus diiobati with a combination of amphotericin B with flucytosine .

Recurrent herpes meningitis can be treated with acyclovir , whereas untreated meningitis due to cytomegalovirus with ganciclovir .
Most cases of meningitis due to the virus will get better by itself and does not require special treatment .

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014


headache can result from disorders that affect any part of the body that affect balance ( such as the inner ear and the eye ) or from certain drugs .
* Description of the problem by the patient and the results of the physical examination can guess the cause , which may require additional tests .
Treatment depends on the cause and may include medication to relieve the symptoms that accompany it .

Dizziness / headache were approximately 5 to 6 % of Visits to the doctor . It can occur at any age but becomes more common as people age . It affects approximately 40 % of people older than 40 years sometimes. At any age , dizziness can cause problems , particularly when calculating or dangerous tasks , such as driving or operating heavy machinery . People who experience prolonged dizziness or associated with daily activities have to visit the doctor .

Doctors generally classify dizziness as :

* Dizziness or lightheadedness .
* Loss of balance .
* Vertigo .
* Mixed types above .
* Not the kind on top .

Dizziness likely temporary or chronic . Dizziness considered chronic if it lasts more than a month . Chronic Dizziness is more common in older people . Chronic Dizziness is often difficult to be grouped because they often involve more than one cause and because it looks different at different times - eg , such as a mild headache as vertigo time and then

Did you know

* Approximately 95% of the time , dizziness , even if not helpless , not resulting from a serious disorder .

* In older people , dizziness is often the case but did not have a single cause and real .


Although the possibility of disruptive dizziness and even not able to make , only about 5 % of cases resulting from a serious disorder . Dizziness has many causes as many parts of the body work together to maintain balance . They include the inner ear , the eyes ( which provides visual cues necessary to maintain balance ) , muscles and joints , brain ( brain stem and cerebellum especially ) , and the nerve that connects all parts .

Each kind of the typical causes of dizziness are likely to experience . For example , mild dizziness and headaches can occur from a sudden fall in blood pressure or other disturbance resulting from the blood supply to the brain is not fulfilled . In this disorder , the heart may not pump enough into the brain , or the arteries to the brain is blocked or narrowed possibilities .

Loss of balance can result from impaired vision because the body depends on visual cues to maintain balance . Loss of balance can also be due to musculoskeletal disorders , which causes muscle weakness and thus associated with sulvant and sedatives ) , and disorders of the inner telinga.berjalan . Other causes include the use of certain drugs ( such as anticonvulsants and sedatives ) , and disorders of the inner ear .

classification of Headache
Some Possible Cause
The man was dark when standing. Fall in blood pressure when standing (orthostatic hypotension)
Severe blood loss 
Blockage of the flow from the heart (aortic valve stenosis) 
Abnormal heart rhythm 
Excess treatment (especially with the use of drugs to control blood pressure). Nervous system disorders (diabetic neuropathy auronomic, multisystem atrophy)
loss of balance
The person feels unsteady and about to fall even when muscle strength is normal.
Disorders of the inner ear (vertigo). 
Cerebellar disorders (ataxia associated with stroke, chronic alcoholism). 
Basal ganglia disorders (Parkinson's disease, Lewy body dementia, progressive kelumpuhansupranuclear). 
The loss of position sense in the legs. 
Illness neuropathy or spinal cords. 
Impaired vision (due to the new glasses, double vision, cataract surgery). 
Excessive treatment with sedative, anticonvulsant, or other drugs. Alcohol poisoning.
The person or persons in the vicinity appear to be moving or spinning.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) 
Vestibular neuritis. 
Meniere's disease. 
Middle Ear Infection section. 
Motion sickness. 
Reduced blood supply to the brain stem and cerebellum (vertebrobasilar insufficiency), as occurs during stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA transient ischemic attack). 
Toxins drugs to the inner ear (aminoglycoside antibiotics, aspirin, cisplatin (a chemotherapy drug), furosemide (a diuretic), and quinine).
Vaguely “lightheaded”
Dizziness, separated from the world, or in other words trapped in a panic attack.
Deep and rapid breathing is not normal (hyperventilation with panic attacks 
Anxiety disorders. Depression with feelings of disassociation from the world.


Before dizziness can be treated , doctors must determine the cause and origin . Doctors ask the person to explain in detail the sensations felt : whether feelings during these events are dizziness , lightheadedness , loss of balance , rotating or moving itself or its surroundings ( vertigo ) , or other flavors . The person asked when the dizziness began , how long it has lasted , what triggered it or eliminate it , and what other symptoms - headaches , deafness , noise in the ears ( tinnitus ) , impaired vision , weakness , or difficulty walking - existing . Some details help pinpoint naturally on reel and can provide estimates of the cause .

One of the goals when the doctor does a physical examination is to reproduce ( cause ) of these symptoms . The decrease in blood pressure upon standing ( orthostatic hypotension ) is one of the most common causes of headache / dizziness . Therefore , clinicians seek to cause a decrease in blood pressure by altering the position of the person and see if any of these symptoms occur when blood pressure is altered . Doctors measure blood pressure and pulse when the person has been lying down for 5 to 10 minutes , then after sitting , and again after standing . The bedside table enables doctors to perform more thorough testing . changes in blood pressure may be caused by dehydration , so the doctor saw signs of dehydration and order laboratory tests .

The person may be asked to perform Valsalva movements ( strong exhale with your mouth closed as if simultaneously struggled with bowel movements) . Some movement temporarily slow the heart rate , which can result in dizziness . Electrocardiography ( ECG ) , Holter monitoring for heart rhythm abnormalities , echocardiography , and exercise stress test can also be done to examine the function of the heart .

Several tests can be used to assess balance and gait , such as Romberg test . Other balance tests , people will walk a straight line with one foot on the other belkang .

Vision tests performed , and the eyes examined for the possibility of abnormal movements ( such as nystagmus ) . If doctors suspect vertigo , they perform special tests to cause symptoms . In addition , hearing tests can be used to detect inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing good .

Additional diagnostic procedures may include computed tomography ( CT ) and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) of the head . This procedure is usually very useful if doctors suspect that the blood supply to the brain is inadequate and cause symptoms such as stroke . In addition , CT angiography , magnetic resonance angiographyv ( MRA ) , or cerebral angiography ( also called a catheter angiography as a catheter is inserted into an artery ) could indicate whether the arteries to the brain become narrowed or clogged . CT angiography and MRA are not painful and usually more advisable than cerebral angiography .

Other diagnostics run if it does not appear or is not real cause of dizziness is found , the doctor may ask about possible causes of psychology . Some tests can help the doctor identify depression , somatization disorder , and other psychological problems that could affect the person to feel dizzy or not fused with the world . If no cause is identified , the doctor re- examine the person gradually.


