Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Korea & Athetosis - Runaway Body Motion

Korea is the involuntary movements that form large-scale jolt and repetitive , like dancing , which started in one part of the body and spread to other parts of the body sudden and unexpected .
Athetosis is a slow circular motion and continuously , usually in the feet and hands .
Korea and Athetosis can occur simultaneously , and called koreoatetosis .


Korea and Athetosis is not a disease , but a symptom that can occur in several different diseases .
A person who experienced the Korean and Athetosis have basalisnya ganglia abnormalities in the brain .
The task of the basal ganglia is smoothes rough movements that are orders from the brain .

In most cases there is excessive neurotransmitter dopamine , thus affecting the normal function .
This situation could be exacerbated by drugs and diseases that cause changes in dopamine levels or alter the brain 's ability to recognize dopamine .

Diseases that often lead to korea and Athetosis is Huntington's disease .

Sydenham 's disease ( dances St . Vitus or Korean Sydenham ) is a complication of infection in childhood due to streptococcus , which can last for several months .
Korean sometimes occurs in the elderly for no apparent reason and teutama the muscles in and around the mouth .
This disease can also strike a pregnant woman in the first 3 months of pregnancy , but it will disappear without pengobtan immediately after delivery .


Movement occurs suddenly and unexpectedly , and will decrease or disappear if the patient was asleep , but it will get worse if the activity or experiencing emotional distress .


Diagnosis based on symptoms .


If the cause is drugs , then Korea will improve after the drug is discontinued .

To help control abnormal movements can be given drugs that block the effects of dopamine ( eg, anti- psychosis medications ) .

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014


Hiccough ( Hiccups ) is a type of myoclonus , which repeated seizures of the diaphragm , which is quickly followed by closure of the glottis that emit noise .
The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest to the abdomen .
Glottis is the opening between the vocal cords which regulate the air stream to the lungs .


Hiccough is a kind of myoclonus , which repeated seizures of the diaphragm , which is quickly followed by closure of the glottis that emit noise .
The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest to the abdomen .
Glottis is the opening between the vocal cords which regulate the air stream to the lungs .


There was the sound that occurs due to muscle spasms of the diaphragm , followed by closure of the glottis .


Diagnosis based on symptoms .


# To stop hiccup can do the following actions : Holding the breath , hold your breath because the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood increases , so the hiccup stopped .
# Breathing in a paper bag .
# Drink a glass of cold water or munch dry bread or shaved ice .
# Attractive tongue or gently rub the eyeball .

Hiccough a lasting require more intensive treatment .
Yan drugs used were scopolamine , prochlorperazine , chlorpromazine , baclofen , metoclopramide and valproate .


You may be able to decrease the frequency of short-term hiccups hiccups by avoiding common triggers , such as :

1 . Eating large meals
2 . Drinking carbonated beverages or alcohol
3 . Sudden temperature changes

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

How to Stop Hiccups

We can be sure everyone has experienced ? Hiccups ? . When the ephemeral , the hiccup is not a problem . But it turns out these symptoms can last a long time , which can cause insomnia , fatigue , depression and even for those who experience it .

The origin of the name

Hiccup , or in medical language called ? Hiccup ? indeed is a phenomenon involving neural and respiratory systems that aim until now was not known . The term ? Hiccup ? appears and is used to imitate the sound emitted when the hiccups ( hik. . hic .. ) . While other names , namely ? Singultus ? derived from the Latin meaning singult breathe when someone is sobbing .

Actually, what happened ? When one hiccup , a contraction of the respiratory muscles , the diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs , which causes the movement of breath but suddenly followed by the closing of the glottis ( airway valve ) is not normal so .. hic hic voice ? Hiccups usually appear 4-60 times / min with a fairly regular intervals and lasted several minutes. But sometimes last more than 48 hours , and could also be up for days .

Hiccups can be experienced by anyone . The fetus in the womb , children and adults can experience it all . However, it is said the children more often than adults experience hiccups .

various causes

According to medical analysis , the hiccup reflex involving the phrenic nerve and the vagus nerve in the diaphragm ( the main breathing muscle that lies between the chest and abdomen ) .

The cause is usually a temporary hiccup is stretching the gastrointestinal tract , carbonated drinks , lots of air swallowing , alcohol , smoking , stress, excessive laughter . Irritation of the phrenic and vagus nerve is a common cause . Foreign body in ear area was apparently also can be a trigger , because there is one branch of the vagus nerve in the area . Abnormalities in the throat such as inflammation and tumors in the neck area can also stimulate nerve fibers in the area , which is also a branch of the vagus nerve .

Various abnormalities of the diaphragm could also underlie the onset of hiccups, such as hiatal hernia , gastroesophageal reflux , subfenikus abscess, and manipulation of the diaphragm during surgery . Other causes are also possible is a disease of the central nervous system that disrupt the hiccup reflex , can include infection , tumors or abnormal blood vessels . Conditions of uremia ( increased urea levels in the blood ) experienced by patients with kidney failure can also be the cause . Additionally psychogenic factors also need to be considered .

stop hiccups

Many ways people do to try to eliminate the hiccups . Theoretically, the principle is to seek to interrupt the hiccup reflex arc . Here are some ways that often do :

1 . The high carbon dioxide levels in the blood can be crippling hiccups . The trick , is to breathe in a paper bag . Blow and breathe as much as 10 times with strong enough to face reddened . Do it quickly , and try a sealed paper bag so no air goes into it ? Inhaled air so that the air is a lot of carbon-dioxide .

2 . Techniques as increasing levels of carbon dioxide is to hold your breath as long as possible , then swallow when perceived hiccups will come . Do it 2-3 times and then take a deep breath and start again .

3 . Others were advised to hold my breath as long as possible and then remove and hold as long as possible . Or by holding their breath with his head looked up .

4 . Swallowing a teaspoon of dry granulated sugar to stop hiccups in minutes . Allegedly , the sugar in the mouth will transmit a signal through the nerve fibers that would disrupt the hiccup reflex arc .

5 . Drinking water in a bent position , do a light massage with the index finger on both sides of the neck , take a deep breath and drink 10 gulps of water while not breathing , bending until your fingers can touch your toes for 60 minutes and many more techniques that can done to eliminate hiccups .

If the hiccups do not disappear as well in a few hours or even days , then medical help such as drug use has been required . Some medications that can be used to eliminate hiccups include chlorpromazin , metoclopramid , baclofen , anticonvulsants ( phenytoin , valproic acid , carbamazepin ) also other drugs such as quinidine , amitriptyline and marijuana . Of course, the use of these drugs should be the doctor's instructions , because these drugs also have side effects that need to be wary of.

