Senin, 09 Juni 2014


The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs beans, reddish brown, which is located on both sides of the vertebral column posterior to the peritoneum and is located on the inside of the back muscles. Renal extends from the twelfth thoracic vertebra to the third lumbar vertebra. In kondisii normal, the left kidney is higher than 1.5 to 2 cm in the right kidney because of the position of the liver anatomy. The upper limit of the left kidney as high as the 11th rib and the right kidney as high as the 12th rib and the lower limit of the left kidney as high as 3rd lumbar vertebrate. Each kidney is typically measuring 12 x 7 cm and kidney weight in adult men and adult women 150-170 grams 115-155 grams. An adrenal gland is located in the superior pole of each kidney, but not directly related to the elimination of urine. Each kidney is covered by a capsule that is sturdy and is surrounded by a layer of fat.

Renal wrapped by a thin fibrous tissue and shiny called fibrous capsule (true capsule) outside the kidney and fat tissue are parirenal. Cranial side kidney is an adrenal gland or adrenal gland / suprarenal yellow. The adrenal glands and kidneys together fat tissue parirenal wrapped by Gerota fascia. This fascia serves as a barrier that inhibits the spread of renal parenchymal bleeding and prevent extra vasasi urine at the time of renal trauma. Additionally Gerota fascia serves as a barrier to inhibit the spread of infection or inhibit tumor metastasis to organs surrounding the kidney. Posterior side of the kidney is protected by the back muscles are thick and ribs IX and XII.

While the anterior side is protected by intra-peritoneal organs. Right kidney is surrounded by the liver, colon and duodenum so that it is located lower than the left. While the left kidney is surrounded by a client, stomach, pancreas, jejunum and colon. 

If the kidney in two from top to bottom, the two main areas that can be described, namely the outer cortex and medulla inside. Renal medullary tissue period is divided into several conical called renal pyramids. The basis of each pyramid starts at the border between the cortex and medulla and ends at the papilla, which protrude into the space of the renal pelvis is funnel-shaped connection of the tip end of the ureter.

Perbatasan pelvis sebelah luar terbagi menjadi kantong dengan ujung terbuka yang disebut kalises mayor, yamg meluas kebawah dan terbagi menjadi kalise minor, yang mengumpulkan urin dari tubulus setiap papila. Dinding kalises, pelvis, dan ureter terdiri dari elemen – elemen kontraktil yang mendorong urin menuju kandung kemih, dimana urin disimpan sampai dikeluarkan melalui mikturitis. Dalam setiap pyramid ginjal terdapat berjuta- juta nefron. Nefron merupakan satuan fungsional ginjal mengandung kira-kira 1,3 juta nefron dan tiap nefron dapat membentuk urina sendiri. Selama 24 jam dapat menyaring 170 liter darah.

Renal perform the most important functions with a plasma filter and remove substances from the filtrate at varying speeds, depending on the needs of the body. Finally, the kidneys remove unwanted substances from the filtrate (and therefore of the blood) with mengekskresikanny with urine, while the substance in the blood that is needed is returned.