Specific treatment depends on the cause identified . Getting enough fluids often fix low blood pressure from dehydration caused arthostatic . Medications ( such as mineralocorticoid and midodrine ) may be needed for people with hypotension induced dysfunction arthostatic on autonomic nervous system . If the cause of dizziness is a drug , the drug is discontinued or the dose reduced . Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ( BPPV ) can often be alleviated by turning the head movement ( movement Epley ) performed in the doctor's office . If doctors suspect any of these symptoms as a stroke , then treated risk factors , several antiplatelet drugs are given and the possibility to bypass or placing a stent in a blocked artery .

Regardless of whether a cause is identified, the drugs may be given to reduce the symptoms that accompany ( such as nausea ) or to prevent the drop in blood pressure

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

Parasomnia: The Dream Life

Parasomnia is a dream life and physical activity that occurs during sleep .

Some movement beyond awareness and can not be recalled , can occur during sleep . It is more common in children .

Just before bed , almost everyone occasionally experience the jolt of a single , short and out of consciousness on the whole body .
Sometimes they also experience sleep paralysis or mild hallucinations .

During sleep , normal people sometimes experience a jolt feet ; adults may experience periodic motion , nightmares and his teeth firmly shut .
Walking in a state of sleep , night terrors and nightmares are common in children and make them fear .
Epileptic seizures can occur at any age .

Akathisia ( restless legs ) is a relatively common disorder , which often occurs just prior to falling asleep , particularly at the age above 50 years .
Patients with akathisia , especially when under stress , uncomfortable sensation vague on its legs, which are accompanied by spontaneous leg movements and uncontrollable .
The cause is unknown .
Benzodiazepines are taken before sleep , sometimes can reduce symptoms occur .

Night terrors are frightening episodes , where the patient screaming , hitting and often runs in his sleep .
These episodes usually occur during non- REM sleep phases .
Giving benzodiazepines ( eg, diazepam ) can help relieve the symptoms .

Nightmares are frightening dreams real , which can occur in children and adults . After the dream , the patient will usually awaken suddenly .
Nightmares occur during REM sleep and more often occurs when people experience stress , fever or fatigue extraordinary or after drinking alcohol .
There is no specific treatment .

Somnambulisme ( somnambulism ) is running in a state of semi-conscious and out of consciousness of the patient.
This most often occurs during late childhood and adolescence .
When walking, sleeping, and if the patient's mouth muttering walk into a dangerous area could harm themselves .
Most people can not remember that he ever sleepwalker .

Patients should be guided back to bed and the lights in the bedroom or the room around it should be left on to reduce the tendency of somnambulism .
Patient awakened by force could lead to anger reactions and this should not be done .
The objects are dangerous or breakable should be kept away from the patient and windows should always be closed and locked .

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Sleep apnea syndrome - Causes Reduced Brain and Blood Oxygen

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder bunch , in which patients who are experiencing sleep repeatedly stop breathing ( apnea ) in quite a long time to cause a reduction in the amount of oxygen in the blood and the brain and causes the increase of carbon dioxide .

There are two types of sleep apnea :

1 . Obstructive Sleep apnea , caused by a blockage in the throat or upper airway
2 . Centralist Sleep apnea , is caused by a malfunction in the brain that regulate breathing .

In obstructive sleep apnea , sometimes the low oxygen and high carbon dioxide prolonged , can cause a reduction in brain sensitivity to these disorders , sleep apnea so there centralist .

Obstructive sleep apnea usually occurs in obese men , especially those who sleep supine . The disorder is less common in women .
Obesity , along with the aging of the body tissues and other factors , is likely to cause narrowing of the upper airway .

Risk factors for the occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea are :
- Smoking tobacco
- Excessive use of alcohol
- Lung disease (such as emphysema ) .
Throat and upper airways narrow , can be lowered , so that sleep apnea has a genetic predisposition .

Obstructive Sleep apnea syndrome

The most common symptom is snoring accompanied by episodes of shortness of breath , choking and woke up suddenly .

In severe cases , patients experience attacks choking during sleep are repeated , either at night or during the day .
This attack affects work during the day and increase the risk of complications .

Sleep apnea is severe and can lead to chronic headaches , daytime sleepiness , mental activity becomes slow and heart failure and lung disorders , in which the lungs are not able to provide enough oxygen and disposing of carbon dioxide .

In the early stages , the diagnosis is often made ​​based on the symptoms described by the patient roommates .

In order to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the disease , should be examined in the sleep lab , which is called by overnight polysomnography examination .
On examination , the patient slept the night in a sleep laboratory and connected to electrodes to measure the stage of sleep and other physiological parameters .
The results of this analysis can help differentiate obstructive sleep apnea with sleep apnea central .

The first step that must be taken by penderit obstructive sleep apnea are :
- Stop smoking
- Reducing the use of alcohol
- Lose weight .

Patients often sleep snoring or choking during sleep , should not be taking tranquilizers or sleeping pills .

For patients with central sleep apnea is usually given respirator is worn during sleep .

It is important to change the sleeping position , snoring is recommended for people who sleep on their side or stomach .

If the above measures do not alleviate the symptoms , could be given positive airway pressure continuously through an oxygen mask that will deliver a mixture of air and oxygen through the nose .
This tool can keep keep airways open so that breathing becomes more regular .

Tracheostomy ( surgery to create a permanent hole in the air tube through the neck ) are rarely performed .
Sometimes other surgery done to widen the upper airway and reduce symptoms .
But the above two measures are rarely necessary .

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014


Insomnia is difficulty to sleep or difficulty staying asleep , or sleeping disorder that makes sufferers have not had enough sleep when awakened .

sleep patterns

# Insomnia is classified into : primary insomnia , chronic insomnia ie with little or not at all associated with the various stressors and events
# Secondary Insomnia , which is a condition caused by pain , anxiety , medications , depression or severe stress .

Insomnia is not a disease , but a symptom that has many possible causes, such as emotional disorders , physical disorders and drug use .

Difficulty sleeping often occurs , both at a young age and old age ; and often arise in conjunction with emotional disorders , such as anxiety , restlessness , depression or fear .

Sometimes a person have trouble sleeping simply because the body and brain are not tired .

With increasing age , sleep tends to decrease .
Stadium was also changed , with stage 4 becomes shorter and eventually disappear , and at all stages more awake .
These changes , although normal , often make parents think that they are not getting enough sleep .

The pattern of waking at dawn more often found in the elderly .
Some people fall asleep normally but wake up several hours later and it was hard to fall asleep again .
Sometimes they sleep in a state of restless sleep and feeling unsatisfied .
Awakened at dawn , at any age , is a sign of depression .

The person may experience disturbed sleep patterns are reversed sleep rhythm , they are not asleep at the time to sleep and wake up in time to sleep .
This often occurs as a result of :
- Jet lag ( especially if traveling from east to west )
- Working at night
- Frequent changes of working hours
- Excessive use of alcohol
- Side effects of drugs ( sometimes)
- Damage to the brain ( as encephalitis , stroke , Alzheimer's disease ) .

Patients have difficulty falling asleep or frequent waking at night and feel tired all day .

To diagnose insomnia , conducted an assessment of :
- The patient 's sleep patterns
- The use of drugs , alcohol or drugs
- Levels of psychological stress
- Medical history
- Physical activity .
Diagnosis is based on the individual sleep needs .