When the drugs hiccups persist, too, can try hypnosis therapy and acupuncture . Further? Anesthesia with positive pressure ventilation and muscle relaxants have been reported to stop the hiccups . Well , finally ? as the last weapon to do ? ? destroy surgery or phrenic nerve block has also been done in some cases of hiccups that are not resolved in various ways ?

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014



Cramps are muscle contraction shortening or contraction of a set of muscles that occurs suddenly and briefly, which usually causes pain. 


Cramps are common in a healthy person, especially after heavy activity. 
Several other people suffered leg cramps at night while sleeping. 

Cramps can be caused by lack of blood flow to the affected muscles. 


Cramping is most common in the calf or leg muscles. 


Diagnosis based on symptoms. 


Cramps are usually harmless and do not need to be treated. 


Cramps can be prevented by avoiding exercise after eating and stretch the muscles before exercise and before bedtime.

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014


Tremor is a rhythmic shaking movements and uncontrolled , which occurs because the muscles contract and relax repeatedly .


Everyone is experiencing tremors at certain levels , called physiological tremor , though sometimes so mild that was ignored .
Tremor occurs due to disturbance in the innervation of the head to the affected muscles .

Tremors are grouped based on the speed and rhythm of movement , where and how often it occurs and the severity :

Action tremor , occurs when the muscle is active .
Resting tremor , occurs when the muscle is at rest . Although the patient was resting in total , arm or leg can continue shaking . Tremor can be a sign of Parkinson's disease .
Intentional tremor , occurs when a person makes a deliberate movement . Tremor can occur in people who have abnormalities in the cerebellum ( little brain ) or connecting . Which often leads to the tremor are multiple sclerosis . Intentional tremor can also occur in other neurological diseases , stroke or chronic alcoholism . Intentional tremor slower than essential tremor and lead to a broader movement and odd .
Essential tremor is a tremor which usually starts in adulthood , which is slowly becoming more evident and do not have a definite cause . Essential tremor is usually mild and do not indicate a serious illness , but it can be annoying, which affects handwriting , causing difficulty in using the tools and embarrass the sufferer . This situation can be aggravated by emotional stress , anxiety , fatigue , caffeine or stimulant drugs prescribed by doctors . Drugs ( especially for asthma and emphysema ) can also exacerbate essential tremor .
Senile tremor is essential tremor arising in the elderly .
Familial tremor is essential tremor occurring within the family .


Tremor may occur once in a while , for a time or intermittent ; with a speed of about 6-10 tremor / sec .

Tremor may occur in the muscles of the head , hands , arms , eyelids and other muscles ; but rarely on the lower part of the body .

Tremor may occur on one or both sides of the body .

Voices could be heard vibrating ; head nodding .

Tremor disappears when the person is sleeping .


Tests done depends on the suspected cause .


If its light weight and does not interfere with daily activities , treatment is usually not necessary .

Drugs that may reduce tremors is propranolol , misolin and other anti- seizure , as well as a mild sedative .

Caffeine ( in coffee and soda ) and other stimulants should be avoided , because this can make matters worse .

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Dystonia: Movement Disorders Can Appear In Children

Dystonia is a movement disorder in which sustained muscle contractions that continue to cause rotary motion and causes recurrent or abnormal posture .

The movement is not realized , and sometimes painful , may affect a single muscle , muscle group ( eg, muscular arms , legs or neck ) or the entire body .

In some patients , symptoms of dystonia appear in childhood ( 5-16 years ) , usually on the feet or hands .

Some other new patients show symptoms in late adolescence or early adulthood .


The experts believe that dystonia occurs because of abnormalities in several regions of the brain ( basal ganglia , thalamus , cerebral cortex ) , where several messages for orders processed muscle contraction .
Allegedly there is damage to the body's ability to process a set of chemicals that disebtu neurotransmitters , which help the cells in the brain to communicate with each other .

Dystonic symptoms can be caused by :
- Injuries at birth ( mainly due to lack of oxygen )
- Certain infections
- Reaction to certain drugs , heavy metal or carbon monoxide poisoning
- Trauma
- Stroke .

Approximately 50 % of cases have no connection with illness or injury , and is called idiopathic primary dystonia or dystonia .
The rest are offspring that are dominant dystonia .

Dystonia can also be a symptom of other diseases , some of which are derived ( eg Wilson's disease ) .


Early symptoms are a decline in writing ( after writing a few lines kalima ) , leg cramps and kecenderunagn attraction of one leg up or leg dragging tendencies after walking or running at a certain distance .

Rotating the neck or interested people outside of awareness , especially when the patient feels tired .

Other symptoms are tremor and difficulty speaking or making a sound .

Initial symptoms can be very mild and is felt only after heavy exercise , stress or because of fatigue .
Over time the symptoms become more apparent and spreads as well as unbearable .

Classification of dystonia

Based on the affected body part :

1 . Generalized dystonia , the most or the entire body
2 . Focal dystonias , limited to a particular body part
3 . Multifocal dystonia , about 2 or more unrelated body parts
4 . Segmental dystonia , the two or more adjacent body parts
5 . Hemidistonia , involving the arm and leg on the same side of the body , often the result of a stroke .

Some patterns of dystonia have typical symptoms :

1 . Torsion dystonia , previously known as dystonia musculorum deformans or DMD .
Generalized dystonia is rare and can be lowered , usually begins in childhood and progressively get worse .
Patients may experience serious defects and had to sit in a wheelchair.

2 . Torticollis Spasmodic torticollis is a focal dystonia or most frequently found .
Attacking the muscles in the neck that control the position of the head , so the head spins and turned to one side . In addition , the head can be pulled forward or backward .
Torticollis can occur at any age , although most patients first experience symptoms in middle age . Often start slowly and usually will peak .
Approximately 10-20 % of patients experienced remission ( symptom -free periods ) spontaneous , but it did not last long .

3 . Blepharospasm an eyelid closure unconscious .
Initial symptoms can include loss of control of eye pengedipan .
At first only affects one eye , but eventually both eyes are usually affected .
Seizures cause the eyelids completely closed causing functional blindness , though the eyes and normal vision .

4 . Cranial dystonia is dystonia that affects the muscles of the head , face and neck .

5 . Dystonia oromandibuler attacked the muscles of the jaw , lips and tongue .
The jaws can be opened or closed and patients have difficulty speaking and swallowing .

6 . Spasmodic dysphonia melibatkanotot throat that control the process of speaking .
Also called spastic dysphonia or laryngeal dystonia , which causes difficulty in speaking or breathing .

7 . Meige syndrome is a combination of blepharospasm and dystonia oromandibuler , sometimes with spasmodic dysphonia .

