Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Empiema Subdural : Nanah di Otak

Subdural empyema is an accumulation of pus between the brain and surrounding tissues (meninges).

Subdural empyema is usually a complication of:
- Sinus Infections
- A great ear infections
- Head injury or brain injury
- Surgery
- A blood infection from a lung infection.

Bacteria that cause brain abscess can cause subdural empyema.

Symptoms include headache, drowsiness, seizures and signs of brain dysfunction.

The symptoms can develop within a few days and if not treated immediately berkembanga will be a total loss of consciousness and death.

Diagnosis is made with the help of CT scan and MRI.
Lumbar puncture was not much help and could be dangerous.

In infants sometimes a needle is injected directly into the empyema through the fontanel to remove the pus, reduce stress and also help make the diagnosis.