The treatment of insomnia depends on the cause and severity of insomnia .

Parents who experience sleep changes as we get older , usually does not require treatment , because these changes are normal .

Insomniacs should remain calm and relaxing few hours before bedtime and create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom ; dim light and not noisy .

If the cause is emotional stress , given drugs to reduce stress .
If the cause is depression , given anti -depressants .

If the sleep disturbance associated with normal activities the patient and the patient was healthy , could be given medication to sleep for a while.

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

Narcolepsy: Sleep Attack On Working Hours

Narcolepsy is a rare sleep disorder , characterized by recurrent attacks irresistible sleep in the hours of work , paralysis and hallucinations .

The cause is unknown , but the disorder tends to be found in one family , so it is thought to be a hereditary disease .

Symptoms usually begin in adolescence or young adulthood and persists for life .

Patients face a sudden sleep attacks were unbearable , which could happen at any time .
Curiosity sleep can only be detained for a time ; but once asleep , the patient usually can be easily woken .

Attacks can occur several times a day , and each attack usually lasts for 1 hour or less .
The attacks are more common in the state of monotony , such as boring meetings or driving a car in the distance .

Patients feel the freshness when waking up , but a few minutes later would fall asleep again .

Patients may experience temporary paralysis without loss of consciousness (a condition called cataplexy ) , in response to a sudden emotional reactions such as anger , fear , joy, laughter or surprise .
Walking into limp , dropping the item being held or fell to the ground .

Patients may also experience episodes of sleep paralysis , which had just fallen asleep when or soon after waking , the patient felt unable to move .

Hallucinations ( seeing or hearing things that are not really there ) can occur at the beginning of sleep or when awake.
This hallucination resembles an ordinary dream , but more intense .

Diagnosis is usually made based on symptoms , but the symptoms are similar does not necessarily indicate that the person is suffering from narcolepsy .
Cataplexy , sleep paralysis and hallucinations , are common in children and often occurs in healthy adults .

Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) , which is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain , may indicate that the pattern of REM sleep occurs when the patient began to fall asleep . It is typical for narcolepsy .

Not found structural changes in the brain and found no abnormality in blood test results .

Stimulant drugs ( stimulants ) , such as ephedrine , amphetamine , and methylphenidate dekstroamfetamin , can help reduce narcolepsy .
The dose is adjusted in order to avoid undesirable side effects , such as anxiety , overactive or weight loss .

To reduce cataplexy , usually given anti -depressants , namely imipramine .
Lifestyle modifications are important in managing the symptoms of narcolepsy . You can get the benefits of these steps :

1 . Stick to a schedule . Sleep and wake up at the same time every day , including weekends .
2 . Take a nap. Schedule regular short naps throughout the day . 20 minute nap at strategic times throughout the day may be refreshing and reduce sleepiness for one to three hours .
3 . Avoid nicotine and alcohol . By using this material , especially at night , can worsen the signs and symptoms you .
4 . Get regular exercise . Moderate , regular exercise at least four to five hours before bedtime may help you feel more awake during the day and sleep better at night .

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Medical Examination of Brain and Nerve Diseases

In Skull X-rays

Although it is limited to the evaluation of head trauma , skull X-rays are valuable for examination abnormalities in the skull base and cranial bones cupola . It also allows the doctor to study the problems of the bones of the skull caused by other diseases .

X-rays of the skull bones evaluate three groups that cover the head : calvaria ( called cupola skull ) , mandible ( jaw bone known as ) , and facial bones . Cupola and facial bones connected by joints that can not move and has a serrated edge called sutures . Overall the bones of the skull is a complex structure that requires a complete overhaul goes a few times a X-ray irradiation in each area . .

Why is this test done ?

X-rays of the skull is done because some of the following reasons :

1 . To help detect fractures after trauma to the head .
2 . To help diagnose a tumor on the pituitary gland , a small organ that is attached to the oval -shaped brain .
3 . To detect skull problems arising from birth or due to causes other diseases .

What should you know before the test ?

1 . The X-ray technician will perform this test , usually in the radiology section . The test will last about 15 minutes and do not cause pain .
2 . You do not need to fast or restrict fluids before the test . But you have to take off your glasses or jewelry existing in the irradiation field . If you memkai dentures , you have to take it off .

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

Hypersomnia: Because Less Oxygen

Hypersomnia sleep time was increased to 25% of normal sleep patterns.


Hypersomnia are symptoms that often indicate the possibility of a serious illness .
Hypersomnia temporary ( transient ) can occur in a healthy person , for a few nights or days after experiencing sleep deprivation or physical exhaustion extraordinary .

Hypersomnia lasting more than a few days could be a symptom of :
- Psychological disorders ( eg, anxiety or severe depression )
- Excessive use of sleeping pills
- Lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide accumulation in the body as a result of sleep apnea
- Abnormalities of the brain .
Hypersomnia chronic nascent at an early age can be a symptom of narcolepsy .


Patients often feel very sleepy and wanted to sleep or even asleep not in place and not in time to sleep .


The diagnosis is based on symptoms.

To confirm the diagnosis can be carried out laboratory tests , as hypersomnia can be caused by certain diseases .

Hypersomnia newly arising and cause hard to explain , may be the result of psychological disorders ( eg, depression ) or neurological disorders ( eg encephalitis , meningitis or tumors inside the skull ) .
Psychological examination is intended to depression , memory problems or other signs of neurological disorder .
CT scan or MRI performed in patients with signs of neurological disorder .


Treatment depends on the cause .

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Stroke: Bleeding Brain distress

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is bleeding into the space ( subarachnoid space ) between the inner layer ( pia mater ) and middle layer ( arachnoid mater ) network melindungan the brain ( meninges ) .

* The most common cause is rupture of the vessels bulge ( aneurysm ) .
* Typically , the vessels rupture causing a sudden , severe headache , often followed by a brief loss of consciousness .
* Computed tomography , sometimes behind the spinal tap , and angiography is performed to confirm the diagnosis .
Medications used to relieve headaches and to control blood pressure , and surgery is performed to stop the bleeding .

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a life-threatening disorder that can quickly result in serious permanent disability . This is the only type of stroke is more common among women .


Subarachnoid hemorrhage usually resulting from a head injury . However , head injuries resulting in bleeding that causes different symptoms and not dipertimbangankan as stroke .

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is considered as a stroke just when it happens spontaneously - that is , when the bleeding does not result from external forces , such as an accident or fall . Spontaneous bleeding usually results from sudden rupture of an aneurysm in the cerebral arteries . Aneurysms stand on weak areas in the artery wall . Aneurysms usually occur where arteries branch . Aneurysms possibility is present at birth ( congenital ) , or they developed later , after the annual high blood pressure weakens the artery walls . Most of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to aneurysm since birth .

Rather common , subarachnoid hemorrhage resulting from rupture of the abnormal tissue between the arterial vessels ( arteriovenous malformation ) in or surrounding the brain . Possibility arteriovenous malformation present at birth , but it is usually identified only when symptoms occur . Rarely , blood clots formed in the infected heart valve , traveling ( becoming an embolus ) into the arteries supplying the brain , and causes the arteries to become inflamed . The artery can then weaken and rupture .