8 . Cramps authors is that attacks muscle dystonia and sometimes hand down the front of the arm , only occurs during the hand used for writing .
Uga called dystonia same cramping and cramping musician piano player .

9 . Dopa - responsive dystonia is dystonia were successfully overcome with medication .
One important variant is Segawa dystonia
Starts during childhood or adolescence , such as difficulty in walking .
In Segawa dystonia , the symptoms have fluctuated throughout the day , ranging from the ability to move in the morning to an inability in the afternoon and evening , well after doing the activity .


The diagnosis is based on symptoms.


A number of actions taken to reduce or eliminate muscle spasms and pain :

1 . Drugs .
It has been used several types of drugs that help correct the imbalance of neurotransmitters .
Drugs are given a set of drugs that reduce levels of neurotransmitter acetylcholine , which is triheksifenidil , benztropine and procyclidine HCl .
Drugs that regulate the neurotransmitter GABA can be used in conjunction with the above drugs or given separately ( in patients with mild symptoms ) , namely diazepam , lorazepam , clonazepam and baclofen .
Other drugs have an effect on the neurotransmitter dopamine . Drugs that increase dopamine effect is levodopa / carbidopa and bromocriptine . Drugs that reduce the effects of reserpine or dopamine is tetrabenazin .
In order to control epilepsy are given anti-seizure medication carbamazepine .

2 . Poison botulinum .
A small amount of this toxin can be injected into the affected muscles to reduce focal dystonia .
At the beginning of this toxin is used to treat blepharospasm .
Toxins stop muscle spasms by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters acetylcholine . Its effects last for several months before repeat injections done .

3 . Surgery and other treatments .
If drugs do not work or the side effects are too severe , then surgery .
Generalized dystonia advanced stages have been successfully treated with surgery that destroyed a portion of the thalamus . The risk of this surgery is a disorder of speech, because the thalamus is located near the brain structures that control the process of speaking .
In focal dystonia ( including blepharospasm , spasmodic dysphonia and torticollis ) surgery to cut or lift the nerve of the affected muscles .
Some patients with spasmodic dysphonia can undergo treatment by a speech-language pathologist . Physical therapy , splinting , stress management and biofeedback can also help people with certain types of dystonia .

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Huntington's disease (Huntington korea)

Huntington 's disease ( Huntington korean ) is a hereditary disease which jolt or seizures and loss of brain cells gradually begin to appear in middle age and develop into Korean , Athetosis and mental deterioration .

This disease started in a vague , so the age of first occurrence of the disease is difficult to determine .
Symptoms usually begin to appear at age 35-40 years .

The gene for Huntington's disease is dominant ; the children of parents who suffer from this disease have a 50% chance of developing Huntington's disease .

In the early stages of this disease , abnormal movements mixed with the movement that is being done by the patient so that the abnormal movement is hardly noticed . But gradually it became clear abnormal movements .

In the end the abnormal movements that occur will affect the entire body making it nearly impossible patient activities as eating, dressing and even sat in silence .

Mental changes initially vague . Patients gradually become irritable and easily excited , they may lose interest in daily activities .
Furthermore, patients become responsible and often travel without a definite purpose .
Patients lose control over his desires and be promiscuous ( having sexual relations with anyone .

Years later , the patient will lose his memory and loss of ability to think rationally .
Patients experiencing severe depression and suicide attempts .

In later stages , almost all patients with impaired function and patients need help from others to carry out its functions .
Death is often triggered by pneumonia or because of a fall , which usually occurs 13-15 years after the onset of the first symptoms .

In a CT scan will look distinctive changes in the brain .

Drugs only help reduce the symptoms and control the behavior of patients , but it can not cure the disease .

For families with a history of Huntington's disease , and genetic counseling should conduct spot checks to determine the lower the risk of the disease to their children

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a hereditary disorder characterized by simple muscle tics and complex vocal and frequent throughout the day for at least one year .

Tourette syndrome is common , affecting 1 in 100 people . It is 3 times more common in men than women . That often begins in early childhood . In most people , the symptoms are mild in which the disorder is not recognized .

Tourette syndrome is a disease in which motor tic and vocalist occur several times a day and has been going on for at least 1 year .
Tic is beyond consciousness movement that occurs repeatedly .

Tourette syndrome often begins with tic simplex in childhood , in the form of unwanted muscle twitching and without purpose , which occur repeatedly .

Furthermore tic simplex develops into a complex movement , including respiratory paralysis tic vocalist and sudden . Tic voklis sounds as grunting or barking sound .

Tourette syndrome is a hereditary disease that is 3 times more common in men .

The exact cause is unknown , but is thought to be an abnormality in brain dopamine or other neurotransmitters .


Tourette's syndrome often begins with simple muscle tics , such as grimacing , head jerking and blinking. Simple tics may just restless and may disappear with time . Some tics are not required to cause Tourette syndrome , which involves more than simple tics . For example , people with Tourette syndrome can move their head repeatedly from side to side , blink their eyes , open their mouths and stretch their necks .

Did you know

* Tourette's syndrome can be very light that can not be recognized
* Most people with Tourette's syndrome are not randomly cause chaos .

The disorder can develop into complex tics , including vocal tics , hitting , kicking , and jerky breath sudden , irregular . Vocal tics can be prefixed with snoring , snorting, humming , or yell loudly and become compulsive , involuntarily condemn . For reasons that are not clear and often in mid- conversation , some people with Tourette's syndrome can shout obscenities or words feces (called coprolalia ) . Explosive sound is sometimes mistakenly thought to be intentional , especially in children . Although coprolalia is characteristic of the best known of Tourette's syndrome , at least 85 % of people with Tourette's syndrome do not have coprolalia . People can also immediately repeat the word after hearing it ( called echolalia / talkative ) .

People with Tourette's syndrome often have difficulty functioning and experiencing considerable anxiety in a social environment . Previously , they were shunned , ostracized , or even considered a demon. Impulsive, aggressive , and self-destructive behaviors develop in many people , and obsessive-compulsive behavior develops in about half . Children with Tourette's syndrome often have difficulty learning . Most also have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder . Is Tourette's syndrome itself or unusual stress on living with the disorder causes problems is not clear .

A person with children can move his head repeatedly from left to right or vice versa , blinked , opened his mouth or stretching her neck .

More complex tics can include punching and kicking , sniffing , moaning and buzzing .
Patients could say rude words in the middle of a conversation , for no apparent reason .
Patients can also rapidly repeating words heard ( ekolalia ) .

Patients often have difficulty in socializing .
In the past they were exiled , isolated or even suspected as a demon offspring .
Many people who become impulsive , aggressive and behave want to destroy itself ; children often have difficulty in learning .

