Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

breast cancer

is a malignant neoplasm with an abnormal growth of breast tissue that does not look at the surrounding tissue, grow ilfiltratif and destructive and metastatic (Reksoprodjo, 1995).
Symptoms of Breast Cancer Clinic
Clinical symptoms are commonly found in patients with breast cancer are as follows

Palpable mass or lump in the breast

Breasts are not symmetrical

There are skin changes: thickening, basin, pale skin around the nipple, skin wrinkled like kaffir lime and the presence of ulcers of the breast

There are changes in skin temperature: warm, redness, heat

There is a discharge from the nipple

There are changes on the nipple: itching, no burning sensation, and erosion occurs retraction

There's pain

The spread to the bones so that the bones become brittle and increases blood calcium levels

There is swelling of the arm area

Etiology and Predisposing Factors

The exact cause of breast cancer is unknown. Breast cancer only occurs in women after menarche, it is suspected that changes in hormonal cycles that may be a contributing factor to the growth of abnormal cells in the breast. Genetic factors also play a role in causing breast cancer, but the genetic effect is not very strong.
If the mother has breast cancer, the chances of female children also suffer from breast cancer is 2 to 3 times greater than the population in general condition, but there is no evidence of a specific pattern inheritan (unloaded). Some hypothesis states that there are genotype predisposes to the formation of cancer cells, but there must be some interaction with non-genetic factors prior to the onset of cancer.
Patients positive family history of cancer, have a tendency to develop cancer at a younger age and the frequency of occurrence is higher compared with patients with no history of cancer in his family.
In general, breast cancer occurs in multi-factor. In addition to the contribution of genetic factors, gender, age, other comorbidities, also can be caused by diet pattern.

Based on the purpose of surgical therapy, mastectomy can be divided into two kinds of goals curative and palliative purposes.
The principle of curative therapy is surgical removal of the cancer cells without leaving any microscopic cancer cells. This curative surgical therapy performed on early-stage breast cancer (stage 0, I and II).
While the goal is palliative surgical therapy for breast cancer mengangat macroscopically and still leave microscopic cancer cells. Palliative surgical treatment is generally undertaken to reduce patient complaints such as bleeding, broken bones and ulcer treatment, performed at an advanced stage of breast cancer, namely stage III and IV.
Cancer cell removal procedure can be done in the following way:

Radical mastectomy, the entire breast Lifting, skin, major and minor muscles, axillary lymph nodes and surrounding fatty tissue.

Modified radical mastectomy, radical mastectomy but as pectoralis major muscle is maintained.

Simple mastectomy, breast Raised by maintaining the muscles that support.

Partial mastectomy, Raised lesion and surrounding tissues including the lymph nodes.

Lumpectomy, Raised lesions and 3 to 5 cm ditepinya tissue, breast tissue and skin is maintained.