You need to know
Nearly half of people who suffer a subarachnoid hemorrhage die before they reach the hospital .


Before ruptured aneurysm usually does not cause symptoms until the press on nerves or blood leaking in small amounts , usually before a large outbreak ( which causes headaches ) . Then generate an alarm , such as the following below :

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Intracerebral Hemorrhage Stroke-: Bleeding in the Brain

Intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain .

* Intracerebral hemorrhage is usually the result of chronic high blood pressure .
* Early symptoms are often severe headache .
* Diagnosis is based on symptoms and a physical examination and imaging tests .
* Treatment may include vitamin K , transfusion , and , rarely , surgery to remove the accumulated blood .

Intracerebral hemorrhage . amounted to about 10 % of all strokes , but the percentage is higher than the mortality caused by stroke . Among people older than 60 years , intracerebral hemorrhage is more common than subarachnoid hemorrhage .


Intracerebral hemorrhage is very common when chronic high blood pressure weaken small arteries , causing it to be broken . The use of cocaine and amphetamines can cause very high blood pressure and bleeding for a while. In some older people , abnormal protein called amyloid that accumulates in the arteries of the brain . This buildup ( called amyloid angiopathy ) weakens the arteries and can cause bleeding .

Generally not many causes including blood vessel abnormalities present at birth , wounds , tumors , inflammation of the blood vessels ( vasculitis ) , bleeding disorders , and the use of anticoagulants in doses that are too high . Bleeding disorders and use of anticoagulants increases the risk of dying from intracerebral hemorrhage .


Intracerebral hemorrhage began abruptly . In about half the people , it is preceded by severe headache , often during activity . Even so , in the elderly , headaches may be mild or absent . Alleged formation of brain dysfunction symptoms become worsened as dilation and bleeding .

Some symptoms , such as weakness , paralysis , loss of sensation , and numbness , often affect just one part of the body . the possibility can not talk or became dizzy . Possibility of impaired or lost vision . Eyes can be different at the end of the command or become paralyzed . Pupils can become abnormally large or small . Nausea , vomiting , attacks , and loss of consciousness is unusual and can occur within seconds to minutes .


Doctors can often diagnose intracerebral hemorrhage based on symptoms and physical examination results . However , computed tomography ( CT ) or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) was also performed . Both tests can help doctors distinguish stroke bleeding from ischemic stroke . The test can also show how the brain tissue that has been damaged and if the pressure is increased in the brain regions . Blood glucose levels were measured as low blood sugar levels can cause symptoms similar to those of stroke .


Intracerebral hemorrhage is more likely to be fatal compared to ischemic stroke . Bleeding is usually large and catastrophic , especially in people who have chronic high blood pressure . More than half of people who experience major bleeding died within a few days . Those who survive usually recover conscious and some brain function with time . However, most do not recover entirely lost brain function .

Treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage is different from an ischemic stroke . Anticoagulant ( such as heparin and warfarin ) , thrombolytic drugs , and antiplatelet drugs ( like aspirin ) is not given because it makes the bleeding worse . If the people who are using anticoagulants suffered a stroke that bleeds, they may require treatment that helps blood clotting such as :

* Vitamin C , usually administered infusion .
* Or platelet transfusions .
* Have had a blood transfusion blood cells and platelet removal ( fresh frozen plasma ) .
* Infusion of the synthetic products are similar to proteins in the blood that help the blood to clot ( clotting factors ) .

Surgery to remove the blood and eliminate the buildup of pressure inside the skull , even if it could save lives , rarely done because the surgery itself can damage the brain . Also , removal of blood buildup could trigger more bleeding , more brain damage cause severe disability . Even so , the possibility of effective operation for bleeding on the pituitary gland or in the cerebellum . In some cases , a good recovery is possible .

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Stroke-Hemorrhagic Stroke: With Bleeding

Hemorrhagic strokes include bleeding within the brain (intracerebral hemorrhage) and bleeding between the inner and outer layer of tissue that protects the brain (subarachnoid hemorrhage). 

There are two main types of stroke that bleeds: (intracerebral hemorrhage and (subarachnoid hemorrhage. Disorders include other intracranial hemorrhage, including subdural hematomas, and epidural, which is usually caused by a head injury. These disorders cause different symptoms and not considered as a stroke .
Broke and cracked: Causes of Hemorrhagic Stroke 

When a weak blood vessel in the brain, abnormal, or under undue pressure, a stroke can happen to bleed. At the stroke bleeds, bleeding can occur in the brain, as an intracerebral hemorrhage. Or bleeding can occur between the inner and middle layers of tissue that protects the brain (the subarachnoid space), as a subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Ischemic stroke-attack moment

Shortly Ischemic Attack (transient ischemic Attacks, TIA) is a disorder of brain function that is the result of reduced blood flow to the brain for a while. 

TIA is more common in middle age and the risk increases with age. 
TIA sometimes occurs in children or young adults who have heart disease or blood disorders.

Shortly Ischemic Attack

Small pieces of calcium and fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels ( atheroma ) can be separated , the flow of blood and clog small blood vessels leading to the brain , thus temporarily block blood flow to the brain and cause a TIA .

TIA increases the risk of :
- High blood pressure
- atherosclerosis
- Heart disease ( especially on the valve or heart rhythm disorders )
- diabetes
- The excess of red blood cells ( polycythemia ) .


TIA occurs suddenly and usually lasts 2-30 minutes , rarely get more than 1-2 hours .

Symptoms depend on which part of the brain that undergo blood kekuranan :
- If the arteries originating from the carotid artery , the most common is blindness in one eye or taste disorder and weakness
- If the arteries originating from the vertebral artery , usually occurring dizziness , double vision and overall weakness .

Other symptoms commonly found are :
- Loss of taste or abnormal sensation in the arm or leg or one side of the body
- Weakness or paralysis of an arm or leg or one side of the body
- Partial loss of vision or hearing
- Double vision
- Dizziness
- Slurred speech
- It's hard to think or say the right words
- Not being able to recognize parts of the body
- Unusual Movement
- Loss of control over bladder
- Imbalance and falls
- Fainting .

The same symptoms will be found on the stroke , but TIA symptoms in these temporary and reversible . But TIA tend to recur ; patients may experience several attacks in one day or just 2-3 times in a few years .
Approximately one-third of cases of stroke and TIA end up being roughly half of these strokes occurred within 1 year after TIA .


The diagnosis is based on symptoms.
Because of the brain damage does not occur , then the diagnosis can not be established with the help of CT scan or MRI .

Used several techniques to assess the possibility of a blockage in one or both carotid arteries .
Unusual blood flow causes the sound ( bruit ) are heard through a stethoscope .
Do skening ultrasound and Doppler techniques simultaneously to determine the size of the blockage and the amount of blood that can flow around it .
Cerebral angiography was performed to determine the size and location of the blockage .