The diagnosis is made if :
- There have been multiple motor tics or tic one or more vocalists
- Tic / tics occur many times a day , nearly every day or day interval , for more than 1 year . Within 1 year , symptom -free period should not be more than 3 months .
- Occurs before the age of 18 years .


If symptoms are mild , the drugs may not be required .

Tics is simple : Doctors often first try clonidine or guanfacine . Clonidine , a drug used to treat high blood pressure , sometimes helps and is particularly useful in controlling anxiety and obsessive-compulsive behavior . Benzodiazepines , such as clonazepam and diazepam , can help . These drugs are mild sedatives taken by mouth .

Severe symptoms : Antipsychotic drugs may be used to help suppress tics , though not the cause of the psychosis . The lowest dose necessary to make the tics can receive the drugs used , and the dose was reduced as the tics decreases . Haloperidol , an antipsychotic drug that is most commonly used , is effective but has more side effects than other antipsychotic drugs , such as olanzapine , pimozide , and risperidone .

Side effects of antipsychotics may include symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease ( parkinsonism ) , restlessness , muscle stiffness , involuntary muscle contractions continuous ( dystonias ) , weight gain , blurred vision , could not sleep , and tired , slow thinking . Tardive dyskinesia , which consists of involuntary movements over and over again , may develop and persist even after the drug is discontinued . Can not control , arms and legs ache, protruding tongue , and lips pleated , wrinkled , and taste . Rare but serious side effects called neuroleptic malignant syndrome consisting of high fever , high blood pressure , muscle damage , and coma .

Injecting botulinum toxin into the muscles that make the tics can reduce abnormal movements such as impulse that preceded them . Botulinum , the bacterium that causes botulism toxin , is used to paralyze the muscles ( and to improve wrinkles ) .

Deep brain stimulation is considered an experimental treatment for Tourette 's syndrome , but is sometimes performed in a specialized center when the disorder is severe and medication has been ineffective . Electrodes are placed on the parts of the brain thought to be involved in tics .

Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

multifocal myoclonus

Myoclonus is a momentary glow of the contraction and relaxation of the muscles , which causes the simultaneous surge in the affected muscles .


Multifocal myoclonus is caused by :
- Reduced oxygen to the brain is suddenly
- A certain type of epilepsy
- Degenerative diseases in the elderly .


Jolt myoclonus can occur once the whole muscle , as often happens when we start to fall asleep .

Myoclonus can also be limited to one hand , a set of muscles in the upper arm or leg or even a group of facial muscles .


Jolt myoclonus can occur once the whole muscle , as often happens when we start to fall asleep .

Myoclonus can also be limited to one hand , a set of muscles in the upper arm or leg or even a group of facial muscles .


Mild myoclonus usually does not require treatment .

If very severe myoclonus , may be given anti-seizure drugs ( eg, clonazepam or valproic acid ) .

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Primary demyelination diseases Other

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ( postinfectious encephalomyelitis parainfectious or ) is one of the rare type of inflammation that causes demyelination of the nerves in the brain and spinal cord . It usually occurs after a viral infection ( such as measles , chicken pox , or rubella ) or vaccination . It is thought to be an immune reaction triggered the wrong way pleh virus . Normally , inflammation occurs 5 to 10 days after illness due to the virus started . It can be treated with corticosteroids given intravenously . Guillain- Barre syndrome appear to be similar disturbances in peripheral nerves .

Adrenoleukodystrophy and adrenomyelpneuropathy is a rare hereditary metabolic disorders . Adrenoleukodystrophy affects young boys , usually at the age of 7 years . Form of slower progression of the disorder can begin at age 20th . Adrenomyeloneuropathy affects adolescent males . In this disorder , the dissemination of demyelination accompanied by dysfunction of the adrenal gland . Soon , mental deterioration , seizures , and blindness occurs . There is no cure for all known disorders . Dietary supplement with glycerol trioleate and glycerol trierucate ( known as lazarus oil ) does not show the slow progress of the disease . Cartilage transplantation is an experimental treatment .

Leber 's hereditary optic neuropathy causing demyelination that causes partial blindness . The disorder is more common in men . Typically , symptoms begin in the late teens or early 20s . This Ganggun passed down through the mother , and the gene defect seen placed on the mitochondria , which are arranged in cells that generate energy for the cell .

Tropival spastic paraparesis ( HTLV - related myelopathy ) , a disorder that causes demyelination of the spinal cord , resulting from infection with the human T-cell lymphotropic virus . The disorder worsened after a few years , resulted in seizures gradually and weakness in the legs is equal to the frequency , strong desire to void , could not resist urinary , and bowel dysfunction . There is no treatment , but the use of corticosteroids has resulted in an increase , and plasmapheresis have resulted in progress while

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

BELUM DI EDIT Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disorder in which the nerves of the eye , brain and spinal cord lose nerve sheath ( myelin ) .

The term is derived from the number of multiple sclerosis regions of scar tissue ( sclerosis ), which represent the various patches of demyelination in the nervous system .
Which may be a sign of neurological symptoms of multiple sclerosis and so diverse that the disease is not diagnosed when symptoms first appear .

After a long time the disease will get worse slowly .
Patients usually experience a symptom-free periods ( remission ) are interspersed with the disease attacks ( exacerbations ) .

OTHER PRIMARY demyelinating disease

Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ( post- infectious encephalomyelitis ) is a rare type of inflammation , which causes demyelination which usually occurs after a viral infection or vaccination .
Allegedly an immune reaction that is wrong , which is triggered by a virus .
Guillain - Barr syndrome ? is a disease of the peripheral nerves that resembles this disorder .

Adrenoleukodistrofi and Adrenomieloneuropati is a rare hereditary metabolic disorder occurs .
Adrenoleukodistrofi occur in boys ( usually age 7 years ) , but the disease progresses more slowly can be started at the age of 20s .
Adrenomieloneuropati attacking young . Extensive demyelination is accompanied by abnormal function of the adrenal glands . Ultimately mental deterioration occurs and the child becomes rigid and blind .
There is no treatment for this disease .
Food additives such as glycerol trioleate and glycerol trierukat ( Lorenzo's oil ) would improve the composition of fatty acids in the blood , but it has not been shown to improve the disease course .
Bone marrow transplantation is a treatment which is still a test .

Leber hereditary optic atrophy causes demyelination ending with partial blindness .
The disease is more common in men and symptoms usually first appear in late adolescence or early 20s .
This disease seems to come from her mother and passed on through the mitochondria ( the energy source for cells ) .

Myelopathy associated with HTLV is a virus infection of human T-cell limfotrofik , which causes demyelination in the spinal cord .
The disease is often found in certain tropical countries and in some parts of Japan .
After several years , the disease gets worse , resulting in stiffness and weakness of the limbs and impaired function of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder .


