Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

multifocal myoclonus

Myoclonus is a momentary glow of the contraction and relaxation of the muscles , which causes the simultaneous surge in the affected muscles .


Multifocal myoclonus is caused by :
- Reduced oxygen to the brain is suddenly
- A certain type of epilepsy
- Degenerative diseases in the elderly .


Jolt myoclonus can occur once the whole muscle , as often happens when we start to fall asleep .

Myoclonus can also be limited to one hand , a set of muscles in the upper arm or leg or even a group of facial muscles .


Jolt myoclonus can occur once the whole muscle , as often happens when we start to fall asleep .

Myoclonus can also be limited to one hand , a set of muscles in the upper arm or leg or even a group of facial muscles .


Mild myoclonus usually does not require treatment .

If very severe myoclonus , may be given anti-seizure drugs ( eg, clonazepam or valproic acid ) .