To assess the carotid arteries is usually performed MRI examination or angiography , whereas to assess vertebral artery ultrasonic examination and Doppler techniques .
A blockage in the vertebral artery can not be removed because of surgery is more difficult when compared to surgery on the carotid artery .


The goal of treatment is to prevent stroke .
The main risk factors for stroke are high blood pressure , high cholesterol , smoking and diabetes ; Therefore the first step is to improve the risk factors .

Medications administered to reduce the tendency of blood clot formation , which is a major cause of stroke .
One of the most effective drugs is aspirin .
Sometimes given dipyridamole , but the drug is only effective for a small portion of patients .
For who are allergic to aspirin , ticlopidine can be replaced with .
If needed stronger medication may be given anticoagulants ( eg heparin or warfarin ) .

The extent of blockage in the carotid arteries assist in determining treatment .
If more than 70 % blocked blood vessels and patients have symptoms that mimic a stroke over the last 6 months , it is necessary to surgery to prevent a stroke .

Small blockage removed only if it has led to a further TIA or stroke .

In enarterektomi surgery, fatty deposits (atheroma) in the arteries discarded. 
This surgery has the risk of stroke by 2%. 
In a small blockage that does not cause symptoms should not do surgery, because the risk of surgery appears to be larger.

Sabtu, 15 Februari 2014

Stroke- Intracranial Hemorrhage

Intracranial hemorrhage is bleeding in the skull .

Bleeding can occur in the brain or around the brain :
- Bleeding that occurs in the brain called intracerebral hemorrhage
- Bleeding between the brain and the subarachnoid space called the subarachnoid haemorrhage
- Bleeding between the membranes lining the brain ( meninges ) is called a subdural hemorrhage
- Bleeding between the skull and the lining of the brain called epidural hemorrhage .

Any bleeding will cause damage to the brain cells .
The space inside the skull is very limited , so the bleeding will quickly lead to increased pressure and this is very dangerous .


Head injury is the most common cause of intracranial hemorrhage in patients aged under 50 years .

Other causes include arteriovenous malformations , ie anatomical abnormalities in the arteries or veins in or around the arteriovenous otak.Malformasi a congenital abnormality , but only known to

Jumat, 14 Februari 2014

Ischemic stroke

Stroke ( cerebrovascular disease ) is the death of brain tissue ( cerebral infarction ) happens because of reduced blood flow and oxygen to the brain .

Strokes can be ischemic or bleeding ( hemorrhagic ) .
In ischemic stroke , the blood flow to the brain stops because of atherosclerosis or a blood clot that has clogged the arteries.
In hemorrhagic stroke , a blood vessel rupture thereby inhibiting normal blood flow and blood seeps into the region in the brain and damage it .



In ischemic stroke , blockage can occur along the artery leading to the brain .
For example, an atheroma (fatty deposits ) may form in the carotid artery , causing reduced blood

Kamis, 13 Februari 2014


Headache is the most common health problems occur. 
Some people often experience headaches, while others hardly ever have a headache. 

Chronic headaches and recurrent headaches can be very painful and annoying, but rarely reflect a serious health condition. 

A change in the pattern or source of headaches (eg, from rarely become frequent, before lighter now become heavy) can be a sign of a serious and require immediate medical treatment. 


Most headaches are tension, migraine or headache with no apparent cause. 
Many headaches associated with abnormalities in the eyes, nose, throat, teeth and ears. 
High blood pressure can cause a feeling of throbbing in the head, but high blood pressure rarely causes chronic headaches. 
Usually the doctor can determine the cause of the headache patient's medical history and physical examination. 
Sometimes blood tests done to determine the cause. 
Lumbar puncture (taking a small amount of fluid from the spinal column to be examined under a microscope) is done if the suspected cause is an infection (eg, meningitis). 

Only a small percentage of headaches caused by a brain tumor, brain injury or reduced oxygen to the brain. 
If a tumor is suspected, a stroke or other brain disorders, then do a CT scan or MRI.

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

Migraine Headaches

Headaches Migraines are intense throbbing pain and repetitive , which is usually on one side of the head but sometimes on both sides of the head .
Pain occur suddenly and can be preceded or accompanied by visual symptoms ( vision ) , neurological or gastrointestinal tract .

Migraines can occur at any age , but usually starts between the ages of 10-30 years ; sometimes disappear after the age of 50 years .
More often strike women .

Migraine headaches are usually more severe than tension headaches .


More than half of patients have a close relative who also suffers from migraines , so supposedly there is a tendency that the disease is genetically inherited .

Migraines occur when an artery leading to the brain become narrow ( constrict , contract) and then widen (dilate ) , which will activate pain receptors nearby.
What causes the blood vessels to contract and expand , is unknown . But the levels of serotonin ( a chemical that plays a role in nerve cell communication / neurotransmitters ) can lead to abnormally low blood vessel constriction .

Sometimes migraine is caused by abnormal blood vessel formation ; in such cases , the headache is almost always felt on the same side of the head .


Approximately 10-30 minutes before the headache starts ( a period called aura or prodroma ) , symptoms of depression , irritability , restlessness , nausea or loss of appetite appear in about 20 % of patients .

Other patients experience a loss of vision in certain areas ( blind spot or scotoma ) or see the light flickering .

There are also patients who experienced a change of picture , such as an object seem smaller or larger than actual .

Some people feel a tingling or weakness in the arms and legs .
Usually these symptoms disappear shortly before the headache starts , but sometimes arise with the appearance of headache .

Migraine pain can be felt on one side of the head or around the head .
Sometimes the hands and feet felt cold and seemed to turn blue .

In patients who have an aura , headache patterns and the location of each attack on migrants is the same .

Migraines can often occur over a long time but then disappear for a few weeks , months or even years .


There are no laboratory tests that can help confirm the diagnosis of migraine .
Usually the diagnosis is made based on the pattern of a typical headache .


If left untreated , a migraine attack can last for several hours or days .
In some patients , mild headaches and can be removed with medication -counter pain reliever .
But migraine sufferers often become great and make the helpless , especially if accompanied by nausea , vomiting and eye glare ( photophobia ) . In such cases , usually in addition to pain medication , patients also need rest and sleep to reduce the headache .

The most widely used drug is ergotamine ( a vasoconstrictor ) , which causes the blood vessels to be wrinkle thus helping to prevent the dilation of blood vessels and cause pain .

High doses of caffeine also helps prevent the widening of blood vessels and is often given in conjunction with analgesics or ergotamine .

New drugs ( eg, eletriptan , naratriptan , rizatriptan , sumatriptan and zolmitriptan ) works to increase the effects of serotonin .
These drugs are more effective than aspirin or asetamonofen , but are more expensive .

Ergotamine and new drugs can be dangerous and should not be used to exceed the prescribed .


Some medications are taken daily to prevent migraine attacks .
Beta - blockers propranolol effect of long-term symptom -free .
It could also be given a calcium channel blocker verapamil .

Anti-seizure drugs divalproex has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks , when taken every day .