The cause is unknown , but suspected a virus or foreign antigens trigger an autoimmune reaction , which usually occurs in the early life of the patient .
Then the body will produce its own antibodies to fight mielinnya , these antibodies cause inflammation and damage to the nerve sheath .

multiple sclerosis

Heredity seems to play a role in multiple sclerosis .
Approximately 5 % of patients have a brother or sister who also suffer from this disease , and approximately 15 % of patients have a close relative who suffers from this disease .

Environmental factors also play a role in the occurrence of this disease .
Multiple sclerosis occurs in 1 of every 2000 people in the first 10 years of his life living in temperate climates , but only 1 of every 10,000 people born in the tropics .
Multiple sclerosis is almost never attack people who live near the equator .
Climate where someone lived the first 10 years of life seems more important than climate in which a person lives after the first 10 years of life .


Symptoms usually appear in 20-40 years of age , is more common in women .
Demyelination can occur in the brain or spinal anywhere, and the symptoms depend on the affected area .

Demyelination of the nerve pathways that carry signals to muscles causing movement disorders ( motor symptoms ) , whereas if it occurs in the nerve pathways to the brain causing abnormal sensation ( sensory symptoms ) .

Initial symptoms often happens is tingling , numbness or odd feeling in the arms , legs , torso or face .
Dexterity and strength can be lost limbs or hands .

Some people only have symptoms in the eye in the form of double vision , partial blindness and pain in one eye , blurred or dim vision , or loss of central vision ( optic neuritis ) .

Early symptoms can also be a change in emotional and intellectual lightweight .
A vague hint of the presence of demyelination in the brain sometimes starts long before the disease is known .

The common symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Sensory symptoms 
(changes in sensation)
symptoms of Motor 
(changes in muscle function)
Weakness, clumsiness
pins and needles
Difficulty in walking or maintaining balance
Other abnormal sensations 
Tremor (shaking)
Impaired vision
double vision
Difficult to reach orgasm, 
reduced sensation in the vagina, 
impotence in men
The problem of controlling the digestive tract or bladder, 
Dizziness or vertigo
Stiffness, instability, extraordinary fatigue


Allegedly a multiple sclerosis in a young age suddenly became blurred vision , double vision or experience sensory and motor abnormalities in a variety of different body parts .
The diagnosis is confirmed by the pattern of recurrence and repeated healing .

Dilakukanpemeriksaan thoroughly the nervous system as part of a physical examination .

Laboratory tests can distinguish multiple sclerosis with other similar diseases .

At lumbar puncture found that white blood cell count less and a little more protein than normal .
Antibody concentrations can be high and specific types of antibodies and other substances found in 90 % of patients .

MRI can show the brain that has lost daerh mielinnya .
This examination can distinguish jug active area of the region that has experienced demyelinating some time ago .

If the nerve is stimulated , the electrical response in the brain can be recorded via the evoked potential .
Under normal circumstances , the brain responds to light or sound with a distinctive pattern of electrical activity . In patients with multiple sclerosis , the response is slower because there is a disruption in the delivery of signals along the nerve sheath has been lost .

Some diseases that cause symptoms resembling multiple sclerosis :
- Brain infection caused by bacteria or viruses ( Lyme disease , AIDS , syphilis )
- Abnormalities in the structure of the skull base and spine ( severe arthritis of the neck , ruptured spinal discs )
- Tumors or cysts in the brain and spinal cord ( syringomyelia )
- Setbacks and spinocerebellar ataxia hereditary ( a disease where the muscle action is irregular or uncoordinated muscle )
- Minor stroke ( especially in patients with diabetes or hypertension are susceptible to this disease )
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( Lou Gehrig's disease )
- Inflammation of blood vessels in the brain or spinal cord ( lupus , arteritis ) .


Beta - interferon injections may reduce the frequency of recurrence .
Other promising treatment and research is still in the other interferons , oral myelin and glatiramer ; which helps prevent the body attacks its own mielinnya .

Advantages of plasmapheresis and intravenous gamma globulin treatment is uncertain and it is not practical for long-term therapy .

The main treatment is to reduce symptoms of acute corticosteroids ( eg, prednisone by mouth or intravenous methylprednisolone ) .
Corticosteroids can shorten the attack , but did not stop the progression of the disease in the long term .
Side effects from long-term use of corticosteroids is susceptible to infection , diabetes , weight gain , fatigue , osteoporosis and ulcers .

Patients are often able to maintain an active lifestyle , although susceptible to fatigue and unable to follow a schedule that has been arranged .
Exercise regularly ( eg static bike , running , swimming or stretching ) can reduce muscle stiffness and help maintain a healthy heart , muscle and psychic .
Physical therapy can help maintain keseimbahan , walking ability and affordability and reduce muscle stiffness and muscle weakness .

Innervation that controls the discharge of urine or gastrointestinal tract may be affected and cause incontinence or urinary or fecal water accumulation .
Patients are taught to put the catheter hose ( to empty the bladder ) or use a stool softener or laxative .


Multiple sclerosis has a variable clinical course and can not be predicted .

In many patients , the disease begins with certain symptoms , which for months or years later showed no further symptoms .
In other patients , the symptoms got worse and more widespread within a few weeks or a few months .

The weather was warm , hot bath or fever may aggravate symptoms .

Recurrence can occur spontaneously or be triggered by infections ( eg influenza ) .
If relapse occurs frequently then semakinmemburuk abnormalities and can be settled .

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

Kuru: Mental Function Decline & Lost Muscle Coordination

Kuru is a prion disease that causes rapid deterioration of mental functioning and loss of muscle coordination . This disease occurs in the Fore natives of New Guinea highlands and rituals associated with endocannibalism .

Until the early 1960s , kuru fairly common in New Guinea . Prions possibility cannibalistic rituals menghadirii obtained during a religious ceremony to bury the dead and the family involved in eating the dead tissue as a sign of respect . Kuru probably started from the consumption of prion - contaminated tissue from a person affected by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease . Kuru is more common in women and children because they give brains to be eaten . Many of these rituals that have been abandoned , and kuru virtually non-existent.


Symptoms include loss of muscle coordination , and difficulty walking . Hands and feet become stiff , and muscle spasms . Involuntary movement abnormalities, such as repetitive movements , slow writhing or jerking hard on the limbs and body , can occur ( kuru means trembling ) . Emotions can change abruptly from sad to happy at all with the sudden explosive laughter . People with kuru became crazy and sometimes quiet , could not speak , and did not respond to his surroundings . Most people die about 3 to 24 months after symptoms appear , usually as a cause of pneumonia or infection that causes bedsores ( pressure sores ) .

