Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Brain Abscess: Pus Timbuan In Brain

Brain abscess is a localized accumulation of pus in the brain .

A brain abscess is rare and may be a result of :
- The spread of infection in other parts of the head ( eg, teeth , nose or ears )
- Head injuries that penetrate into the brain
- Infection in other parts of the body , which spread through the blood .

Brain abscess can cause a variety of symptoms , depending on the location .
Symptoms can include headache , nausea , vomiting , drowsiness , seizures , personality changes and other symptoms of brain dysfunction .

These symptoms can occur within a few days or a few weeks .

In the beginning patients feel a fever and chills , but these symptoms disappear when the body can successfully ward off the infection .

To find the best examination of brain abscess is a CT scan or MRI .

A biopsy is done to rule out a tumor or stroke and to determine the cause of the abscess organisms .

Treatment for brain abscess is an antibiotic ; The most commonly used are penicillin , metronidazole , nafcillin and cephalosporins ( eg seftizoksim ) .
Antibiotics are usually continued until 4-6 weeks and a CT scan and Mri repeated every 2 weeks .

If antibiotics are unable to solve this situation , then surgery to remove the pus .

Sometimes abscesses causing increased pressure and swelling in the brain .
This situation is very serious and can cause permanent brain damage , so it was given corticosteroids and other drugs ( eg mannitol ) to reduce brain swelling and reduce pressure in the brain .