Methysergide is one of the most effective drugs in preventing migraines , but should not be used continuously, because it has peritonealis complications of fibrosis ( scar tissue formation in the stomach ) , which can block blood flow to vital organs . Because the use of these drugs should be under strict supervision

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Cluster Headaches: Headaches-Great Men Can Striking Above 30 Years

Headaches Cluster headache is a type of migraine that rarely happens , which causes tremendous pain .

Most common in men above 30 years .


The attacks can be caused by alcohol and lack of oxygen ( eg in mountainous areas ) .


An attack almost always begins suddenly and ends in 1 hour .

The attack often begins with an itching or runny nose on one side , which precedes severe pain on the same side of the head and spreads to the surrounding eye .

After the attack , the eyelid on the same side can close and pupils are often smaller .

Attacks come in groups , ranging from 2 attacks / week up to several attacks / day .
The majority of cluster headache episodes lasted for 608 weeks and sometimes longer , which is followed by a headache -free intervals for several months before the attack appeared again .


Diagnosis based on characteristic symptoms .


Injections of sumatriptan can immediately relieve the pain but does not prevent the next attack .

During an attack , inhale oxygen sometimes can reduce pain .


To prevent an attack could be given ergotamine , corticosteroids or methysergide

Senin, 10 Februari 2014

Tension Headache: Tension Muscle

Tension Headaches are caused by muscle tension in the neck , shoulders and head .

Muscle tension can be caused by the position of the body that are less palatable , social or psychological stress and fatigue .

Tension headaches usually begin in the early morning or late afternoon and worsened throughout the day .

Rather severe persistent pain is often felt above the eyes or in the back of the head ; a sense in which the head as bound by a rope which is accompanied by pain .
Pain may spread to the entire head and sometimes up to the back of the neck and shoulders .

Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination .

Examination to rule out physical disorders and psychological factors as well as personality assessment .

If the headache is beginning to be felt , do massage on the muscles of the neck , shoulders and head ; lie down and relax for a couple marry .

Drug -counter pain relievers (such as aspirin , acetaminophen or ibuprofen ) may be given to reduce the symptoms .
More severe headaches may require pain medication stronger .
In some people , caffeine can increase the effects of pain medication , but too much caffeine can also cause headaches .

Headaches caused by chronic stress or depression , would not show an improvement if only treated with pain medication . Patients also require professional assistance to help overcome psychological problems .

Tension headaches can often be prevented or controlled in a manner to avoid or to understand and adjust to stress as the cause

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Effect of Age At Genesis Headache

The age-appropriate , some parts of the body associated with poor balance function . For example , see the faint light becomes more difficult , and the structure of the inner ear deteriorate . The mechanisms that control blood pressure becomes less responsive to changes in the body's need for blood . as a result , blood pressure may drop when a person stands ( causing hypotension orthotastic ) or after food eaten ( cause postprandial hypotension ) , and the person feels dizzy . Usually , headaches are not due to age -related changes themselves . It is more likely to occur if a person has a disorder or medications that cause dizziness .

Disorders that cause dizziness ( such as heart disorders and stroke ) is more common in older people . So the pain of arthritis that affects the lower back , hips, and knees and limiting walks . Parents can feel or fear of being abandoned only when they also lost their freedom . Depression can lead to apathy and feeling outcast from the world . Also , people who are depressed often lose interest in many activities . Inactivity of various causes can accelerate bone loss and muscle weakness that is not used anymore . People may feel weak , shaky , dizzy , and anxious when trying to run , fear of falling and hip fracture .

Older people are more likely to use drugs that can cause dizziness . These drugs are used to treat termasukyang high blood pressure , chest pain ( angina ) , heart failure , attack , or anxiety, such as certain antibiotics , antihistamines , and sleeping pills . Some antihistamines ( such as meclizine ) is used to treat vertigo . They are more likely to experience side effects in the elderly . Thus , parents should avoid using these drugs as much as possible . The same could be said for OTC antihistamines and sleeping pills .

Two disturbances in the inner ear is the cause of dizziness in elderly people : benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and Meniere's disease .

In the elderly , chronic dizziness increases the risk of falls and fractures , and reduced ability to perform daily activities . Chronic Dizziness often has many causes and thus difficult to treat . While the study did not suspect a single cause , doctors try to fix the many factors that can cause dizziness as much as possible .

If dizziness last long though treated , people can learn strategies to help them better function , as follows below :

* Avoid movements that trigger dizziness for them , such as looking up or bending down .
* Saving objects at a level easily achieved .
* Stand up slowly after sitting or lying down .
* Clench their hands and flex their legs before standing .
* Learn about exercise combined with eye , head, and body movements to help prevent dizziness .
* Physical therapy and exercise to strengthen muscles and maintain gait is free as long as possible .

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

Benign Positional Vertigo

Benign Positional Vertigo ( Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ) , or BPPV , is the usual chaos that causes short episodes of risk in response to change in head position which stimulates the posterior semusirkular canals of the inner ear .

Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness specific . People with vertigo feel as though they , their environment , or both are moving or spinning .

Changes in head position - usually deflect head on a pillow before getting up morning , or looking up to reach high shelves often trigger episodes of this mess . BPPV usually develops when calcium particles that usually is attached to one part of the inner ear ( utricle and saccule ) displaced and moved to other parts of the inner ear ( posterior semicircular canal ) . The inner ear consists of three semicircular canals , which helps balance . Posterior canal , unlike the anterior and horizontal canals , is the best place to receive almost all particles through gravity discharge through the night . When they come together , they form a chalky dirt and more lanjuta and can shape the future of exaggerating the movement of fluid in the channel when changing head position . Generate excessive stimulation of nerve receptors ( hair cells ) in the posterior canal makes the brain feel as if the head was moving faster and a lot more than usual. This information does not fit on the eye and the position sensors of the joint . This imbalance produces a brief episodes of vertigo . The particles may be separated from the utricle and saccule with increasing umurg . Alternatively , the release may be caused by injury to the ear infection , , mempaerpanjang time bed rest , ear surgery , head injury , or choked on the arteries in the ear .

This type of vertigo can be scary , but is usually harmless and go away . May be accompanied by nausea , vomiting , and special nystagmus ( rapid eye movement widened on one -way alternating with slower motions decreases up to its original position ) . Episodes of vertigo start after 5 to 10 seconds after the head and lasts less than a minute . Episodes usually subsides on its own within a few weeks . Sometimes, they persist for months and can cause dehydration due to nausea and vomiting . Hearing loss does not occur or ringing in the ears ( tinnitus ) .