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

Disease Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker

Disease Gerstmann - Straussler - Scheinker is a prion disease that causes muscle berkoordinasinya not accompanied by a slow deterioration of mental function . The disease is fatal , typically occurs about 5 years .

Such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease , Gerstmann - Straussler disease - Scheinker can occur anywhere in the world. Even so , this is not often the case than creutzfekdt - Jakob disease , begins early in life ( affects people in their 40s than in their 50s and 60s ) , and runs slower ( with an average life expectancy of 5 years up to 6 years ) .

Usually , the initial symptom is awkward and ill at ease when walking . Muscle spasms are more common than Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease . Talking becomes difficult , and forms of dementia . Nystagmus ( rapid movement of the eyes in one direction , followed by a slow return to the initial position ) , blindness , and deafness can occur . Loss of muscle coordination . Can vibrate and stiff muscles . normally , the muscles that control breathing and coughing becomes damaged , the result was a high risk of pneumonia , which generally leads to death.


Diagnosis is determined by typical symptoms and a family history of the disease and can be confirmed by genetic testing . No treatment is available .

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (Mad Cow)

Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease ( Subacute Spongiform Encephalopathy ) is a brain disorder that is characterized by a decrease in mental function that occurs rapidly , accompanied by movement disorders .

This disease primarily affects adults , over 50 years .

Disease similar to CJD occurs in sheep ( Skrepi ) and cattle ( Mad Cow Disease ) . Transmission of infection can occur by eating infected animal tissue .
Transmission between animals is still unclear and human cases occur when eating the meat of infected animals .
Brain tissue damage by an organism that resembles a virus ( a protein that can be transmitted , which is called prions ) .

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Some cases occurred in adults who received growth hormone derived from cadavers ( dead bodies are preserved ) . Cause agent ( prion ) thought to have passed through the growth hormone ( derived from cadaveric pituitary gland ) .

The risk of developing the disease increased slightly in those who underwent brain surgery .
Several pathology experts contracted by the disease from cadavers .

Several months or several years after infection , no symptoms .
Slowly , increased brain damage and dementia patients ( decrease in intellectual ability ) .

At first , the symptoms are similar to other dementias , which does not care about his hygiene , apathy , irritability , forgetfulness and confusion . Some people feel fatigue , drowsiness , insomnia or other sleep disorders .
Then accelerated symptoms , usually much faster than in Alzheimer's disease , until the patient is really senile .

Twitch / muscle spasms usually occur within the first 6 months after symptoms begin .
Shaking , awkward body movements and bizarre can happen .
Vision can be blurred or dim .

Diagnosis based on deterioration of mental function that occurs rapidly or is accompanied by muscle twitch .

Examination of the nervous system and motor show muscle twitching and spasms ( myoclonus ) .
Increased muscle tension or contraction can occur and muscle weakness .
Abnormal reflex can occur or increase in the response of normal reflexes .

Visual field examination showed areas of blindness that may not be realized by the sufferer .
There are coordination disorders associated with changes in visual-spatial perception and changes in the cerebellum (the part of the brain that controls coordination ) .

EEG examination ( recording of the electrical activity of the brain ) showed changes typical for this disease .

Special examination of the brain tissue to confirm the diagnosis , can only be done if the patient had died and his brain sample taken for examination .

This disease can not be cured , and progresifitasnya can not be slowed .
Can be given drugs to control aggressive behavior ( eg, sedatives , anti -psychosis ) .


The prognosis is usually very ugly .
Total dementia usually occurs within 6 months or more , in which the patient becomes totally incapable of caring for himself.

In a short time the disease is fatal, usually within 7 months . Death is usually caused by infection , heart failure or respiratory failure .
Some patients survive until 1-2 years after the illness was diagnosed .

Avoiding human tissue transplantation or avoid eating infected tissues of infected animals .

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Paralysis of the 6th cranial nerve (abducens nerve)

Many disorders can cause paralysis , such as :

Head Injury
* tumors
* Multiple sclerosis
* Aneurysms
* Infections of the brain , such as meningitis , brain abscess or parasitic infections
* Complications of ear or eye infections
* Blockage of the arteries that supply the nerve , can be caused from diabetes , stroke , transient ischemic attack , or vasculitis .
* Wernickle 's encephalopathy ( commonly caused by chronic alcohol )
* Benign intracranial hypertension ( pseudotumor cerebri )
* Respiratory infections ( in children )

Some disruption is putting pressure on the nerve causes swelling around or increased pressure within the skull . The other relates to the flow of blood to the nerve .

If this paralysis occurs alone ( without other cranial nerve palsy ) , the cause is often never identified .


Affected eye as a whole can not be flipped outwards and could turn into when people look straight ahead . Double vision occurs when people look forward to the side of affected eye . Other symptoms depend on the cause . They include severe headaches , fluid retention ( edema ) in the conjunctiva , numbness of the face and mouth , loss of vision , and inability to move the eyes in other orders .


Usually , doctors can easily recognize the 6th nerve paralysis , but the cause is less obvious . Ophthalmoscope is used to look inside the eye and check for the presence of tumor , increased pressure , and abnormalities in the blood vessels . CT or , recommended , MRI was done to negate the possibility of tumors and other abnormalities . If the results are not clear , spinal injections ( lumbar puncture ) is done to ascertain whether the pressure inside the skull increases and whether the tumor or swelling caused by an infection or exposure to the nerve . If the symptoms of vasculitis is suspected , blood removed to check for signs of inflammation , such as abnormalities of certain antibodies ( antinuclear antibodies and rheumatoid factor ) and abnormalities in the blood levels of erythrocyte sedimentation ( ESR - how quickly red blood cells fall to the bottom of a test tube containing blood ) . Once all the tests conducted , the cause may remain unknown .


Treatment depends on the cause . When the cause is treated , the paralysis usually solved . Paralysis with no identifiable cause is usually resolved without treatment within 2 months , as occurred in those caused by blockage of blood vessels .

Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Cranial nerve paralysis 4th (trochlear nerve)


Often , the cause can not be identified . The most common cause recognizable because of head injuries , often caused by motorcycle accidents . Sometimes , diabetes causes this paralysis . Rarely , the cause is a tumor , aneurysm , or multiple sclerosis .


One or both eyes affected possibilities . Affected eye can not rotate inward and downward . As a result , people see a double image , one down and a little to the other part . Thus , down the stairs , which requires looking inward and downward , is difficult . Even so , the slope of the head toward the affected muscles can sebaliknyua indemnify and eliminate double vision . This position can eliminate double vision due to the use of muscle paralysis of the affected eye to focus both eyes on an object .

Did you know .........
Cranial nerve paralysis on the 4th cause double vision , but tilting the head to one side to eliminate


Usually , the diagnosis is suspected when a person has had eye movement abnormalities characteristic . CT or MRI may be performed .


