Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Cranial nerve paralysis 4th (trochlear nerve)


Often , the cause can not be identified . The most common cause recognizable because of head injuries , often caused by motorcycle accidents . Sometimes , diabetes causes this paralysis . Rarely , the cause is a tumor , aneurysm , or multiple sclerosis .


One or both eyes affected possibilities . Affected eye can not rotate inward and downward . As a result , people see a double image , one down and a little to the other part . Thus , down the stairs , which requires looking inward and downward , is difficult . Even so , the slope of the head toward the affected muscles can sebaliknyua indemnify and eliminate double vision . This position can eliminate double vision due to the use of muscle paralysis of the affected eye to focus both eyes on an object .

Did you know .........
Cranial nerve paralysis on the 4th cause double vision , but tilting the head to one side to eliminate


Usually , the diagnosis is suspected when a person has had eye movement abnormalities characteristic . CT or MRI may be performed .


Disorder that causes paralysis , if recognized , treated . Eye exercise can help . Sometimes surgery is needed to remove double vision .