Diagnosis is based on a description of symptoms and the situations in which they occur . Dix Hallpike action stimulates the posterior canal . The person sitting on the examination table with the head directed 45 degrees to the right. Then people lie to back to keep the head in the direction of 45 degrees and depending on the examining table about 20 degrees . In BPPV , there is a delay of about 5 to 10 seconds before the vertigo and nystagmus were blocked, but a delay may be longer for 30 seconds . Symptoms last 10 to 30 seconds . Visual fixation could shorten or even eliminate nystagmus , therefore actions should ideally be done by putting patients Frenzel lenses ( which makes it impossible to visually berfiksasi on anything ) . When the action is repeated several times , the intensity of the vertigo and nystagmus decreases ( habituation ) . Different circumstances , the position of which is associated with central vertigo causes symptoms immediately . Vertigo continues for the head in the same position , and there is no habituation to repeat the action . Dix Hallpike action thus can assist clinicians in differentiating the causes associated with normal ear , such as BPPV , of a more important cause of serious , such as stroke and multiple sclerosis .


BPPV is easily treated . Particles simply need to be removed from the posterior semicircular canal and return to where they came from. This requires a maneuver such as overturning the head in space . This maneuver is called action canalith repositioning or Epley maneuver , after the doctor leading the way. This maneuver immediately cure vertigo about 90 % of the patients . Repeating the maneuver increase 5 % again . In some people , recurrent vertigo . If performed , the maneuver again. People can be taught how to maneuver in the home if recurrent vertigo . For the 5 % of people who are not cured with the maneuver , the drug may be used . Very rarely , surgery is needed . Sometimes , the horizontal canal is exposed, and roll a log itself can reduce symptoms .

Simple treatment for vertigo

Some people experience vertigo when they change their head position rapidly , sepertii that overthrew their head on the pillow , looking down to tie their shoes , or looked up to reach items on a high shelf . Vertigo is usually due to BPPV . Occurs when very small calcium particles loose from their usual locations to form dirt , usually in the posterior canal semisrkular ( one of the canals in the inner ear ) . Disorders can often be eliminated by using the Epley maneuver to remove particles from the canal and return to where they came from. In this maneuver , the body and the head is moved into a different position , hand in hand . Each position was held for about 30 seconds to allow the particles to move by gravity to the other channel . To check if the maneuver is running, move the head in the direction where the former cause vertigo . If vertigo does not occur , the maneuver went well . Remained in a semi - upright position for 24 hours after the Epley maneuver , once advised , no longer need to be considered .

1. Finally, head and body behind more and more, until the nose pointing to the floor with a feather. People then sit up straight but keep your head as far as possible in order to stay deflected. One time a man, could head facing forward.

2. First, with people sitting, head turned about 45 to the right or left, depending on the trigger vertigo. People then lying with his head hanging over the edge of the examining table (or bed). Excrement triggers exaggerated signal to the brain, resulting in vertigo.

3. Chief deflected farther to the left, so that the ear is parallel to the floor.

4. Chief arahi then converted into another with the same angle.

Jumat, 07 Februari 2014

Inside Vertigo

Vertigo is a feeling as if the patient moves or rotates , or as if the objects move or rotate around the patient , who is usually accompanied by nausea and loss of balance .

Vertigo may last only a few moments or may continue for several hours or even days .
Patients often feel better when lying still , but vertigo can continue even if the patient does not move at all .

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo .

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is a disease that is often found , in which vertigo occurs suddenly and lasts less than 1 minute .
Changes in head position ( usually occurs when the patient lie down , get up , rolling over on the bed or turning back ) usually trigger the vertigo episodes .
This disease appears to be caused by the deposition of calcium in one of the semicircular canals in the inner ear .

This type of vertigo is terrible , but it is not harmful and usually disappears on its own within a few weeks or months .
Not accompanied by a loss of hearing or ringing in the ears .


Sensing the position of the body and control the balance through the organ of balance located in the inner ear .
This organ has a nerve that is associated with a specific area in the brain .

Vertigo can be caused by abnormalities in the ear , in the nerve that connects the ear to the brain and in the brain itself .
Vertigo can also be associated with abnormalities of vision or changes in blood pressure that occurs suddenly .

Common causes of vertigo :

1 . State of the environment
- Motion sickness ( carsick , seasick )
2 . Medications
- Alcohol
- Gentamicin
3 . Disorders of circulation
- Transient ischemic attack ( temporary disturbance of brain function due to reduced blood flow to one part of the brain ) in the vertebral artery and the basilar artery
4 . Abnormalities in ear
- Precipitated calcium at one of the semicircular canals in the inner ear ( causing benign paroxysmal positional vertigo )
- Inner ear infection because of bacteria
- Herpes zoster
- Labirintitis ( infection of the labyrinth in the inner ear )
- Inflammation of the vestibular nerve
- Meniere's Disease
5 . Neurological Disorders
- Multiple sclerosis
- Skull fracture with injury to the labyrinth , persarafannya or both
- Brain tumors
- Tumors that suppress the vestibular nerve .


Patients feel as if he is moving or spinning ; or patients feel as if it is moving or spinning around .


Before starting treatment , should be determined the nature and cause of the vertigo .

Abnormal eye movements showed abnormalities in the function of the inner ear or the nerves that connect the brain .
Nystagmus is rapid eye movement from left to right or from top to bottom .
The direction of movement can help in diagnosis. Nystagmus can be stimulated by moving the patient's head suddenly or with a drop of cold water into the ear .

To test the balance , the patient was asked to stand and then walk in a straight line , first with eyes open , then with eyes closed .

Hearing tests can often determine the ear abnormalities that affect balance and hearing .

Other tests are CT scan or MRI of the head , which can indicate bone disorders or tumor pressing on nerves .

If an infection is suspected , able to take a sample of fluid from the ears or sinuses or of the spine .

If the suspected impairment of blood flow to the brain , the angiogram examination , to see any blockage in the blood vessels leading to the brain .


Treatment depends on the cause .

Drugs to reduce mild vertigo is meklizin , dimenhydrinate , perfenazin and scopolamine .

Scopolamine primarily serves to prevent motion sickness , which is contained in the form of a skin patch to work for a couple of days old .
All the above drugs can cause drowsiness , especially in the elderly . Scopolamine in the form of a skin patch has the least effect of drowsiness .

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

Abnormalities Smell & Tasting

Smelling and tasting abnormalities rarely fatal so do not get special medical attention . However, this disorder can cause sufferers to become discouraged because it affects the ability to enjoy food , drinks and a pleasant smell .

This disorder also affects the ability of the patient to identify chemicals and hazardous gases , which can lead to serious consequences .

Smell and taste are very closely linked . Fibers determines the taste buds on the tongue ; nerves in the nasal olfactory determine .
Both sensations are connected to the brain , which then combines the information to get to know and appreciate the taste .
Some flavors ( such as salty , bitter , sweet and sour ) can be known without the smell , but to recognize more complex flavor ( eg, raspberry ) required a combination of the sense of smell and taste .



Anosmia is the loss or reduction in the ability to smell , is the most common abnormality .

Smell can be affected by several changes in the nose , in the nerves from the nose to the brain or in the brain .

For example, if the cavity nasal congestion due to colds , the smell can be reduced because the smell is not up to the smell receptors . The ability to smell the taste of that in patients with the common cold , the taste of the food was less tasty .

Olfactory cells can be temporarily damaged by the flu virus , some people can not smell or feel well for several days or even weeks after a flu .

Sometimes the loss of smell or taste lasts for months or even be permanent .