Disorder that causes paralysis , if recognized , treated . Eye exercise can help . Sometimes surgery is needed to remove double vision .

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

Paralysis of the 3rd cranial nerve (oculomotor nerve)

Paralysis of the 3rd cranial nerve can be caused by brain disorders - such as head injury , bulge ( aneurysm ) in the arteries supplying the brain , hemorrhoids , or tumor or by diabetes .


Affected eye rotates out when the unaffected eye looking straight ahead , causing double vision . Affected eye can move only in the direction of the center when he saw k edalam and can not move up and down . Since the 3rd cranial nerve also raises the eyelid and pupil control , withered eyelids , and pupils dilated possibility ( enlarged ) . It can not constrict ( shrink in reaction to light .

The disorder can cause paralysis worsened , resulting in serious , life-threatening circumstances . For example , severe headaches can occur suddenly , or someone may become increasingly drowsy or less responsive . In some cases , the possibility of rupture of an aneurysm causes , which then bleed . Enlargement and less response to light ( fixation ) by both pupils indicate severe coma and possible death of the brain .


Diagnosis is based on neurological research results and computed tomography ( CT ) or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) . If the pupil is exposed or if symptoms are thought to be a serious underlying disorder , CT performed immediately . If an aneurysm is suspected and CT did not detect the rupture of blood , spinal tap ( lumbar puncture , magnetic resonance angiography , CT angiography , or cerebral angiography is performed ) .


Treatment depends on the cause . Emergency treatment is needed if a life-threatening disorder is the cause .

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Paralysis of Cranial Nerves that control eye movement

This disorder is associated with paralysis of cranial nerve that controls eye movement (nerves 3rd, 4th, 6th), interfere with the ability to move the eyes. How eye movements are affected depending on which nerves are affected.

Driven by three pairs of eye muscles, controlled by cranial nerves 3rd, 4th, and 6th. These muscles move the eye up and down, right and left, and diagonally. People may experience double vision when they look in a particular direction.

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

internuclear ophthalmoplegia

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is damage to the horizontal eye movements caused by damage to certain relationships between nerve centers in the brain stem .


In internuclear ophthalmoplegia , nerve fibers that coordinate both eyes on the horizontal - motion look from side to side - broken . This connective fibers converge on nerve cell ( the middle or nuclei ) derived from the 3rd cranial nerve ( oculomotor nerve ) and 6th cranial nerve ( abducens nerve ) . In older people , the disorder usually resulting from stroke , and only one eye is affected . In older people typically impaired due to stroke da only one eye is affected . Not often causes include Lyme disease , tumors , and toxicity caused by a drug ( such as tricyclic antidepressants ) .


Horizontal eye movements are weak , but not the vertical section . Affected eye can not be turned into, but it can turn out. When the sight of the opposite side of the affected eye , the following things will happen :

* Eyes are exposed , which should be turned inward , unable to move past the midline . Where , the affected eye looks straight ahead .
* As with other eye turned out , it often happens accidentally , repetitive blinking movement called nystagmus . Where , rapid eye movements in a single command , then slowly diverge in other commands .

People with internuclear ophthalmoplegia may experience double vision .

Syndrome is a one - and- a- half is generated when the disorder that causes internuclear ophthalmoplegiajuga damage the central coordinating and controlling the horizontal eye movements ( horizontal gaze center ) . When people are trying to look to the other side , the affected eye remains motionless in the middle . The other eye can be turned to the outside but not inside . As internuclear ophthalmoplegia , vertical eye movements are not affected .

At internuclear syndrome ophthalmoplegiadan one- and- a- half , the eyes can be turned inward when the person to the vision ( when focusing on a nearby object ) even though the eye can not be turned into when the person is looking to the side .


For internuclear ophthalmoplegia syndrome or one- and- a- half , the treatment and the view ( whether the disorder abated or cured as soon as possible ) depending on the disorder causing it .

Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Disorders of the hypoglossal nerve

Disorders of the cranial nerves ke-12/saraf hypoglossal ( hypoglossal Nerve Disorders ) causes weakness or wasting ( atrophy ) of the tongue on the affected side . This nerve to move the tongue .


The cause of the hypoglossal nerve irritation include a tumor or abnormal bone at the base of the skull , stroke , infection of the brain stem , or injuries to the neck , such as those due to surgical removal of the blockage of arteries in the neck ( endarterectomy ) . Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( Lou Gehrig's disease ) can also damage the hypoglossal nerve .


The tongue may be weak in the affected and eventually wastes away ( atrophy ) . As a result , people have difficulty speaking , chewing , and swallowing . Damage caused by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to make a thin , smooth circular movements ( fasciculation ) on the surface of the tongue .


Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is usually done to see evidence of a stroke or tumor . A spinal tap ( lumbar puncture may be needed if cancer or infection is possible ) .

Treatment depends on the cause .

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Diffuse Axonal Injury - Cause Blackouts

Diffuse axonal injury is a wound that spreads to the axons , the nerve cells in the part of the brain .


Left nerve impulses through the nerve cells in the part of the nerve cell called the axon . In the long axonal injury , axons through the brain is damaged . Causes of Diffuse axonal injury that often include falls and motor vehicle accidents . Diffuse axonal injury can cause shaking baby syndrome , in which violent shaking of a baby or terlemparnya cause brain injury . Consequently Diffuse axonal injury , brain cells can die , causing swelling of the brain , increased pressure in the skull . Increased pressure can close the wound by reducing the blood supply to the brain .


Diffuse axonal injury usually causes loss of consciousness lasting more than 6 hours . Sometimes the person is experiencing damage to specific regions of the brain . Increased pressure within the skull can cause coma . Computed tomography ( CT ) scans or magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) is usually performed to detect diffuse axonal injury .


Diffuse axonal injury treated with common tools that are used to treat all types of head injuries . The operation was very unhelpful .

Senin, 10 Maret 2014

hemifacial spasm

Hemifacial spasm ( Hemifacial spasm) is the involuntary spasms no pain on one side of the face due to damage to the 7th cranial nerve ( facial nerve ) . This nerve moves facial muscles , stimulates the salivary glands and tear , and allow the front of the tongue to see sense .

Hemifacial spasm ( spasm Hemifacial ) affects men and women but is more common in middle age and older women .

The seizures may be caused by abnormalities in the position of the node artery or arteries that suppress the 7th cranial nerve to the brain stem where there .


Muscles on one side of the face accidentally seizures , usually beginning with the eyelid , then spread to the cheek and mouth . Seizures likely temporary at first but can be almost continuous . The disorder is essentially painless but can be embarrassing .


The diagnosis is made ​​when the doctor saw seizures . Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) should be performed to check for tumors , other structural abnormalities , and evidence in multiple sclerosis . Typically , MRI can identify abnormal nodes in arterial pressure against the nerve .


Botulinum toxin is a medication that is chosen . It is injected into the affected muscles . The same drugs used to treat trigeminal neuralgia - antidepreasn carbamazepine , gabapentin , baclofen phenytoinome , and tricyclics can help . If treatment with medication is not successful , surgery may be performed to separate the arterial abnormalities of nerve by placing small foam them .

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Conjugate Gaze Palsy

In Conjugate Gaze Palsy , both eyes can not move in a single command ( side to side , up , or down ) at the same time .

Conjugate Gaze Palsy often affect horizontal view (looking to the side ) . The views above are less affected , and the view down even slightly affected . People could make sure that they are not able to see in a particular direction .


Conjugate Gaze Palsy : The most frequent cause is damage to the brain stem , often by stroke . Often , these are entirely paralysis and severe . Where , the eyes can not move toward the side completely. Paralysis can also be caused huge damage to the front of the brain , usually by a stroke . The resulting paralysis is not as heavy as that caused by brain stem dredged , and the symptoms often diminish with time .

Paralysis vertical view : view of ' vertical gradually decreases as the old , but the paralysis of view ' vertical heavier than age-related changes . Typically , the view to the top exposed . The most common cause is damage to the upper brain stem ( midbrain) , usually by a stroke or tumor .

Pupils are usually large ( enlarged ) . In reaction to light , they can suppress the slower and less complete than normal . When people are trying to look up , eyes moving quickly in one command , then slowly diverge on other orders . This accident , wink movement called nystagmus .

If the view downwards but not upwards paralyzed view , the cause of progressive supranuclear palsy usually .

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Paralysis Bell: Faces Weakness In One Side

Bell's paralysis is a disease of the nerves that lead to the brain seventh unilateral facial weakness or paralysis . The development of this disease is very fast .

Although affect all ages , the disease is commonly found in people under the age of 60 years . 80 % to 90 % of patients may recover spontaneously within 1 to 8 weeks , although healing can be delayed in older people .

When healing is only partial , as the contractions may develop partial paralysis on the side of the face . Bell paralysis may occur again , at the same place or different sides of the face .


Bell paralysis inhibits the nervous system of the brain that is responsible as the seventh nerve tract to the facial muscles .

Nerves hampered due to the reaction of infection ( usually on the inside of the ear canal ) that is often associated with infection and produced as a result of internal bleeding , tumors , meningitis or local trauma .


Bell paralysis caused by facial weakness on one side , sometimes with pain around the corner of the lower jaw or behind the ear . On the affected side , drooping mouth ( causing the patient is also on the corner of his mouth droop ) and sensory flavor also disturbed at the front of the tongue .

In addition, the forehead looks smoother , and the ability of the patient to close the eye on the affected side of the face is very limited . When trying to close the eyes , eyes rolling upward ( called Bell's phenomenon ) and result in excessive tearing .

Although Bell's phenomenon occurs in normal people , this phenomenon is not seen as the eye can close completely and cover the eye movement . In Bell's paralysis , not intact eye closure makes this movement is obvious .


Diagnosis of this disease depends on the clinical presentation of the results of the disrupted facial appearance and inability to raise eyebrows , eyelids shut , smile , show teeth , or puffed cheeks .

After 10 days , electromyographic examination can help estimate the expected rate of healing by differentiating conduction damage temporarily with serious infection of the nerve fibers .


Treatment consisted of dexamethasone , oral corticosteroids to reduce swelling of the facial nerve and improve blood flow and nerve conduction .

After 14 days of dexamethasone therapy , electrotherapy can be done to avoid the occurrence of facial muscle atrophy .

During Dexamethasone therapy , patients may experience side effects , mainly gastrointestinal disorders and pengambatan fluid .

Gastrointestinal disorders occur when the antacid drink at the same time . This method can reduce the interference . If the patient also suffers from diabetes , dexamethasone should be used with caution and with monitoring of blood sugar levels .

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Bell's Palsy: Facial Nerve Disorders

Bell 's Palsy is a disorder of the facial nerve that causes weakness or paralysis of the muscles suddenly on one side of the face .

Facial nerve is a cranial nerve that stimulates facial muscles .

The cause is unknown , but is thought to be swelling of the facial nerve in response to viral infection , suppression or reduced blood flow .

Bell 's palsy occurs suddenly .
A few hours before the onset of weakness of the facial muscles, the patient may feel pain behind the ear . Muscle weakness that occurs can be mild to severe , but always on one side of the face .

The paralyzed side of the face to be flat and without expression , but the patient feels as if his face twisted .
Most people experience numbness or feel there is a load on her face , despite the fact sensation in the face is normal .

If the top of the face are also affected , the patient will experience difficulty in closing his eyes on the affected side .
Sometimes the disease affects the formation of saliva , tears or taste on the tongue .

Bell 's palsy Ptosis

Diagnosis based on symptoms .
Bell 's palsy is always on one side of the face ; weakness occurs arrived - arrived and can involve either the top or bottom face .

Other diseases can also cause facial nerve paralysis are :
- Brain tumors are pressing on nerves
- Damage to the facial nerve due to viral infections ( eg, Ramsay Hunt syndrome )
- Infections of the middle ear or mastoid sinuses
- Lyme Disease
- Fractures at the base of the skull .
To distinguish Bell 's palsy with the disease , can be seen from the history of the disease , the results of X-ray , CT scan or MRI . In Lyme disease blood tests need to be done .
There is no specific test for Bell 's palsy .

There is no specific treatment for Bell 's palsy .

Some experts believe that kortikoteroid ( eg, prednisone ) should be given in no more than 2 days after the onset of symptoms and continued for 1-2 weeks .
Is this treatment can reduce pain and improve the chance of cure , still has not been proven .

If the paralysis of facial muscles causes the eye can not be closed, the eyes should be protected from drought .
Lubricating eye drops are used every few hours .

In severe paralysis , massage the muscles weak and perangasangan nerves may help prevent the occurrence of facial muscle stiffness .

If the paralysis persists until 6-12 months or more , can be done surgically for transplanting healthy nerve ( usually taken from the tongue ) into the facial muscles are paralyzed .


If the partial paralysis ( in part ) , then the total healing occurs within 1-2 months .
Prognosis in total paralysis is varied , but most experienced complete healing .

To determine the likelihood of complete healing , can be performed to test the facial nerve using electrical stimulation .
Sometimes improved facial nerve , but forming a relationship that causes abnormal movements undesirable in some facial muscles or spontaneous discharge of tears .