Olfactory cells can be damaged or destroyed by a serious infection of the nasal sinuses or because of radiation therapy for cancer .

The most common cause of loss of smell is permanent head injury . The fibers of the olfactory nerve ( the nerve that contain smell receptors ) located at the base of the skull that separates the nasal cavity intracranial cavity .


Olfactory hypersomnia is excessive , is less common .


Disosmia is the change of smell that causes sufferers to feel an unpleasant smell .

Disosmia can be caused by :
- Infection in the sinuses
- Damage to the nerves Olfactory partial
- Health mlut ugly , resulting in infection of the mouth that smells bad and smelled by the nose
- Depression .
Some people with seizures that originate from the brain cause the feeling smell ( olfactory nerve ) will merncium unpleasant smell ( olfactory hallucinations ) . This is part of the seizure , not a disosmia .


Ageusia a reduction or loss of taste .

The causes are various circumstances that affect the tongue :
- The mouth is very dry
- Heavy smokers
- Radiation therapy to the head and neck
- Side effects of drugs ( eg anticancer drug vincristine or antidepressant amitriptyline ) .


Disgeusia is the change in taste .

It could be :
- Burns on the tongue ( it can cause temporary damage to the tuft tuft - taster )
- Bell 's palsy ( may cause a reduction of taste on one side of the tongue )
- Depression .


To test smell , can be used fragrances from perfumes, soaps and food ( eg coffee or cloves ) .
Can be used to test the taste of sugar ( sweet ) , orange juice ( acid ) , salt ( salty ) and aspirin - aloe vera - quinine ( bitter ) .

The state of the mouth is also examined , to see the possibility of infection or drought ( too little saliva ) .

Rarely needed CT scan or MRI of the head .


Depending on the cause , can do the following things :
- Changing or stop the use of drugs suspected to be the cause of this disorder
- Keeping the mouth moist by means candy
- Wait a few weeks to see further developments .

Additional zinc ( can be bought freely or by prescription ) can accelerate healing , especially in disorders arising after the flu .

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Alzheimer's (Senility)

Alzheimer 's disease is one form of dementia that is most often found in the clinic . Dementia is a symptom of brain damage that impairs the ability of a person to thinking , memory , and language function . This makes it difficult to do a dementia patient daily activities .

The name is derived from the name of Alzheimer 's disease Dr . Alois Alzheimer , the German doctor who first described the disease in 1906 . Dr. . Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who died from a mental disorder that has never been encountered before. In the brain tissue is found lining or plaque and abnormal nerve fibers .

Alzheimer's disease is most common in older people aged around 65 years and over . In developed countries like the United States today found more than 4 million elderly people with Alzheimer's disease . This figure is expected to rise to nearly 4 times in 2050. This is related to higher life expectancy in people in developed countries , so that the elderly population is also increasing .


The brain is a highly complex organ . In the brain there are areas that take care of specific functions , for example, the front associated with the sublime functions like memory , thought processes , etc. , the rear part of the brain associated with visual function and so on .

From the results of research conducted , it is known that Alzheimer 's disease occurs in the nerve cell loss in the brain area associated with memory function , the ability to think as well as other mental abilities . This situation is exacerbated by a decrease in neurotransmitters , which function to convey signals from one brain cell to brain cell to another. The abnormal conditions cause why brain function in Alzheimer's disease to think and remember experiencing congestion .


Everyone will surely never forget a thing . The situation is normal , when we forget that the things we rarely see . However , if we forget the names of objects or people that are around us , it is not a normal thing .

Here are some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease to watch . But when a person experiences these symptoms does not mean that he must be suffering from Alzheimer's. To determine with certainty , need examination by a physician specifically , for example, with some interviews and written tests .

Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms to look out for are as follows :

1 . Asking the same question at one time or repeated over and over again the same story , with the same words constantly.
2 . Forgotten how to perform routine activities . For example, forgetting how to cook , how to call etc. .
3 . Language disorders . For example having trouble finding the right words . When these symptoms occur then the ability to speak and write too distracted .
4 . Disorientation . For example, while forgetting what day it is , what month , when it exists or do not know in which direction . This is the cause why elderly patients are often lost due to forgetting the way home or even away from home because he felt he was in a strange place .
5 . Disorders think abstractly . For example, difficulty in counting money .
6 . Personality disorder . For example, becomes irritable , easily angered and suspicious . Doctors often hear families complain that patients accuse anyone taking their belongings or even accused her partner has been unfaithful to him anymore .
7 . Disorders to make the decision to become dependent on her partner .


Until now there is no treatment that can cure Alzheimer's disease . Drugs that slow the progression of the disease there is . Because Alzheimer's disease is chronic and the longer patients are increasingly dependent on others , so it will need the patience of a family or carers . Understanding and patience from the people around him to help slow the progression of the disease . The drugs that are currently used in the medical world is donepezil , galantamine and rivastagmine . These drugs are trying to improve the levels of brain neurotransmitters and improve the function of thought and behavior control .

What can be done to treat patients with Alzheimer's ?

Here are some tips that can be followed when there is a family member suffering from Alzheimer's disease :

1 . Make a note , to help him remember . Notes can include a schedule of activities , a list of important phone numbers , or it could be a way to call .
2 . Create a soothing atmosphere . Avoid noise , the crowd or atmosphere in a hurry .
3 . Avoid forcing the patient to remember things or do things that are difficult because it will cause the patient becomes anxious and may worsen the situation .
4 . Try to communicate more frequently . Communication is not only by talking but also by touching the hand or shoulder to help the patient focus .
5 . Make it a ritual at night . The behavior of Alzheimer's disease patients are usually worse at night . Therefore make bedtime a calm atmosphere and comfortable . Turn the TV sound and avoid loud noises . Let the lights remain on to prevent disorientation . Patients should not take a nap and limit consumption of tea or coffee .
6 . Make a secure environment . Should the patient's room was on the ground floor to avoid falling . Keep sharp objects or harmful substances .
7 . Encourage the patient walk around during the day . One symptom that is often found in patients with Alzheimer's disease are those often ? Wander ? ( wandering ) . One of the reasons they wander usually trivial , they forgot the way to the bathroom . Experts argue , by encouraging the patient walk around during the day helps to reduce this occurrence. To prevent getting lost patients , patients with a roadmap Arm home , phone number and photo ID .


The scientists managed to detect the cause of Alzheimer's risk factors , namely : age over 65 years , heredity , environment contaminated with heavy metals , cigarettes , pesticides , electromagnetic waves , a history of severe head trauma and the use of hormone replacement therapy in women .

By knowing the risk factors above and the results of other studies , recommended several ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease , among which are :

1 . The healthy life style , for example with regular exercise , do not smoke or consume alcohol .

2 . Eating fresh fruits and vegetables . This is important because fresh fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that serve to scavenge free radicals . These free radicals that damage the body's cells .

3 . Maintaining mental fitness ( mental fitness ) . This term may still rarely heard . How to maintain mental fitness is to stay active reading and enrich themselves with various knowledge .